~chapter 2.3~

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"-to get into medical and she took off." I turned to corner to find Monty and Jasper deep in conversation. I shoved down all emotion and stood next to Monty.
"Who? Clarke?" They ignored me.
"We have to go after her!" Monty pressed.
Jasper shook his head, reaching out to stop Monty, who was already packing a bag.
"Where will you go?"
I chimed in. "Well, the dropship, for starters." I walked to my bed and started packing my things as well.
Maya walked into the dorm.
"I just heard. Are you leaving?"
"Yes. We are." Monty and I responded in unison. I didn't take my eyes off Jasper, staring him down.
"No, we're not," he argued.
"What would Clarke do if she was in your position?" Monty asked Jasper. Before he could respond, Maya took his arm. I narrowed my eyes even more.
"No, you can't. It's too dangerous."
"Too dangerous for you, maybe. But we're Grounders. We understand how Earth works. We've been outside. Not holed up in this box." I snapped at Maya. It was unfair, and maybe a bit much, but only a small part of me regretted it. Jasper pretended he didn't hear me.
"Monty's right. She'd go after me, but why am I so scared to do the same thing?" A loud alarm sounded.
"What is that?" I shouted over the blaring alarm.
"Radiation. There’s a containment breach!" Maya turned to look up at us. Her face was already covered in blisters.
"What- how?" I recoiled at the sight.
"I don't know!" She cried.
"What do we do?" Monty grabbed Maya's arm, not sure where to go. The door had automatically shut with the alarm.
"Help!" Jasper cried out, banging on the door. I stood, stunned. Everything had happened so fast.


Maya was lying in a hospital bed, her entire body covered in blisters.

"Temperature's 104 and rising. Blood pressure 180 over 120. Blister coverage now 75%. Standard treatment isn't working," The doctor said.
"Wait. What does that mean? Is there a non-standard treatment?" Jasper's voice cracked.
"It's... unorthodox. Because you were raised in space, your circulatory systems developed the ability to filter radiation out of your blood. Now it's just a theory, but if we were to circulate Maya's blood through your system.."
"No." I butted in. As angry as I was, I wouldn't let Jasper be a part of some lab experiment. He reached out, his arm keeping me behind him.
"I could make her better, Cress."
"What would happen to him?" I bit my lip.
"I'm not sure." The doctor replied reluctantly. Monty grabbed Jasper's arm.
"I know that look. You can't. It's too dangerous."
"I'm in."

"You sure about this? Look at her. I know you like her, but her blood is about to go into your body." A machine started beeping rapidly.
"What's happening?" I stepped forward. As much as I disliked Maya, I didn't want to see anyone die.
"We need to do this now. Yes or no, Jasper." The doctor said. I reached for Jasper's hand, but he yanked it away. Oh, well.
"I can't let her die! Let's do this."
Monty and I glanced at each other. The doctor hit the button and Jasper yelped.
"What's wrong?" Monty jumped at the sound.
"Nothing. I feel nice."
I rolled my eyes at Jaspers suddenly dazed eyes.
"Maya’s been heavily sedated. You will, of course, feel that, too. It's perfectly normal." The doctor smiled at Jasper, who had gone from dazed to absolutely zooted. However, something was off about the doctor's smile.
"If you've never done this before, how do you know?" I asked her, stepping closer. Her eyes widened for a just a sliver of a second.
"You're right. I should have said: It's to be expected," Monty and I looked at each other again. "This will take a while. Why don't you head back to your room? I'll send for you once he's awake."
Monty shook his head and we both pulled up chairs to sit by Jasper and wait.


Hours later, I woke up to the doctors voice. Maya had just awakened. Monty and I were leaning against each other for support, but everyone seemed to wake up at the same time. Jasper was looking at Maya. The same look he'd given me every day on the Ark. That seemed like years ago. Maya was reciprocating it. Of course she was. He'd saved her life. I had to look away. I stood up and left. It was sickening.

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