Chapter Forty-Five: Scorned

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"Here kitty, kitty, kitty," I sing loudly as I walk down the street in the early in the morning. Behind me, there's nothing but the destruction of the human buildings. I broke them down searching for Calico.

Human screams fill the air since some are still caught in the buildings that are on fire. I don't care. There's only one fucking thing that I care about catching, and I don't care who I have to kill in order to get what I want.

I let out a loud cackle as I begin to run, jump, and dance down the sidewalk.

"HERE KITTY KITTY!" I yell with an angry smile. "You better show yourself to me because you really won't like me if I have to hunt you down and find you myself..." I trail off as I let out a dark chuckle. "You won't like it when that happens, Calico. I'll tear this goddamn city about to find you."

I begin my carnage. I knock building foundations, I kill humans in the process, I search and search. I smell her, but I can't seem to pinpoint her.

No matter. There's still a majority of this city still intact. I'll have this sky black with ash, and the roads will be covered in human bodies and blood.

I do not fucking care.

No one is going to stop me. Plus, I have Helios on my side, and that boy is special. He's strong...

There's nothing like revenge.


On the other side of New York City where Radu headed, there's the sounds of screaming and the smell of death already.

He's already started killing, and he hasn't even found Calico yet.

Me, on the other hand, won't go around knocking down buildings and killing humans. There's no point in doing that. I'm not like Radu and just came back from the dead only with the intention of getting one person and not caring who they kill to catch this person.

I'm clear-minded mostly. Mostly.

I won't go around killing people, but I will not pass up on catching Tegan and ripping that little bitch to pieces. It is only Tegan that is responsible for Nix's death. Humans who had nothing to do with it shouldn't have to get involved.

Anyone who stand sin my way of Tegan will get out of the way too. I'm not going to put up with fuckers protecting Tegan like she did nothing wrong. She did everything wrong, and she deserves every bit of what she gets.

Nix didn't deserve shit. He just wanted to go home.

There's only one problem: I can't smell Tegan. Her scent... I don't sense it anywhere, but I have a feeling that they must still be at Amaranth's house.


We moved from Amaranth's fortune-telling building to a storage building that opens with a garage door. It's a couple of miles from Amaranth's building, but I can hear Radu's little mass murdering going on. Helios is heading in our direction. For now, we have to hide.

Amaranth stayed at her place while Tegan and I moved on. I think Amaranth said she would hold him off because she knew he would come.

"Amaranth, are you sure?" I ask her quietly.

Blood SlaveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon