Chapter 12

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Isen's POV

I must admit it had never crossed my mind that one day Blyke and I would be standing on the deck of the 'Big House' while a white stallion with a human head and torso stared at us with an infuriatingly calm expression. Percy had filled Chiron in on everything that had happened since he had arrived at Sally's house but didn't mention why we were here, only talking about Rosie's newly discovered ability and why she had it. All throughout, Percy was the polar opposite of Annabeth and Chiron, it was almost funny, their faces were completely deadpan except for a hint of amusement at Rosie being better than Percy, but he was completely full on, gestures and all. I wouldn't believe they even knew each other, except for their closeness, I guess you could call it, they seemed extremely comfortable around each other, as if they were family, which, in some ways, they were, from what I'd learnt when talking to Annabeth.

At last, Chiron nodded and turned to Blyke and I, his expression peaceful with just the slight implication of a pending question.

'So, what are you two actually doing in New York to begin with?'

'Well, we're students from a school called Wellston. It's kind of hard to explain but basically it's a school for-' Blyke began.

'Oh, don't worry, I know Wellston quite well enough.'

I was more than a little confused by this statement. There wasn't another Wellston, was there? I didn't think there was, but how could some random immortal horse know anything about Wellston? I thought we were meant to be hidden! Percy noted my confused expression and cut in,

'Don't question it. Chiron knows absolutely everything there is to know about anything.'

I opened my mouth, ready to question this, but decided it wasn't worth the effort and stepped back rather lamely, no doubt still looking really confused. Chiron smiled faintly and gestured to Blyke to continue what he was saying.

'Um yes well, the Headmaster gave us a task to find new students and hopefully bring them to Wellston, and we found Percy, or at least we found a strong aura, but it turned out not to be Percy.'

'Yes,' I took over, 'there wasn't any mention of Rosie in the records, so we immediately assumed Percy, but then it turned out to be Rosie, and you know everything from there.'

'I see,' said Chiron, his chin resting on his hand as he stared out towards the forest, 'and what were you planning to do once you had tracked down your high-tier?'

'We- we were going to take them back to Wellston with us, if they wanted to, of course,' I replied, stumbling over my words slightly at my surprise to his utterly casual use of the word 'high-tier.' It wouldn't have been surprising at all if he was one of us, but it was definitely disconcerting how much he knew about our world as an outsider.

'I see,' Chiron said again, unnaturally calmly, so calmly it made me wonder just what it would take to get him to show even a bit of emotion. Yet, he didn't seem cold, unlike Headmaster Vaughn could be, just...calm. There wasn't any other way to describe it, he just seemed completely at peace with the world.

After what felt like hours of tense silence, while Chiron apparently just stared off into the distance, he finally proposed what he thought we should do.

'There's no doubt that Rosie is one of you,' he started, addressing Blyke and I, 'and perhaps it's unwise to mix mythology with abilities, there could be serious consequences if Zeus dislikes this occurrence. However, I think it would be unwise to bring a seven year-old into your world with zero warning, preparation, or anything else. Considering you're already here, there's no reason why you shouldn't stay here for a while, just until we sort everything out. Percy and Annabeth have been here for years, and I'm sure they would be happy to show you around...' he finished, glancing at Percy and Annabeth to make sure this was all okay with them.

They nodded, Annabeth adding, 'they could stay in the Hermes cabin, because it's not as if they're going to be determined, since they don't have godly parents.'

Chiron nodded and said, 'it's settled then. I assume this arrangement is okay with you? Just temporarily, of course.'

I looked over to Blyke, who shrugged and mouthed 'as long as we get food.' I stifled a grin and said to Chiron, 'I think that would be perfect.'  

Hi guys, I know this update is a little late, and a little shorter than usual, sorry about that, hopefully I'll be updating on time from now on! Thank you for being patient and, as always, thanks for reading :) 

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