Chapter 22

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Isen's POV

A few weeks later...

"So," Annabeth began, "since we aren't really getting anywhere at the moment, I think it would be good if we investigated what happened with Will and Nico. It has to be connected with you and Blyke in some way, I just don't know how."

Annabeth and I were in our usual place in Athena's cabin, having spent the last week or two discussing absolutely everything there was to know about both the mythological side of things and the UnOrdinary world. Unfortunately, we hadn't got any further with figuring out how everything fitted together, other than noting how Chiron's hesitation suggested Rosie wasn't a common occurrence. Annabeth's new idea of investigating Will and Nico's situation certainly seemed more interesting.

"Yes definitely!" I exclaimed, not even trying to hide my enthusiasm at a new topic to look at.

Annabeth's face lit up as she said in a rush, "okay so I think we should talk to Will and Nico, find out exactly what happened, and then we could talk to Chiron and ask what he knows, which might give us an idea as to how it fits in with Rosie! What do you think?"

I laughed, earning a surprised look from Annabeth. I grinned and said jokingly, "you don't even need me, you've planned it all out already."

She still looked slightly stunned, and the grin faded from my face slightly as I asked, "what is it?"

She shook her head slightly, smiling, as she replied, "nothing, it's just I haven't really seen you laugh before, you're always so serious."

"Oh, I hadn't realised," I said, feeling my face slip into a frown.

"No, stop frowning, stop it! It's good when you smile, you're less...scary," Annabeth told me.

"Me, scary? You're definitely scarier than I am," I teased, much to Annabeth's delight, though she tried to hide it, leaving the cabin before I could say anything else.

After a little searching, we found Will and Nico together at the canoe lake, Will's arm wrapped around Nico's waist as they stared off seemingly into nothing. Annabeth attempted to sneak up behind them, looking disappointed when Nico turned around before she got within 5 metres of him.

"How can we help you?" Will asked just as Nico said, "What do you want?" with a scowl, earning himself a reproachful look from his boyfriend.

"We wanted to ask you about what happened when you were with the trogs, you did mention it when you got back but Chiron cut you off pretty quickly, wanting to talk privately," Annabeth said, looking from Nico to Will.

I nodded along, ignoring how I'd run off and had therefore missed that part of the conversation.

"I was wondering when you would ask that," Will replied, "and hopefully we can help you in some way. I must admit I'm extremely confused myself, Chiron told us practically nothing, but if anyone can make something of it, it's you, you're the smartest person I know."

Annabeth blushed slightly as she asked, "What exactly did the trogs keep saying?"

Nico stepped in, his voice a whisper compared to Annabeth's. 'They didn't say much to Will, they didn't say much to me either actually, but I know some of the younger ones who aren't very good at keeping secrets. It only took a little questioning and I found that some event took place at the beginning of the summer, I have no idea what it was, but they said that it had happened before, once before, and that the gods weren't going to be happy about it."

I frowned, trying to recall something that might have happened at the beginning of the summer. "That's roughly when Blyke and I came to find Percy, do you think we might have something to do with it?"

Nico replied, "I'm not sure, but I do know that it freaked me out a bit, I went to Will and we decided to come back to Camp Half-Blood straight away just to make sure nothing awful had happened. We arrived here the next day, and were relieved that everyone was okay, though still confused as to what might have happened."

"Of course, there's always the possibility that it doesn't mean anything, but that seems unlikely considering the gods were mentioned, normally they don't take notice of anything short of a world war," Will added.

"That is true, I must say I'd be surprised if all this amounted to nothing," Annabeth said, and we all nodded in agreement.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, each in our own train of thought, until Annabeth said to me, "I think we should go to Chiron even though he appears to be rather secretive at the moment, just in case he's willing, or even able to help us."

I didn't say anything for a few seconds; it was only when Annabeth said "Isen" that I looked to Annabeth and asked, "Wasn't the day before Will and Nico arrived the day that Rosie entered Camp Half-Blood?"

Annabeth gasped as she replied breathlessly, "Isen, I think you may be right."  

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