~ chapter 1.2 ~

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As Cressida left the camp with the group, introductions were tossed around. There was Clarke, obviously, the other girl was Octavia, and the other boy was Finn. I hung back a bit and asked Monty for a background on the two. Sure, I'd been locked up with them for years, but I'm not very observant. "Octavia is a second-born child. She was arrested when they found her." Octavia shot a look back at us, clearly aware that we were talking about her. She ran ahead just as we came to a river. I stopped, looking around at the group. "There's no river on this map."


Octavia ran up to the edge of the river and began to strip off her clothes. "Octavia, what the hell?" I yelled after her. She glanced back, said nothing, and dove into the water. I ran up after her, Jasper right behind me.
"You can't swim!" We called after her.
"No, but I can walk." She stood in the water. Clarke gasped.
"Octavia, get out of the water. Now!" Octavia turned. There was some sort of creature coming after her. And fast. It grabbed her and pulled her under. Her screams were cut off, turned into gargles, then back into screams. I hurried to get into the water to save her, but Jasper held his arm out to stop me. I was about to protest when he jumped in to get her. He dragged her out of the water and onto the shore. They sat there for a moment, Octavia gasping for air and getting the water out of her lungs. She leaned up to give him a kiss of thanks. Jasper grinned. I tried to smother my discomfort at the scene, so I distracted myself with Octavia's injury.
"Clarke, you're the medical person, what do we do?" She gritted her teeth.
"Get her back to camp and have someone take care of her. We'll come back."


The next morning, I was tending to Octavia. Or more accurately, sitting next to her as other people tended to her. She looked up at Clarke, who was clearing planning to leave again. She sat up, and with my help, hopped over to Clarke.
"We're ready!" A man grabbed her arm. Bellamy Blake. Her older brother, the self-elected leader of the 100.
"Where are you going?"
"For a walk." She teased. More bickering between Clark and Bellamy, and eventually Clarke stormed off, Finn close behind her. I looked at Jasper and Monty and beckoned them to come along. Monty shook his head.
"I'm staying. You two go."


"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling." Clarke scolded Finn. He looked over the edge. I shivered at the thought. We were standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down into the water. I looked across it, then at the vine we would be swinging from.
"Mount Weather awaits," Octavia smiled.

"Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine." Jasper patted Finn on the back.
"The apogee like the indians, right?"
"Apogee, not apache." Jasper corrected. I butted in.
"He knows. Today, Finn!"
"Aye aye, captain," Finn said in a mocking tone, causing me to make a face. He exhaled. "See you on the other side!" He backed up, ready to swing.
"Wait." Jasper interrupted. We all turned to him.
"What?" Finn pressed, happy to wait a little longer.
"Let me. I can do it." He said, grabbing the vine.
"Jasper-" I said, but Finn cut me off with a chuckle.
"I knew there was a badass somewhere in there."
Jasper wiped his probably sweaty hand on his hip, clearly nervous.
"Hey," Finn reached out to pat him on the back. "It's okay to be nervous. The trick is not fighting it." This seemed to inspire Jasper, as he backed up, ready to get a running start.
"See you on the other side," His eyes lingered on me for a second. Then, he ran. Once everyone else started cheering, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Whoo! We are apogee!" Jasper yelled back at us as he landed. The rest of us were laughing and cheering as Jasper pushed back the vine for Finn to catch.
"Your turn, Princess." He handed it to Clarke. Jasper yelled out some more encouraging words to her, picking up a battered old sign printed with the words 'MOUNT WEATHER'. Clarke backed up, just as Jasper had, and prepared to swing. One last time, I yelled out to him.
"Yeah, Jas-" My words were cut off with a spear soaring with impeccable accuracy right into Jaspers abdomen. I screamed, noticing a split second before the others.
"No!!" I shrieked. "Ja-" My words were once again cut off, this time by Finn's hand.
"Shh! If you keep on yelling, our fate will be the same as his. Come on!" He dragged my stunned body away from the edge until I tore my gaze away from my best friend's unconscious body and regained the strength to stumble along back to camp.


hey again y'all uh I'm having fun writing this instead of doing schoolwork also please leave like,,, feedback in the comments because im trying i swear :((

whatever the hell we want || j. jordan | DISCONTINUEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن