~ chapter 4.8 ~

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Monty drove us to where Bellamy and Clarke were. The whole time, my mind was racing. I was at another crossroads. We wouldn't make it back in time to go to the bunker, and Jasper would likely be dead by then anyway. So when we stopped and Harper got out of the car, I grabbed Monty's arm.

"Monty, I need to get Jasper to Abby. You can squeeze into Clarke's rover, right? Jasper and I need to get to Polis. I don't want to abandon you, but we've come this far and I can't let him die after just barely saving him."

Monty frowned. "You can't drive."

"I can figure it out."

"No. We're headed to Raven, there's enough medical supplies there. I know you don't want to go under the ground, and neither does he. We'll make it, I promise."

Monty sighed. "Alright. But you and I both know I can't promise that we'll make it back to see you again."

I nodded, tears pricking my eyes. "May we meet again."

He pulled me into a hug, then handed me his radio. "May we meet again."

I climbed into the front of the rover and took a deep breath. "You've got this," I told myself. I'd been a passenger countless times. How hard can driving be? As it turns out, pretty hard. I hardly knew the way to Polis, I'd only been there a few times. But I could figure it out. We had a map. Jasper was alive and conscious enough to complain about my driving, but not conscious enough to help with the map.

Between looking at the map and trying to figure out how to drive and the red hazy sky, we weren't exactly smooth sailing. We did make it, though. After a long hour of driving, we reached Polis. I grabbed the radio as we pulled up.

"This is Cressida Morgan, can anyone hear me?" I waited a moment, then repeated myself. "Is anyone there?"

I stayed in the rover until I heard back. The panic set in. What if they couldn't hear me and I wouldn't be able to get in and Jasper and I would die out here even after all the effort?

I waited a few minutes, calling for help every forty-five seconds or so. I was about to raise the radio to the mouth again when I heard it crackle.

...wrong? This is Abby Griffin.

"Abby!" I almost shouted into the radio. "It's just me and Jasper, we've come from the Ark. He's very weak and we're sitting in a rover in Polis. We need you to let us in."

Cressida, I have to be honest with you. The radiation levels are getting very high. It's going to be very hard to get that door open for you.

"Please, Abby, we're going to die up here. Jasper just OD'd a few hours ago and we hardly brought him back. He needs real medical attention."

It's not very pleasant down here. We can only have 100 of our people.

"Just give us a chance. I don't care if we have to get kicked out of the bunker in the next two hours, I just need him to be healthy for at least a moment." I was crying again. A common theme lately.

I will see what I can do. But I can't make any promises.

The radio clicked and I knew she was done talking. We were going to sit here for a while, then. Under the red moon, surrounded by haze, alone.

"Jasper," I crawled into the backseat. "Are you okay?"

"Aside from being immensely motion sick, somewhat." He rasped out. We'd gotten him into a radiation suit as soon as we could, but he still had burns on his face and neck from before. His breathing was shallow. He wasn't doing too well. We needed Abby, or this was the end.

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