Chapter Thirty-Two: New Perspective

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She stole a car, and now we're on our way to where Jacqueline is. I'm not happy about stealing this car, but it's fine as long as we give it right back when we're done with everything. Nix is in the backseat talking to the ghost Sebastian while I sit in the passenger seat up front with Tegan. 

“How far is she?” I ash with a frown after we've been driving for about two hours now. We're almost out of state now. 

“She doesn't live in New York, moron,” Tegan mutters. “She just neighbors the border, you know? We're almost there anyways. Don't get your panties in a twist.” 

“I don't think any of us are wearing panties,” I mutter bitterly as I eye Tegan's crotch area. I highly doubt this bitch is wearing any panties since she's wearing these baggy clothing and shit. 

“You're right,” Tegan admits with a casual shrug. “It's very uncomfortable being a guy while wearing panties so I stopped wearing them and stuck with men underwear.” 

I nod slowly as I look out the window once we reach a large house practically in the middle of nowhere. It's a nice stone three-story house and well kept with a surprisingly welcoming feel to it, but I feel like that's a camouflage to hide what's really inside. 

We park in the paved driveway just right in front of the garage. Once we were out, we walk up to the concrete porch and stand in front of the wooden door. 

“What if she isn't home?” Nix asks with a frown. 

I shrug. “I guess we wait then.” 

Tegan growls darkly. “I don't want to be around her when it's dark outside. I want to, at least, be able to get away from her whenever I want.” 

My eyes narrow. “She can't be that bad.” 

We all jump when the front door suddenly opens, and we see a young man about twenty with scraggly brown hair and tired blue eyes. He wears tattered clothing with no shoes, and my eyes narrow when I see the bite marks on his neck. 

“Blood slave,” I mutter bitterly. 

His eyes shift over to me, and he looks like he doesn't even hear anything. “What do you three need?” he asks with a slight slur in his voice. 

“We need to see your owner, Jacqueline Dracula,” Tegan speaks up with authority. 

The boy sighs tiredly as he places his hand over the fresh bloody bite mark on his neck. “Uh... I don't know...” 

I've heard of these notorious vampire bites and how they induce the “feel good” whatever. It's almost like a drug how they let the vampires bite them. I've never been bit by a vampire, but I know how orgasmic they are. This guy looks like he just had several all at once, and it makes me feel pity for him. Men are nothing like women. We aren't built to have an orgasm over and over like they are so it's got to be rough. 

We aren't accustomed to losing blood either. 

“Ask her, slave,” I tell him gently. “We don't want you to get in trouble, okay?” 

His defensive eyes slightly widen at my tone and expression. I guess he's not use to kindness, and that worries me. Is this Jacqueline mean to him? 

“I will ask. Wait right here,” he says before shutting the door. 

We stand out on the porch in silence as we wait patiently for the door to open. Just in a few minutes, the door opens and the same boy is there. 

“You can come in,” he says quietly as he steps aside so we can come in. 

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