Chapter 10 "Love,Potatos and Romeo&Juliet"

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I was lying on my bed. I couldn't sleep.

I looked at the clock: 04.00 am. Then I looked to my window, through it I could see that Niall was awake. Then a pencil flew encountering my window, like alway, but this time my window was opened so the pencil entered my room. I ignored him.

"Please..." he said "I know you are not sleeping"

"What do you want?" I asked him still on my bed.

"I want to tell you something"

"So, go on, tell me whatever you want to say. I won't raise. I can hear you from here..."

"I was an incredible stupid to tell you that" he said waiting for an answer he didn't get "I was just tired. My mum is really annoying, I was overwhelmed with our moms spying us and rejecting the possible relationship we could have had. The thing of forgetting about us, seriously, I didn't mean it. I was dying when I knew you liked Harry, I got really jealous, you could see that.  And now, there is this posibility that you like me, I don't want to lose you. C'mon, I've been in love with you since we were 13 and...

"You are in love with me?" I asked really  astonished, going next to the window to see Niall's face "Kidding, right?"

"Um" he was blushing "No, I am not kidding."

"I never realised that..."

"Because I was too shy to say it" he said. "Please, I don't want to forget about us. Even if we had to see each other in secret!"

"Niall, are you serious? in secret?" I asked him "We are not in a movie! We are not Romeo and Juliet or Monica and Chandler!"

"Monica and Chandler?" he asked confused.

"From the serie FRIENDS"

"Oh, right, I remember...."  he said "So we are friends, lovers, enemies, potatos, what are we?"

"Enemies, potatos?" I asked laughing, he smiled "I don't know.... I mean, until some days ago I didn't even know that I liked you, everything was SO fast cause I liked Harry and two minutes later I liked you!"

"You are right..." he said.

We shut up. We kept some minutes in silence. Then he looked at me in the eyes and told me:

"I love you" 

"Niall...." now I was speechless.

"Just one chance" he said "That's all I ask"

"What about the group?" I asked, he didn't understand "It will be weird for them to have a couple in the group...."

"They will get used to" he said smiling.

"And our moms? You said it by yourself, they are annoying"

"Mmm... you see? our families and friends doesn't hate each other but we are like a weird kind of Romeo and Juliet" he said smiling. I laughed, he was crazy.

"Maybe..." i said still laughing.

"So the idea of dating in secret doesn't sound bad now, huh?" he said.

"No, it doesn't" I answered "Ok, let's give it a shot"

"You are awsome"

"I know" I joked.

"So, my beautiful lady, would you accept to have a delightful date with this gentleman who is crazy about you?" he asked me with a snobish accent.

"That would be a pleasure, sir" I answered laughing.

"So, I will pick you up at 8.00 o'clock and then we can go to Mc Donal's" he said

"Cool" I said. Yeah, maybe Mc Donal's wasn't the most romantic place, it was for me because he remembered it was my favourite place to have dinner.

"Cool, so see ya, Juliet" he said.

"See you, Romeo the big potato"

Then I went happy to sleep.

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