Chapter 20

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Isen's POV

"What!?" Annabeth exclaimed, "I thought he wasn't meant to be coming back for another few weeks!"

"No, he wasn't," Percy said with a slight frown, "of course it's good he's back, but I hope nothing went wrong..."

"Uh, who's Nico?" Blyke asked the same question I was going to.

"Well," Percy began eagerly, but was stopped by Annabeth who said, "short version please Percy, they don't need to know everything that's happened since we met Nico."

"I know," said Percy, in mock hurt, before grinning and saying, "Nico's our demigod friend, he's a son of Hades and we've known him since he was 10 years old. He has awesome powers; he can summon armies of skeletons! For the last month, he's been travelling around with Will, a son of Apollo, and living with these creatures, I think they're called trogs or something? They were aiming to come back at the end of the summer to meet new campers and visit their friends, so I have no idea why they would be back so soon."

Annabeth nodded, saying, "since we aren't doing anything right now, I don't see why we can't go say hi to Will and Nico."

As we walked towards the Big House, where Annabeth guessed everyone would be, I fell into step beside Blyke, trying to find out about Rosie's ability.

"We're starting slow, but it turns out she's already mastered Percy's ability completely, she can do hurricanes and everything, and even stuff that he can't do, like making those shapes out of water. She wanted to try making a staircase and walking up it but we decided it wouldn't be a good idea if she fell off or went so high someone noticed. It was amazing though, we're going to continue tomorrow, and possibly let her try out my ability. I've got to say I think she'll pick it up pretty quickly!" Blyke filled me in excitedly.

I smiled at Blyke's enthusiasm, leaning into his side as we walked. We soon reached the Big House and Percy practically jumped up the steps, yelling 'Nico!' as he burst into Chiron's office. I saw him tackle a small black-haired boy in a huge hug, before moving onto another, taller, blond-haired guy (who I assumed was Will) and hugging him too, patting him on the shoulder as he pulled away, grinning from ear to ear.

Will smiled as he said, "hey Percy, good to see you're doing well, and hello Annabeth too! And you must be Rosie," Will said kindly as he knelt down to put his arms around Rosie, who happily obliged.

"I hadn't actually met her yet," he said to Annabeth and Percy, the latter chattering away to Nico, who amazingly kept a poker face despite Percy's overwhelming energy, though smiling faintly from time to time.

"I know we're back really early," Will began to explain why he and Nico were back so soon, Nico nodding along to confirm what Will was saying, "the trogs were becoming agitated about something but wouldn't tell us what, they wouldn't stop talking about how everything has changed and it's all different and even that the gods weren't able to stop it this time. Nico and I grew worried something awful had happened and decided it would be safest to come back to camp and make sure everything was okay."

I looked up at Blyke, wondering if he had any more idea of what Will was talking about than I had, but he seemed just as lost as me.

Annabeth frowned, deep in thought, said, "Maybe I can look into that..."

Will nodded. "No doubt you'll be able to figure something out, Nico and I have already told Chiron about everything so I'm sure he'll be able to work something out too," he said confidently, reminding me of Blyke a little in his easy handling of the situation and his reassurance that everything would work out.

I realised that in the past minute or so I had subconsciously taken a few steps back, distancing myself from the conversation. Everything was all so unfamiliar; I wasn't used to not knowing everything that was going on, I wasn't used to no-one knowing who I was, and I definitely wasn't used to the idea of Greek deities running around having children, with said children forced to stay in a hidden camp in New York.

Feeling hot and slightly overwhelmed, I muttered something about fresh air and half-ran out of Chiron's office. I had to get away from all the uncertainty, I needed something to distract me, or to help me understand what was going on. Or maybe I just needed to think. I didn't know what I needed anymore.  

UnKnown Powers (An UnOrdinary/Percy Jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now