~ chapter 3.2 ~

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Doctor Griffin came running up to my horse and I dismounted, helping her lift Jasper onto a stretcher.

"What happened?" She asked with urgency.

"Ice Nation." I grimaced, pressing my hand to his throat to slow the bleeding. She handed the stretcher off to me and the other Doctor, Eric Jackson.

I knew next to nothing about medicine, but I wanted to help Jasper.

"Jackson?" I looked up at the man once we'd reached the medical bay. He couldn't be much older than I was, maybe just a few years. "Will he live?"

He grimaced. "I'm not sure. With the amount of alcohol in his body, not to mention his lack of a will to live, we'll be doing most of the fighting for him."

I nodded. A few months ago, I would've broken down crying over the chance of my best friend dying, but after what we'd endured since being on the Ground, it was just another day in paradise.

"Jackson, he said something when we came in to camp. He said that he- that he hated me for not letting him die."

Jackson grimaced and looked down at Jasper. He had given the boy some drugs to knock him out while he worked.
"He's depressed because of what happened in Mount Weather. It had nothing to do with you, I promise."
I nodded, then turned to leave.

Monty had gone with Bellamy, Octavia was busy arguing with her Grounder boyfriend, and Miller had disappeared, probably to his boyfriend as well.

Harper was nowhere to be found and Jasper was practically dead. I had no other friends. I needed a drink.

When I got to the small food counter, I asked the man for a drink.

"You're one of the hundred, yes?" I rolled my eyes. I got asked that every day. Yes, I'm a scary criminal who's 18 years of age. Oooh!!

"Yeah, why?" I crossed my arms.

"I can't give you a drink. You're too young."

I muttered some choice words under my breath and stalked away. I'd get him next time. It's not like anyone enforced drinking laws around here. I'd grown up in farm station, I'd been drinking moonshine all my life and gotten arrested for smoking weed. I could handle myself. But I was in no position to argue with an adult, because all adults are superior. Even if I was a legal one myself.

I realized something. Jasper had a stash of alcohol under his bed. If he was conscious, I'd get murdered for touching it, but alas he was not so I went for it anyway.

I had reached the room he shared with Monty and finally gotten my arm under his bed to grab a bottle when a voice made me jump.

"What are you looking for?"

"Holy hell, Miller. You scared the shit out of me! I thought you were with Bryan."

He was leaning in the doorframe. "Nah, he had somewhere to be. I thought I'd come looking for you but it turns out that you are a moping mess who's about to get a lot messier. Seriously though, Morgan. Drinking? It's the afternoon."

I grumbled. "It works for Jasper, it'll work for me. You know, he told me he hated me today."

Miller came closer and sat on Jaspers bed. "That's the alcohol talking. He doesn't hate you. He's just still pissed about Maya. Here," He grabbed the bottle from me and set it down out of my reach. "Let's visit Jasper."

He slung an arm over my shoulder and dragged me back to the medical bay. "How is he?" He asked Jackson.

Jackson looked away, and stammered, "He's awake, but barely. You can see him now but I'm not sure you'll get any conversation."

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