Chapter 4

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Rose's POV

Who were these new people? I had never seen them before but their auras, there is something strange about them, almost as if they are... like me? It doesn't matter either way though because Percy is here now so he'll send them away if they're bad. I'm still curious though. That orange boy, his ability is interesting and I could use it to sense Percy, but it is nowhere near as developed as the red one's. The red one has really worked to improve his ability, but how? How does one develop their ability? There must be some way for people like me to improve. I like the phrase 'like me,' I always thought I was different and alone. But maybe not...

Isen's POV

I couldn't help staring as Percy Jackson sauntered in, flicking his raven hair out of his eyes. He was definitely older than I had anticipated, in his twenties, I would expect. At a glance, with his sure expression and swift walk, he just seemed to radiate confidence. When I looked closer, his sea-green eyes (like his mother's, I noted) darted about all over the place and perhaps his walk was more quick and cautious than quick and confident. He appeared to be almost on edge, no that's not it, more like he was frisky and couldn't keep still. I would have predicted him as being ADHD.

Sally jumped up and embraced him quickly before leaning back, worry written all over her face, and asking, 'What are you doing here? Did something happen? Is there anything I can-?'

Percy interrupted her with a sheepish smile, 'I forgot my toothbrush.'

Sally stopped dead in the middle of her worried rant. She gaped at him for a second before shaking her head in relief and amusement and saying, 'well, at least you're okay,' before leaving us to it. 

Percy seemed to notice us for the first time then, his smile morphing into confusion. 'Who are you guys again?'

Blyke, who was always for the direct approach, stated, 'Well, we think you're a high-tier so we're going to take you back to Wellston so you can hone your powers.'

Percy seemed even more confused now and perhaps slightly offended at the thought of his powers needing any sort of honing. 'Hold up. My powers are already honed enough, thanks, and what on earth is Wellston?'

I rolled my eyes at Blyke as I stepped in; he gave me a mock look of hurt in reply. 'Like you, we have abilities and we think yours are very powerful, you must be a high-tier. Wellston is the school we go to for people like you or me or Blyke, and it can help you develop your abilities, although you're a little older than we expected.'

He considered this. 'I don't know what a high-tier is but I am a son of Poseidon so it would make sense that I'm powerful. What about you? Who's your godly parent?'

I opened my mouth to reply with something or other but then stopped in utter confusion. Godly parent? Does he mean mythology? Poseidon is Greek, isn't he? I looked to Blyke to see if he had grasped something I hadn't but he seemed just as lost as I was.

'Sorry,' I said, 'could you explain this whole...godly...thing?'

Percy's expression clearly communicated how utterly perplexed he was by this whole encounter, but he sighed and said, 'whatever. I have nothing better to do. But first I need to confirm that you aren't monsters and won't jump out at me or something. I also need to just check if you're mortal, though I would be surprised if you were completely mortal. Just to check, are you okay with me tapping you with a sword?'

'Uh, not really?' I said tentatively, while Blyke just flat out shook his head and said 'nope.'

'Wonderful,' said Percy, apparently serious. He took a ballpoint pen out of his pocket, to my complete bewilderment. As soon as he uncapped it, the end extended further and further until it was a foot-long bronze blade! I swear the whole street heard my jaw hit the floor as I beheld the sword. It was like something out of Game of Thrones!

Percy grinned as he said, 'this is Anaklusmos, or Riptide.' He then took the flat of the sword and pressed it to the back of my hand, before doing the same with Blyke, before saying, 'well, you can't be a regular mortal or a monster then. If you were just a mortal, it would have passed straight through your hand and if you were a monster, you would have exploded into dust.'

'Cool!' said Blyke, earning himself an indignant look from me. I thought we were going to be professional, though I had to admit even my professional self liked Percy's sword.

I turned back to Percy. 'Now could you explain this mythological thing?'

'Sure. So, you know all the Greek gods and monsters and basically mythological stuff? Well, they're all alive and running around trying to kill both demigods, like me, and mortals, like my mom and Paul and Rosie. The Olympians are currently living in Mount Olympus, which is at the top of the Empire State Building. Got that?'

Blyke and I shook our heads in unison. Percy sighed.

'Okay, I'll make it a little simpler. You know how in Greek mythology there were gods and monsters and stuff like that? Technically, they never died. The monsters, when killed, have to find their way back up to civilisation from the Underworld, via the Doors of Death. In short, they can be killed but they don't die. Gods, well, I wouldn't try to kill them anyway because that's suicidal although I can name a few that I would like to...' he mused, before continuing, 'anyway, the Olympians pretty much follow around the heart of modern civilisation. So, they started on top of Mount Olympus in Greece, but then Mount Olympus moved, many times, stopping in Spain, England and others but right now, it is in Manhattan. More specifically, the 600th floor of the Empire State building. Okay?'

I nodded slowly. 'I think so?'

'Good because that's not all. The gods always run around and have kids with mortals and stuff because that's just their nature, you know? No? Well, they do and the kids are called demigods. There is a camp for these demigods and it's called Camp Half-Blood; it pretty much gives you all the skills you need to stay alive. There is also a Roman camp and some Egyptian stuff and Norse things too but I'll spare you,' he finished with a grin.

'Woah,' said Blyke, perfectly summing up my thoughts. 'I would explain a little more about Wellston but if I'm honest, I want to know how you know you're so powerful.'

'I'm a son of Poseidon,' began Percy, 'and he's pretty powerful so I got some cool abilities as a result. I'll show you,' he declared, seemingly pleased about having someone to show off to.

'Please don't flood the apartment,' called Sally from the kitchen. Percy flushed bright red before muttering, 'c'mon' to Blyke and I and leading us both into the bathroom, me wondering how on earth I got myself into this.

Thanks for reading! :) 

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