Chapter 9 "Once upon a time and... the end"

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"Hi" I said at 11.05 a.m to Niall.

"Your excuse?" he asked.

"I'm going to see a movie with Lucy"

"I'm studying with Louis"

We laughed. 

We went to St James's Park and had an ice-cream. Then we sat on the grass.

"So? What are we..."I started to asked but Niall kissed me.

"What are we what?" he asked then.

"What are going to do? My mum freaked out yesterday, I don't think she'd like to see us together..."

"Yeah, with my mum is the same" he said sadly "She even gave me a sermon this morning saying  that I was young to have a real girlfriend and that it will be worse if it was with someone I've known all my life!"

"Fuck..." I said.

"Yeah: fuck".

"So there is nothing more to say about it?" I asked.

"I don't think so..." he said "So friends?" he asked offering his hand.

"Yes" we shook hands and when he was distracted, I pulled his hand and atracted him to me and kissed him. 

"I thought we were friends" he said smiling.

"Yes, but with benefits" I flirted and he nodded.

"Seems fare" he said before kissing me again.


I was walking in the hall and some took my hand and made me entered the concierge's room. Niall.  Not really a romantic place but I could be with him. It was a good place for kissing someone, of course when the concierge doens't enter and start shouting to get out of there. The guys didn't know anything about us.


Our dance teacher made us to choose partners. I was with Niall. Erin encouraged herself to ask Liam to be his partner. Lucy's partner was Harry (I think this two could make a good couple). Zayn's partner was a new girl called Perrie. And Louis' partner was a popular girl called Eleonor who seemed to like him.

Niall was an incredible dancer. Specially with the Irish dance, of course.


Physic's Exam. Blaaaaaaaaaaaah, I hate Physics.


The group went to the Camden Market to hang out. It was great, we had an excellet time.


Party Tiiiiiiimee!! Eleonor invited us to a party she was throwing. I decided to go really nice to impress Niall. 

He offered me to take me there in his new car. 1 problem: when I was entering the car, his mum said it would  be better if we went separated ways so I had to take a taxi.

The party was really fun and it was better for Louis who ended kissing the host.

Back home, Niall took me in his car and we stayed there a while talking.

"This is getting annoying, I can't be with you" he told me when he saw his mum watching us from her bedroom's window and my mum from the kitcchen window.

"I know, I'm fed up of that..."I agreed "I think they don't let us get together just because they are worried they could lose her friendship if we broke up or something"

"Agree"he said "Maybe we should forget about this..."

"About our mums?"

"No, about us"

"What?" I shocked by his answer.

"Yeah, I don't know, they won't let us be in peace, it's getting really annoying, I think we should finish our relationship..."

"Finish something that we haven't even started?" I asked him. I wanted to push him and at the same time, hug him and never let him go.

"I don't want to but..." he said but I interrupted him:

"Bye, Horan" I  told him getting out of his car.

"Please, don't get angry" he said following me. I could hear sadness in his voice but he hurt me, so I ignored him "I don't want this to happen".

I didn't answer. Just shut the door in his face.

It will continue :O

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