Chapter 6 "Finally a date"

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I was in my bedroom listening music and relaxing, it had been a stressful first day of school, when someone knocked the door.

"You told me we were going to talk later" Niall said at the moment I opened the door " Now is later"

"Fine" I accepted "Come in"

We sat on the sofa and kept in silent some minutes.

"Ok... this is akward" I said.

"Yes..." Niall agreed

We were quite again. Then, there was a suspectious noise. Niall farted.

"OMG! Sorry!" he said desperate, he was like a tomato.

"It's ok" I said laughing. I wasn't the first time, he sometimes farted when he gets nervous.

 Silence again. God, this is getting really weird, I thought. Minutes later he said:

"I'll talk first.... um, well, I am really sorry, seriously, I know you like him and he likes you, maybe I got a bit jealous...."

"Yeah, I could see that, but why? I mean, we are friends"

He was quiet now. And red.

"Niall, we are suppose to talk, so talk...." I told him

 "Yes... we are friends, and maybe is because of that"

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit confused.

"I mean..." he thought his answered and blushed again "Um... " he got nervous "I think I'm a bit protector with you, just that... OKAY!, I'm hungry, what about you? Wanna an ice-cream, pizza, frapuccino, pringles? Let's eat something... OH! what about a burger?"

"Hey! What does the food have to do with this?"

"Um, oh god, I am not good at talking, em... "

"It's all right, Niall, I am not angry with you anymore" I told him.

"GOOD!" he smiled but he was still nervous "Good... well, I have to go..."

"Ok, you know the exit"

He laughed nervouslly. 

"Yes, I do, I do, I came here a lot of times, and entered through the door which is the same I have to cross now to get out" he babbled "Oh, boy, what's wrong with me?!" he asked to himself. I laughed "Well, bye... Oh! I almost forget, um, we are rehearsing tomorrow in my garage, do you want to come?"

"I wouldn't miss it" I said.

"Great!" he turned around and hit his head with the door "Fuck! my head!" he cursed "Ok, bye" he opened the door and went away.

The next day, after school, I went to the rehearsal. They were awsome, they were playing at the café of the academy campus on Friday so we had to suspend the cinema.

"You are great" I told them.

"We know it, but thank you any way" Zayn joked.

"Thanks!" said Liam and Louis.

"Thank you", said Niall.

Harry was just smiling, looking at me, I don't know if he heard what I said.

"Hey! and who made up the band's name?" I asked.

"The curly one" Louis said. Harry smiled at Louis.

"I love it" I said.

"The name or Harry?" Niall whispered to me.

Both, I thought.

"The name..." I lied but it was obviouly Niall knew the answer.

"Uh-ha. Sure" he said in a sarcastic way.

After the rehearsal, I went with Harry on a date.


My celphone rang, yesterday at night.

"Hey, It's Harry" he said with his beautiful voice.

"HI!"I said really happy "Um... how did you get my number?"

"Niall gave to me" he said. I smiled, Niall was a good friend "He also told me that you were coming to the rehearsal tomorrow,  right?"


"Excellent!" he said "Wanna hang out after it? You know, like a date?"

"OF COURSE!" I said "I mean,  yes, sure, why not?"

"Awsome! well, see you tomorrow", he said happilly.

*End of the Flashback*

We went to Starbucks. He paid the frapuccinos. He was really charming and so funny! He was perfect, nice smile, nice eyes, nice face, nice personality, everything nice! 

At night, he took me to my house.

"It was great spending time with you" he said.

"Yeah, it was..." I couldn't finish the sentence because he kissed me. It was awsome, so nice, and romantic and I don't know why, something was missing. Chemestry? I don't think so. Sparks? Either. So, what was it? 

It will continue :O


I hope you like thiis, i'm trying to make it romantic anf fun, if you liked leave comments :P

More than a friendship (Niall and You)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ