~ chapter 3.9 ~

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After burning both Sinclair and Lincoln's bodies, we spent quite a bit of time in silence. It was only right.

The next morning, we packed up and got ready to head out. As I put my things into the back of the rover, Bellamy spoke.

"We're leaving, why aren't you ready?"

"We're not going with you," Raven said. "I can barely walk and my shoulder is killing me. But my brain is all kinds of awesome."

"She remembered that Alie downloaded herself into the Ark mainframe. If the code is still there, we might be able to find a back door."

"I'm guessing once you connect Alie-2 to Luna, we'll need to access Alie-1 to take her down."

"Miller." Bellamy nodded to him.

"We'll keep 'em safe." He said, motioning to Harper, Bryan, and himself.

Bellamy turned to Jasper. "How about you? It's gonna be dangerous."

"You know me well. I'm in."

Bellamy and Clarke got ready to start up the rover. I went over to Miller. "We're separating again?"

"You know it. We'll see each other soon, though. It's not too long." Miller said, hugging me.

Monty approached us. "You're going with them?" He said to me.

"I'm in too deep, and someone has to keep an eye on Jas."

"And who better than you?" Miller winked.

"May we meet again." I hugged them both again and turned towards the rover. Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Jasper, and I all piled in and headed out of the Ark.

"It's been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage." Jasper said, referring to the map in Lincoln's book. "Seeing as we're using a map without any distances, it could be days before we reach Luna's village."

"At least we know we're going in the right direction."

"We're running out of daylight," Jasper insisted. "We should stop in the sun and recharge the battery."

"What sun?" I said, looking out of the rover window at the rainstorm.

"We keep going until it dies." Clarke said sternly.

"We keep going until we get to Luna." Octavia corrected.

"What do you think she's gonna say when we show up asking to put an AI in her head?" Jasper asked.

"Lincoln said she helps those that are in trouble. She'll help us, too."

Bellamy pulled over. The road was blocked by a fallen tree.

"Let's backtrack. Find somewhere where the trees aren't so bad." Bellamy said, but Octavia had already jumped out of the back of the rover.

"Guess we're going on foot," I sighed, following.

"Stop!" Octavia held a hand up. "Hear that?" At first, the only sounds that I could make out were rustling of the trees with the wind. Then, listening closer, running water.

"Water. Let's go!" Clarke and Octavia ran quickly ahead, leaving me and the boys in the dust.

"Eyes sharp!" Bellamy called out. "They could be hostile."

Octavia stopped. "They're not hostile. Put the guns down." Her brother sighed, but lowered his weapon. I followed closely behind Clarke as we ran along the river banks. We were spit out at a drop-off. The view was all water.

"Where's the village?" Jasper asked, looking at the map. We looked around, and my eye caught on some rock structures.

"No, it can't be." Octavia moaned, and ran off to the small peninsula. We followed her.

"This isn't a village, it's just a bunch of rocks," Bellamy noted, ever so observant.

"What do we do now?" Jasper asked, sighing. No one answered. Octavia let out a loud yell of defeat that echoed across the water.

I laid down the firewood next to where Octavia was trying to spark a flame.

"It's almost dark, we need to talk about what we're going to do." Clarke said.

"We wait until first light. Then, we split up and search the shore in both directions." Octavia said, blowing on her fire.

"I agree," Bellamy said. "Lincoln wouldn't put this spot on the map unless it was important." He reached down to pick up Lincoln's notebook.

"Don't touch that," Octavia lashed out at him and grabbed the book. We all looked around, avoiding eye contact with each other. Bellamy knelt down to meet Octavia's eyes.

"Come on, O. How long?" Bellamy whispered.

"I don't know," She muttered. "I can't even look at you. Because every time I do, I see Pike putting that gun to Lincoln's head. I hear the gunshot. I see him fall."

"I didn't kill Lincoln."

"No, but he is dead because of you." Octavia raised her voice.

"I came to you," Bellamy stood back up. "You didn't take my help. If you had just trusted me, I—"

Octavia ignored him. Bellamy got up to leave, and Clarke followed him. Jasper tossed a pine branch into the fire and it turned bright green.

"What did you just do?" Octavia stood up quickly.

"Nothing. I just threw these in the fire."

Octavia opened Lincoln's book and pulled out another branch and tossed it in the fire.

"What is it?" Clarke asked.

"Pine," I replied, looking into the green fire.

"A signal fire," Octavia said. "He was trying to tell us. This is how we contact Luna."

"I'll get more." Jasper threw the last bit into the fire. We tossed pine needles into the fire over and over to keep it green until dark. Octavia, Jasper, and I settled down and tossed the last few into the fire.

I heard a rustling, but before I could comprehend it, there were figures, dark enough to be silhouettes, surrounding us with crossbows. We put our hands up and they tossed Clarke and Bellamy onto the ground, gagged and bound.

One of the men approached Octavia and asked her something in the Grounder language. She answered, and the man replied in English.

"Skaikru, bringers of death. Why should we give you safe passage?" The woman next to me raised her crossbow to point towards my neck.

Octavia paused for a moment, then spoke. "Lincoln. He sent us."

The man ordered the others to do something, and they removed Clarke and Bellamy's gags and freed their hands.

"What's going on?" Bellamy whispered. Octavia replied, "I don't know."

The man removed a vial from a pouch and handed it to Octavia.

"What is that?" I craned my neck to get a better look. He went over to me and handed me an identical vial, then the rest of us. "Safe passage," was all he said.

"What does it do?" Jasper asked slowly. Octavia didn't hesitate to drink it. She knocked it back immediately and said, "I trust Lincoln."

"If only she drinks, only she goes." The man said. I trusted Octavia well enough, so I followed suit. Jasper raised his in a toast and downed it. Octavia fell to the ground.

The last thing I heard before I went out was Jaspers voice. "Oh, crap."

i am on a roll with writing these chapters

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