Chapter 13 "illogical Parents"

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Wednesday, at school:

In the break,I was reading again what I had to study in one day for an exan I was having today.

"Hi, stranger" someone said behind me.

"Hi, Potato" I told Niall.

"So?" he asked "Ready for the exam?"

"Not really!" I answered really nervous "The only  thing I know is that I don't know anything for this exam!"

"Hey... calm down, it will be fine, you are really smart" he said trying to make me relax.

"Yea but I hate Chemistry, I'm in this Art Academy cuase I like art, dancing, acting, etc, I am not here cause I like Chemistry! Damn it, why do we have to study this shit anyway?" I said "I remembered that I was having a test yesterday  afternoon, I didn't study enough"

"Oh" he said hugging me "Calm down, if you get nervous it will be worse" he said kissing my head.

"Yea... I'll try.."

"Heey! You two!" Louis said when he saw us in the hall. We haven't told them about our realationship yet so we stop hugging each other at the moment Tommo saw us.

"Hi, Louis" I said.

"Mmm..." he said looking at us "Why were you hugging in that lovely way, my friends?

"Um... she was sad" Niall said.

"Yes, I don't know anything for the Chemistry exam" I said.

"Okay, well see you, I have my Singing Class" he said still looking us like if we were criminals.

When Louis left, Niall gave me a peck on my lips.

"So it is official!" Liam said smiling when he suddenly appeared.

"Damn it, Liam!" Niall said "You scared us!"

"Sorry" he apologized laughing "So? How long have you been together?"

"Um... a couple of days" I answered.

"Cool..." he said smiling "I'm really happy for you!"

"Thanks" we both said.

"________ (YN)" Liam told me "You don't know how long he has been talking about you, every day, all morning, all nights" and then he laughed again.

"Really?"I asked Niall who was blushing, he was like a tomato.

"Liam" Niall told him really embarrased "That was between us" I laughed

"I think it's sweet" I said kissing his cheek. Niall smiled.

"Well, I have to go to the exam" I said when the bell rang "Bye guys. And... Liam, please don't say anything about us" then I left.

#Niall speaks.

________(YN) left to do her exam. Poor, I hope she doesn't fail, I thought.

"Congratulations, man!" Liam said.

"I'll kill you" I told him smiling.

"So?" he asked "How did this happen?"

"Um... long story" I said but he looked at me like he wasn't accepting that answer so I explained him everything.

"And.. why do you want this to be secret?" he asked.

"Cause our moms, god, they freaked out when they saw us kissing. I can imagine what they would do if they knew we are together"

"Oh, that's bad"

"Yeaa, and it gets worse: her father doesn't like me"

"But how do you know that? And what's up with that? He lives in Doncaster" he said confused.


On Monday, I went to ______(YN)'s house when her mom went out.

"Hey, wanna do something on Sunday?" I asked her.

"Yes, sure" she answered with a pretty smile.

The phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered the phone "Hi, dad! how are you?" she asked her dad and waited for the answer. I'd met his dad a few times "I'm good, so what's up?....Really?! That's great! So when are you moving here?.... Cool! So I'll see you sooner!" she said really happy "He is moving to London!" she told me.

"Great!" I told her.  Then she kept talking by phone.

"Alone? um, no, I'm with Niall... yes, my best friend" when she said this last phrase, she smiled and winked "Yes, I'm sure... no, I am not dating him... I am not dating anybody, I'm single.... believe me!..... what?.... since when?.... Dad! why?!.... But.... " she was interrupted by her father "What the fuck?!... I don't care about my vocabulary! You said.."she was interrupted again"Ok, fine, sorry about saying 'fuck', now twice..... what?!... ok, whatever, goodbye!" and she hung up "I can't believe this!" she shouted.

"What happened?" I asked worried.

"He is.... AAAAAAAHHH!!!" she yelled "After telling me he was going to move here, he asked me if I was dating you"

"Why would he ask that?"

"He talked with my mum the other day when she saw us kissing before we got together" she said "And then he told me he wasn't going to accept our relationship, he didn't believe me when I told him I was single" she said "He doesn't like you but I don't know why, and he said it will ruin our moms' friendship if we brake up" she told me really mad.

"Oh, no" I said "And did he tell....?"

"....our moms about us?" she finnished my question "Yes!"

*End of Flashback*

"Oh, that's really bad" Liam said. He looked at me wtih pity "And what happened after...?"

"Ours moms talked with us together... it was crap the whole conversation" I said.

"I'm sorry, Niall" he said "But you are not letting it stop you, are you? I mean, I've just saw you kissing her"

"No!" I said "I waited a lot of freaking years to be with her! Of course I am not letting this to stop us!"

"So your realtionship is a serious secret"

"Yea, so please don't tell anybody, even the band. Please" 

"Of course not!" he said "I will be your secret diary, bro" he said and we laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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