Chapter Forty-Two: Trouble

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I'm not exactly sure what's going on. It's like I've fallen into a deep sleep, but at the same time, I'm aware of what's going on around me. I'm not aware visually, but when it comes to hearing, I'm very much of aware. I don't really understand though.

Angser is screaming at me. He is screaming his head off at me, and I don't know why. What the hell did I even do wrong?

Amaranth is talking in a much calmer voice. She's trying to calm Angser down telling him that it wasn't me. She's telling him that I didn't do it.

Didn't do what? What are they talking about?

"It wasn't her," Amaranth says calmly. "It's the poltergeist that's attached itself to her. He did it to Helios and Nix. It's wasn't Tegan."

"Then how do we fucking get rid of it?" Angser growls coldly.

"It's too late for it to move on peacefully if it can possess her now..."

Voices of Amaranth fade out and change into new, different voices. There's voices of kids now. Giggling, hushed, kid voices are gradually growing louder as a setting begins to form around me.

There's blue bathroom stalls lined up against the wall, and on the other side, there's a line of sinks and soap dispensers nailed to the white walls. The tiled brown floor has blood droplets trailing to the stall at the very end where a bunch of kids are gathered at.

"He's a fucking weirdo," one kid giggles as he climbs on one kid's back to see what's going on inside the stall.

"What is this?" I whisper as I look around me. Why am I seeing this?

Suddenly, the kids back up when water begins to splash inside the stall. I guess it's coming out of the toilet.

A tall, burly kid throws a kid that looks like Sebastian out of the stall, and when he sits the floor, he crawls backwards till he's cowering under the sink. His eyes are bloodshot, face and fair is covered in toilet water, and blood rolls from his busted lip and nose.

"You think you can fucking talk to me any way you want, little prick?" the burly kid asks angrily as he stalks towards Sebastian.

Sebastian looks so small compared to the big kid.

The burly kid just stands in front of Sebastian, looking down at him coldly.

"Well, you think you can do whatever you want to me," Sebastian snaps angrily at him.

The boy's eyes narrow. "Shut the fuck up," he snaps then he starts kicking the shit out of Sebastian with his booted foot. His foot lands where ever it lands. His face, his stomach, his chest, his legs, knees, shins... He kicks him till Sebastian can't breathe anymore, and he's fallen over groaning and crying in a puddle of his blood and toilet water.

"My God," I whisper. These kids are vicious...

That image disappears, and a new one forms around me. I see Sebastian standing in a bathroom that looks like it's more like in his home. He stands in front of a sink and mirror wearing only his boxers. He looks around the same age as the earlier memory. He looks maybe around fourteen.

The bruises on this boy... They're horrible. They're so dark that they look black. They cover mostly over his ribs and back. He's so skinny... His hands are swollen and red, his hair is a matted mess with a swollen busted lip and dark circles under his blue eyes.

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