Chapter Seven: Abomination

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I eat then follow Jacqueline to the basement where the dogfight is going to be. But when we go down into the basement... 

I'm totally shocked at what I see. 

It looks more like a gym. Like one huge gym but with stone walls and floors. Then there's bleachers surrounding this wrestling ring with a huge cage surrounding it. 

"What the..." I whisper as I stare at the cage. 

I can see dried blood on the wrestling ring stone platform. 

"Yep. This is where the dogfights happen. Angser will get his mutt here and your bastard child. Maybe I'll hear the end of your shit about your son," Jacqueline snaps angrily. 

"You're a goddamn bitch," I growl. 

"Find a damn seat in the bleachers. Angser's vampire friends should be coming soon to bet money...or blood slaves. Whatever they're doing." 

"Whatever," I mutter as I find a seat in the bleachers. Choosing a seat fairly close to the cage, I wait patiently for Angser or someone... 

I frown when I hear boisterous laughing from the entrance to the basement. 

A whole damn herd of vampires come into the basement and quickly take over the bleachers. Jacqueline sits beside me to protect me and keep the vampires away from me. 

They're already making bets. 

"The hybrid is going to win!" one of the male vampires yells. 

After about thirty minutes of hearing bets... Jacqueline frowns deeply. 

"Angser is here...Luckily, Amaryllis has turned...and your son is here." 

“How can you tell?” I ask her in surprise. 

She smiles as she reaches over and pats my cheek gently. "My hearing, human. I can hear very well." 

"Yeah but..." 

Jacqueline leans in close to my face. "I smell them, and I recognize your son's heartbeat. It's faster than normal. He's scared, and he keeps crying 'Beanie.'" 

My eyes widen in surprise. It's amazing that vampires can hear so well... She can hear his heartbeat.... It makes me happy knowing that Clipper is wanting me. 

It really makes me feel like I'm needed. 

Angser busts into the basement with Amaryllis clutched tightly around his arms as she screams in pain. 

"Where is my son?" I ask Jacqueline. 

Jacqueline's eyes narrow. "Angser put him in the room you were sleeping with." 

"Why?" I ask angrily. "He could be with me." 

Jacqueline frowns as she looks at me. "Surely, you wouldn't want your son around this... Your son really doesn't need to see this, Zuriel." 

Suspension takes over me as I stare at her. "Why are you suddenly showing so much consideration for my son now?" 

"I thought this is what you wanted?" Jacqueline snaps angrily. "If not, I can stop caring just like that. It really doesn't bother me." 

My eyes narrow. I'm tempted to leave to get my son... He's more important to me than some damn dogfight. 

But when I stand up, I freeze when I see Angser shove Amaryllis in the cage while she changes, and the vampire crowd goes wild.

There's like fifty freaking vampires here, and they are all here to see Amaryllis for some reason. 

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