Chapter 15

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Isen's POV

I stayed quiet as Percy led us to the dining pavilion, listening to Blyke question Percy about the types of food they had.

'So, do you have pizza?' Blyke was asking.

'Unfortunately, no,' Percy sighed, 'Camp food is nice, but it is healthy, so no pizza, burgers or ice cream, as wonderful as that would be.'

I stifled a laugh at Blyke's heartbroken expression and patted him on the shoulder. He turned to me mournfully, and said, 'no pizza' with the most hurt expression I'd ever seen on his face. I bit my lip in an attempt not to laugh out loud and asked Percy, 'is it true you have to burn your food?'

'Well sort of, but we don't eat the burnt food, you just scrape the best part of your food into the flames and then it's a gift to the gods,' Percy replied.

'You burn it!?' Blyke asked, completely missing the point that it was for the gods.

'It's for the gods, Blyke,' I said, rolling my eyes at him, 'surely that's obvious.'

Blyke, having known me for quite a few years, recognised my awful attempt at humour and kindly laughed for me, while Percy just stared at us with a raised eyebrow. I waved my hand at him dismissively, 'don't worry, it wasn't funny.'

'Okay well uh we're here,' Percy said awkwardly, gesturing towards the Hermes table.

I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as Blyke and I wandered off towards the Hermes table, me wondering why I had such awful social skills. Blyke rubbed my shoulder comfortingly and I felt a little better as we sat down to eat. We were brought, as Percy had said, healthy food, though it was surprisingly tasty, with fresh bread, cheese and more strawberries than I thought there were in the world. I wasn't sure what we were meant to drink though, as there was no sign of water anywhere on the table, yet I could see campers around us drinking. I looked to the person next to me, a sandy-haired boy, and asked politely, 'um, do you know where we can get water?'

He looked at me incredulously for a moment before laughing and saying, 'you must be new. You simply tell the goblet what you want and it's there. No alcohol though.'

'I- okay. Thanks' I said, turning towards my goblet in awe. 'Um... coke?'

To my surprise, not that I should have been surprised at anything by this point, the goblet immediately filled with coke, and I looked to Blyke in excitement. He turned to his goblet, said 'coffee' and grinned as I put my head on the table in despair.

'That much coffee isn't healthy!' I protested, 'it's too much caffeine for one person! And it doesn't even taste nice!'

Blyke laughed and stuck his tongue out at me before drinking it anyway. I was fully prepared to lecture him on all the awful things about coffee when something caught my eye from across the pavilion.

'Hey Blyke, how come Percy gets blue food?' I asked slowly, watching Percy in fascination as he ate blue bread, blue cheese, blue crackers, even drinking some blue soft drink.

Blyke looked over towards Percy and, having caught sight of him, nearly fell off the bench in excitement. 'Can I have blue food!?' he asked me, his entire face lit up in enthusiasm. 'No wait, can I have rainbow food!?'

I shook my head and replied, 'I think he must be a celebrity here, surely that's why,' but then felt bad as Blyke's face fell dramatically, so I quickly added, 'but I'm sure you can ask tomorrow.'

He nodded vaguely, lost in thought, and we lapsed into comfortable silence. I looked over towards the sea, at the setting sun, which was painting the sky in various colours; shades of orange, blue, pink. Pink. That reminded me of something, someone, who was probably not very impressed with our lack of communication.

'Blyke?' I asked nervously.

'Hm?' Blyke turned to me questioningly, confused at my sudden change of mood.

'We forgot to stay in touch with Remi,' I said frantically, feeling myself begin to slip into panic, 'she's going to kill us!'

Blyke frowned, clearly just remembering this. He took a breath, saw my panicked face, and said, 'oops.'

I looked at him in disbelief, how was he not panicking right now?

'Look, it's fine, we'll just leave now and call her, no harm done, she'll just be a little annoyed, she's really not that scary,' he said, shrugging his shoulders.

I sighed, there really wasn't anything we could do, but I had to admit, after promising to stay in touch with Remi, she would definitely have something to say to us, and to say she was scary when she was angry was a huge understatement. I guess we just had to hope she wouldn't eat us alive.  

Hey guys, thanks for reading, and sorry if this chapter was a little anti-climatic, I have to admit I didn't have much inspiration this week. Hope you enjoyed the update though! 

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