~ chapter 3.4 ~

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Monty had dropped me at my room. Again. I wasn't sure where he was disappearing to every day, but I could only hope he wasn't abandoning me, too. I sat in self-pity, before deciding that I needed a drink.

Monty gone, Octavia gone, Finn gone, Clarke gone, Jasper gone, Miller gone. No one to stop me today. I chuckled to myself as I walked through the halls, which earned me a few looks that I ignored. I reached the counter and leaned over it.

"Sinclair! Can I get that drink today?" He gave me a side-eye and shook his head.
"Still not a bartender, Miss Morgan."

I groaned and turned around. I still wanted to avoid Jasper to prove a point, so I found a table and sat down. I was going to sit there until someone let me leave Arkadia.

I'd been forbidden to leave, for some reason. I wasn't dangerous or anything, and I'd followed rules perfectly. Well, almost perfectly. I'd snuck out a few times, and perhaps stolen a few small things, but that was just my criminal nature. I was endlessly bored without anyone around to spend time with.

Miller had his boyfriend, Octavia had her boyfriend, Clarke had her politics, Bellamy had his guard jacket, Monty had his secret job, and Jasper had his alcohol. I had Sinclair on my back about underage drinking and lots of free time.

My days were spent in my room or people-watching. I still hadn't even been given a job in Arkadia. It's like I was on house arrest for something I didn't even do. I couldn't stand it, but I didn't know who to go to. The job of Chancellor was being passed around like a joint. I knew that if I went to Kane he'd tell me to go to Abby, and vice versa. And I didn't like Pike, so I refused to accept him as a leader. He. was a dickhead and I'd take President Wallace over him. Okay, no I wouldn't.


The next day, I decided that I couldn't do it anymore. I got out of bed and stormed straight to the medical bay for Abby. Once I got there, Jackson ran in front of me to stop me.

"Out of my way, Doctor." I tried to push past him. He gripped my arms tight.

"Cressida, I need to check out your nose before you go on whatever mission you're headed to."

"I need to talk to Abby," I demanded. He wasn't phased.

"Ten minutes, then you can."

I grumbled, but obliged. He looked at my nose and changed the bandage to a much smaller one. As promised, he let me storm up to Abby after he was done.

"Chancellor!" I called as I found her checking someone's blood pressure. "Or Doctor, or whatever you are. I can't be cooped up in here anymore, I need a job. Let me go out into the forest or something."

She seemed taken aback, but was probably used to delinquent teenagers with anger issues lashing out at her. "Slow down, Miss Morgan. You're friends with Jasper, yes?"

I looked away, glaring. "Tell him that." She looked at me with concern, but took it as a yes.

"Alright, how about you keep an eye on him? You can go wherever he goes, and I'll let you leave the camp if you'd like. But you have to let someone know that you're leaving."

I grinned, a real one, for the first time in weeks. "Oh, thank you, Doctor." I practically ran out of the medical bay and to the gate. We were technically on lockdown, considering the Grounder army sitting right outside our doorstep, but I didn't care. Let them shoot me, for all I cared.

When the guard tried to stop me, I just hopped over the fence with ease.
"I'm going into the forest!" I threw them a couple of fingers and broke into a run.

I had no weapons, but all I wanted to do was climb a tree, or get a breath of fresh air. An escape from the people, Jaha's magic cookies, and the impending war. Unfortunately, climbing a tree isn't easy when there's a hundred scouts hiding in the forest, waiting for someone — like me — to come out and disturb them. So I turned back.

I spent some time thinking. Jasper didn't have enough time to truly love Maya, he was just being unfair to us and himself. And me.

When the reflecting got too painful, I went off to the medical bay to see if Dr. Griffin was around, maybe she could provide some company. What I found was Pike casting out everyone in the room.

"What's going on here?" I demanded, storming up to stand next to Abby. No one answered. Lincoln was right behind me.

"Lincoln, you don't want to be here right now," Bellamy warned.

Pike's men were dragging sick people out of their beds. Lincoln approached one of the men, then gestured to a woman.
"She is too sick to move."

"Looks like she's doing just fine with me," The man replied.

He and Lincoln glared at each other for a moment before the man pulled his gun on Lincoln. Lincoln threw the first punch, and it turned into a blur of punching and kicking.

Bellamy tried to pull Lincoln off, but earned an elbow to the face instead. It was hard to watch, so I looked away for a second. There was something more important to my left. Pike had a gun to the sick woman's head.

"Are you crazy?" I walked right up to the Chancellor. "Put that away!"

He ignored me completely, not even flinching when I moved to take the gun from him. He just looked to one of his men, who grabbed me before I could even make contact.

"He goes with them," Pike motioned to Lincoln. I struggled against the man to go after Lincoln, but he had me held tight. "What, you want to go with him, too?" He glared.

In a split second decision, I spat in his eye. "I'll take that as a 'yes'," Pike nodded to the man holding me and I was dragged away.

guys we're getting close to like an actual problem next season should i go canon divergent and shake it up or tear out your hearts and be canon compliant

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