Chapter 14

162 11 8

Isen's POV


If it was possible, Blyke flushed even more as he dropped my hands in embarrassment.

'I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were so opposed to-' he began, speaking quickly and quietly. I put my hand over Blyke's mouth to shut him up before he could react, and said hurriedly,

'Look I didn't mean it like that, I was just surprised, okay? I really didn't expect you to like me, that's all, and-'

Blyke interrupted me this time as he took my hand from his mouth and asked, 'you didn't think I'd like you?'

'That's beside the point!' I exclaimed.

'No, it's not,' he countered, 'I think it's relevant enough.'

'Fine,' I relented, 'I just assumed you were straight, nothing else.'

'Hm... okay. Continue what you were saying.'

'I was just going to say that I liked you back, but you sort of ruined the moment when you interrupted me,' I said, sniffing as I pursed my lips. Blyke laughed and replied with a sly grin,

'I'm sure I can re-create that moment for you...'

I gasped and smacked him lightly on the shoulders, blushing fiercely, while he just laughed harder. I looked on in disbelief as my crush lay on the floor in hysterics, but I couldn't help but smile. He eventually sat up, having regained some dignity, and asked,

'Seriously though, you like me back?'

'Yes,' I said, sighing. 'I thought that was obvious.'

Blyke smiled and said, 'Maybe a little obvious, but it was still cute.'

He finally came back up to join me on the bed, carefully placing his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him gratefully, trying to process how such an amazing guy could ever fall for me. We sat there for a little, and I subtly turned to look at him at a better angle. Of course, Blyke noticed, the corners of his lips turning up as he looked at me intently, as if he could see all the way to my soul. He lifted his hand to rest it at the side of my face, caressing it gently as he leaned in slightly, not far, just questioning, asking my permission. I tilted my face up a little, inviting him to come closer, and he did so, slowly tracing my lips with his fingers, before-

'Guysssssssss!!!' Percy yelled from outside the door, shocking me as I jumped up, hitting my head on the edge of the bed and sitting down again, hard. Blyke had jumped up too, more smoothly than me, and called back, 'coming!' He looked down at me in my pathetic state for a moment before kissing my forehead quickly and grabbing my hand, pulling me out of the cabin.

'What is it?' I asked as we stood outside the cabin, Blyke and I both with slightly coloured cheeks.

'So basically,' Percy began, shaking his dark hair out of his eyes, 'Annabeth and I were talking and we decided that maybe it would be a good idea if, for the time being, we split up and some of us worked with Rosie and figured out her power and stuff, and the others did more research on, well, everything. Mainly how the gods feel about this, if it's happened before etcetera. Does that sound okay? We were thinking maybe with one of you two in each group.'

'Isen can do the research,' Blyke said immediately, pointing at me.

I shrugged my shoulders, trying to appear casual, but I was actually beyond excited about finding out more about Greek mythology and the people here and how the gods would react and just everything, it would be so interesting!

'I mean, yeah sure, that would be fine.'

'Nice,' Percy said, 'you can work with Annabeth and do that, I have no patience for research. So Blyke, you're with me?'

'Do I get to blow stuff up?' Blyke asked excitedly.

Percy grinned and put his finger over his lips, to Blyke's delight. I grinned as I watched Blyke making a visible effort not to do a victory dance at the prospect of explosions.

'Well now that's settled, but it's getting a little late to start research and also a little late to expect Rosie to be up for playing with her ability.'

'I guess we have some time to kill, then? Blyke and I can just hang out in the cabin while you go do... demigod stuff,' I said, flapping my hands awkwardly as I tried to mime 'demigod stuff.' Blyke grinned at me when I mentioned him and I staying in the cabin and I fought not to roll my eyes.

Percy laughed at my awkwardness and said, 'no, you don't get to stay in the cabin.'

Blyke's face fell adorably at this and I now had to fight not to hug him just for that.

Percy gave us a slightly questioning look before he grinned and yelled, 'it's dinner!'  

Hey guys, thanks so much for reading and I hope you liked the update! :)

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