Episode 9: Reina Knotty!

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Hello everyone and welcome to the 9th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Today's episode is all about the secondary antagonist of the series, Reina Knotty!


Reina is a minor character from Glitter Force Doki Doki, which aired on Netflix on August 18, 2017. She made her debut in the episode, "The Princess and the Rose". Her Japanese VA is Kumiko Yotoke while her dub VA is Laura Post, who also voices Ayumi Aida, Maya's mom.


14 (Seasons 1-2), 15 (Seasons 3-4), 16 (Seasons 5-6), 17 (Current)


Team Dark

Background and Personality

Reina is the heiress of the wealty Knotty Corporation. Because of this, Reina has a very haughty and arrogant personality, which aggravates the rest of the cast. She's also very flirtatious towards boys who have girlfriends or crushes, especially me and Lincoln. While she doesn't show it in the show, Reina does have a good heart and wishes for the cast to be her friends, especially Clara. She's a reluctant member of Team Dark.

Friends & Allies

Julie, Mandy, Quico & Ryoko


Clara, Ronnie Anne, Weiss, Lili, Karen, Emiru & Corina


Everyone else

Role and Inclusion in the Show

Reina joined in Episode 20. She was the very first character that approached ME to join the show. I was reluctant to let her join, but then she offered to have her family sponsor the show, so I let her join, though she was way too flirtatious to me when she met. She wasn't intended to be an antagonist, but the other users of the show kept treating her like one which made her hate them, ESPECIALLY Ani and Logan.

Relationship with Other Characters

Clara: Reina's self-proclaimed rival. While she sees Clara as a rival, Clara never really took their rivalry seriously and always thought of Reina as a childhood friend as she still does even to this day. How she's able to do that is beyond me.

Ronnie Anne: Reina's 1st rival as she tried to make Lincoln love her in the early episodes of the series.

Julie: Reina's partner in crime. While these two never interacted with each other in the early days, these two always kept suffering together as the series progressed when Reina started getting hate, eventually turning them into best friends.

And that concludes the 9th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars Character Logs! Next episode will be about the very first guest on the show, Logan! Until then, thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time!

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