Chapter 19

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Isen's POV

I sat back against the wall, having finished explaining almost my entire life. I said everything I thought was important, the hierarchy, Wellston, even John came into the conversation. At some point Annabeth had tired of sitting at a desk for so long and we had moved to sit on her bed, leaning against the wall. She sat next to me, reading through all her notes.

"So, tell me again, is there a limit on the number of abilities that exist?" she asked.

"I mean, I don't think so, there are so many possibilities that it would make sense if there were infinite abilities."

Annabeth nodded, and asked, "so can two people have the same ability?"

"Technically yes, closely related people definitely can, like my friend Remi and her brother..." I trailed off as I realised that I probably shouldn't be mentioning Rei without asking Remi first, understandably, her brother was a touchy subject. "But I haven't heard of two unrelated people having the same ability, which is why I'm so curious about Rosie. Her ability seems to be copying the powers of others, which is strange because that's the same as John, who can also copy abilities. John can copy more than one at the same time, but I don't know if Rosie can, and if she can't it's possible that's simply because John has had more practice."

I contemplated this, as did Annabeth, and we sat in silence for a minute or two before she said, "well you said that John's ability is Aura Manipulation, and therefore requires an aura."

I'm confused by this as she seems to just be stating facts. "Your point is?"

"Well, you said John used his ability to identify Percy, who turned out to be Rosie, so he can only copy abilities which are auras, otherwise he would have noticed Percy, who can control water. So, his ability must be different to Rosie's because she could copy Percy, who doesn't have an aura." Annabeth explained, looking at me for confirmation.

I looked back at her mindlessly, my mouth open in an 'o' shape, Percy said Annabeth was clever but I hadn't realised she was this good. There was no way I would have noticed that, not in a million years. She raised her eyebrows at me, silently demanding my answer.

"I mean, that does make a lot of sense," I replied, trying to sound as if I had of course thought of that as well, "but isn't it also possible that Rosie can copy Percy because she has blood from both sides, godly and UnOrdinary?"

"Not really," Annabeth said, "Rosie isn't related to any Greek gods, not by blood at least, because she's the daughter of Sally and Paul, who while I'm sure they're powerful in their own ways, they aren't actually godly."

"Oh yeah," I recalled, "but then how come Rosie is able to copy Percy?"

"My only explanation could be that she is simply more powerful than John," Annabeth mused, "but I wouldn't assume. We should probably find out more about Rosie's ability before saying anything for certain."

I nodded, feeling my thoughts drift to Blyke, how he was doing at the moment with Rosie and Percy, and how long until I could see him again. Annabeth seemed to be thinking along the same lines regarding Percy, as she suggested,

"We could just go and find them now?"

I smiled at the idea, and replied, "that would be great."

It turned out Annabeth and I didn't even need to look for the others, since we intercepted them on the way to the woods. They didn't seem in much of a hurry, Percy and Blyke in casual conversation as Rosie walked in between them, looking adoringly up at Percy. Slightly overcome with happiness at seeing Blyke, I jumped forward and hugged him tightly, feeling him stiffen in surprise before relaxing and wrapping his arms around me. Remembering the others, I pulled away as quickly as I'd jumped forward, feeling my cheeks begin to heat up. The corner of Blyke's mouth turned up as he looked at me and I blushed even more, attempting to silently demand what was so funny. He seemed to get the message but casually said, 'nothing.' I didn't believe him at all, Blyke barely ever smiled, but now he seemed to be holding one back.

I looked over to the others, but we hadn't missed anything as Percy began the conversation with, "have you found anything yet?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes at him and replied, "no not yet, but you have to be patient, we don't have much to work with."

"We do think it's a possibility that Rosie and John's abilities are linked, but then again possibly not because they work slightly differently in terms of auras," I said, and Annabeth nodded.

Percy raised his eyebrows as he said, "so it's a possibility but possibly not a possibility?"

"So far," I said sheepishly.

Percy laughed, wrapping his arm round Annabeth's waist as he asked, "so what are you doing going to the woods?"

"We were going to find you to see what you found in terms of Rosie's ability, but you seem to be coming back anyway," Annabeth said.

"Yeah, one of the nymphs told us something interesting and we decided to come back and see if it was true."

"Told you what?" Annabeth and I asked in unison.

"Nico's back," Percy replied with a grin.  

Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the unexpected hiatus, everything's been a bit hectic lately. I'm hoping to get this story back on track as I sort of forgot where I was going with it. 

Thank you so much for being patient with me though and I hope you liked the update! 

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