~ chapter 3.12 ~

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"There it is. We stop here." Clarke motioned for Bellamy to pull over. As I got out of the rover, Polis came into view. It was like nothing I'd ever seen. The building was probably hundreds of stories tall and full of lights.

"Alright, this is where we split up," Roan said. "The entrance to the tunnel is right over there."

"We know where it is," Bellamy said shortly.

"I'm gonna need the Flame." Roan looked at Clarke. I missed the rest of their conversation as I pulled out my gear. They'd given me a better gun this time, and I had a heavier coat for the cold weather. Octavia had helped me braid my hair back to keep it away from my face. There was the potential for a real fight here, with real trained warriors. This was something I'd not encountered yet.

Bellamy led us through the tunnel, flashlights on. We took turn after turn until he stopped us at a dead end with the smallest of windows.

"Get these grids open."

Miller and I started to pull at the windows to open them, but it took a lot of force. When they finally squeaked open, we set our guns against the windowsill.

"Are we ever gonna be done fighting?" Bryan asked Miller.

"Hell yes," He responded, managing a smile. "We're gonna build a house on a lake. You're gonna plant corn."

"And raise chickens," Bryan smiled.

"Yeah," Miller rubbed his shoulder. "And grow old."

I could see the heartbreak on Octavia's face, but she did well to keep it inside her as she listened to all the beautiful things she would've done with Lincoln.

"On the signal. He sees Ontari." Bellamy gestured towards Roan through the window. "We wait until she's standing in front of them. And then we launch the gas."

Bryan started pulling out the gas masks for us. "They're gonna be holding their breath, so we've gotta move fast."

Bellamy spared a look backwards. "Anyone who gets in our way, we use non-lethal force. These people are not the enemy. They're being controlled. The only thing we're here to kill is Alie. Is that clear?"

We nodded and said, "Clear," in unison. Bellamy set off his flashlight signal to ready Clarke and Roan. Roan held up the Flame and said something. Everyone that was sitting in the abandoned marketplace opened their eyes and stood.

Watching through the window was probably one of the most eerie things I'd ever encountered, even with Miller telling ghost stories every night in Mount Weather. The people formed a circle around Roan and Clarke. Jaha made his way into my limited line of sight.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Octavia muttered.

"Do you see Ontari?" Miller asked, standing up.

"No. Hold."

I watched Jaha talk with Roan. But then something happened. Roan put away the Flame, probably after something Jaha said, and the people around them closed in tighter.

"Something's wrong," I said. Roan pulled Clarke against his chest with a knife to her throat.

"Do it. Do it now!" Bellamy said, and Miller opened the window to toss the gas grenade out. Before he could get it out, something grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

"On your knees!" A man shouted. "Drop your weapon!" My gun was ripped out of my hands and tossed to the side. "Against the wall!"

I grunted on the impact of being shoved face-first into a concrete wall. My face was against the window, and I caught every moment of Kane pulling the trigger on Roan. I managed to gasp out a sound of pity before being kicked in the back. They pushed us down onto our knees and into a line. A man punched Miller in the face. I glared at him, but didn't want to incite any shooting on either end. The man looked at us for a minute, before settling his eyes on Bellamy.

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