Chapter 13

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Isen's POV

I sat on my bunk in the Hermes cabin, trying to read, while Blyke lay above me with tufts of red hair sticking over the edge of the bed, as he loudly contemplated the types of weapons we'd be allowed to use in the ring. It was infuriating and he'd been doing it for at least the past 20 minutes. I'd got back from my tour with Annabeth and Rosie, and Blyke had questioned me on absolutely every dangerous thing I'd seen. Why hadn't he just come on the tour with me? I scrunched up my face in an effort not to snap as Blyke, for the 500th time, asked excitedly,

'So how big was the hell-hound?'

I sighed and leaned back on my elbows, putting my book aside, as I said,

'Don't you think we should be more worried about Rosie than anything else?'

Blyke's surprisingly serious face appeared over the edge as he considered this, before saying, 'We should be thinking of her, of course, but worried? I'm not sure about that. Are you worried?'


Was that even a question!?

'Of course I'm worried, I'm worried about these gods and whether they're angry at us, I'm worried that Rosie might not come to Wellston, but then I'm worried that she might come to Wellston, I'm worried about what the Headmaster is going to do to us when we get back! There are so many things to be worried about!' I exploded, likely sounding harsher than I intended.

I watched Blyke's face contort as he debated how to reply to this. He definitely seemed conflicted, but he didn't seem worried at all about Rosie, to be honest, he seemed more worried about the fact that I was worried. For a second his face disappeared, and I sat up in protest, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, but noticed he was simply making his way down to my level. He carefully sat down next to me and I watched him closely as he prepared a response.

'Look, Isen, I'm nervous about all this too.'

I gave him a look and he threw his hands up in protest. 'I am! Honestly I am. It's just, we've already left Wellston, we're already going to be in trouble, so there's not much point worrying about it. Hopefully Headmaster Vaughn won't be too annoyed at us if we bring back Rosie, and if we don't bring her back then that just means she's safe with Percy instead of safe with us. She's fine either way. So I don't think we need to be worried, or scared, about any of this, we just need to be wary. Percy told me earlier that Chiron was wary of Rosie's potential so-'

I had been following through all of this but I was surprised that Blyke had found time to talk to Percy. 'When did you talk to Percy?' I asked.

'Oh when you were looking round Camp with Annabeth and Rosie, Percy and I discussed with Chiron about Rosie.'

'I- okay.' I was a little disappointed at not being part of this conversation but I decided to let it go. For now, at least. I gestured at Blyke to continue.

'Well Chiron said that he was wary of Rosie's potential and he thinks that since we don't know the gods' view on all this, it might be safer to try and suppress her powers so they don't get out of hand.'

'Suppress them!? We can't do that!'

'That's what Percy and I said, it was only a suggestion, after all, but we do need to be careful. You still don't need to be worried though.'

I really wasn't convinced and it must have shown on my face because Blyke knelt in front of me, took my hands and said more firmly, 'you don't need to worry, okay? We'll be perfectly fine, as will Rosie and Percy and Annabeth and everyone else. We'll be fine.'

I took a deep breath and nodded, before blushing as it suddenly hit me that Blyke was holding my hands. He must have realised at the same time because his face heated up too, and he began to release my hands, but I held on; there was no reason for him to let go. He really blushed then and looked directly at me as he said,

'Isen... you know I like you, right?' 

I know it's a little short, sorry, but I hope you liked the update! As always, thank you so much for reading :)

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