Chapter 10

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Isen's POV

I sighed for the millionth time and clawed around, searching for my water bottle. We had been stranded at the top of Half-Blood Hill for at least twenty minutes and I was dying of boredom and hunger. I was also extremely tired; I could feel my eyelids drooping as I struggled to stay awake. My fingers closed around the lid and I squinted at the empty bottle, before sighing again. Blyke chuckled at my devastated expression and I gave him a withering look. He laughed and walked over to sit next to me. I lent into his side, my head on his shoulder, bemoaning our situation.

Following our discovery that Blyke and I, in fact, couldn't get into the Camp, Blyke, Rosie, Percy and I had been sitting around waiting for someone to come and rescue us. Technically Percy and Rosie could have gone and got help from the demigods, but they seemed content with investigating the magical barrier and scaring us by suddenly popping out of nowhere. They also seemed to be communing with some...thing. I think they said it was a hundred-headed dragon!? Either way, I was bored and I wanted to be rescued. I sighed again, earning a light push to my head. I looked up at Blyke, scrutinising his face as he tried not to laugh at my defeated manner. We sat in comfortable silence for another minute or two before I gave up on any semblance of dignity and twisted onto my side, my head in Blyke's lap, facing away from him. I smiled faintly as he froze before carefully resting a hand on the side of my head. As I watched the trees swaying gently in the breeze and listened to the constant rhythm of Blyke's heart, I felt my eyes flutter shut and I drifted into unconsciousness.

I flicked my hand, batting away the annoying thing that was poking me in the face. It poked me again and I swatted it harder, but it grabbed my hand, forcing me to look up. My eyes widened as I beheld Blyke's amused expression as his fingers curled around mine, processing what must have happened. I had fallen asleep. And I was technically holding Blyke's hand! I felt my face heat up and I sat up quickly, running my hand through my hair in embarrassment, and then wincing as it got stuck in the tangles that had sprung up from nowhere. Did having orange hair mean it got more tangled or something, because the state of my hair at that moment had to be unnatural.

'What did you wake me up for?' I asked, frowning exaggeratedly to cover up my embarrassment. I really had to pull myself together, but apparently Blyke didn't mind, which definitely confused me.

Blyke lips curved up beautifully as he jerked his head in the direction of the boundary line. I craned my neck to peer over, praying for something good, and could have cried in relief as I beheld the presence of a new person. The honey-blonde girl was standing with her hands on her hips as she gave Percy an exasperated look; apparently, she knew him. Rosie yelled 'Annabeth!' and rushed over the boundary line to give Annabeth a massive hug, which was warmly returned. Percy gave her a sheepish grin as he took a step towards her and she practically melted into his arms, burying her face into his neck as he rested a gentle hand on her curly hair. He took her face in his hands and kissed her quickly before leaning back with a questioning look on his face, arms tight around her waist. It was so cute that I admit I fangirled a little. They were just so comfortable with each other; they must have been together for a long time.

'Why are you here!?' Percy asked at the same time as Annabeth, causing them both to blush and gesture to the other to go first. Percy laughed, placed his hand over her mouth and said, 'we're bringing Rosie to Camp Half-Blood because she has an ability, but it's not Greek, it's something else and Paul has one as well, and so she's really powerful, and these two can't get over the boundary line so we're a bit stuck, and that's it so far, what about you?'

Annabeth swatted his hand away and gaped at him, clearly taken aback, before putting her face in his shoulder and quietly muttering, 'I just wanted to see Grover, but I guess I have to help you now.'

Percy grinned at this; I noticed he seemed happier around her, this Annabeth person must be special.

'So, what exactly do you need my help with at this moment?' Annabeth began briskly. 'We can deal with the rest later.'

'That would be us getting through the barrier thing,' Blyke said, 'for some reason we can't get through it, but they can.'

'Well of course you can't get through it, it's only for demigods,' she replied, 'I'm not sure why Rosie can get in, since she's not a demigod, but I can let you guys in.'

'Um, how?'

'Just by giving you permission, it's not hard.'

I was speechless. We had spent all these hours outside, with nothing to eat, and all Percy had to do was give us permission! I looked at him accusingly and he shrugged as he said, 'I forgot about that.' Really, Percy? You forgot? I wasn't that surprised, to be honest, but not impressed. I sighed, before turning to Annabeth slightly expectantly.

She lifted her hands and said, 'I, Annabeth Chase, give Blyke and Isen permission to enter camp!'

Thunder crashed overhead and I may have curled into a ball on the ground in shock. Blyke laughed and dragged me over the line to where the others were waiting. I turned red as I saw Rosie bite her lip to keep from laughing. She spotted me looking and laughed, giving me a quick hug before skipping down the hill. I smiled despite myself and looked across to what must be Camp Half-Blood.  

Thanks for reading, hope you liked the update! :)

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