1.st reason

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Luke opened the letter, adressed to him. He found a sloppy hand writting, but readable and kind of cute. He sat down on the floor of his bedroom.

Hello there Luke,

I go to your school, so don't get all freaked out. I heard you were suicidal. I know you don't have much friends. But I like you. So, for now on, next 20 days, you'll be getting letters from me, each of them having a reason for you to live. 

Why?, Well, Luke, I want you to live. Is that understandable? 

So, today is the first day and I decided to have a smaller reason for the start. You need to stay alive so you can read all of these silly letters you will get from me.




Luke smiled to himself, wondering who is his anonymous hero and is he someone close to him. Or is he a total stranger. 

That day, Luke decided not to touch the razor.


So it will be smaller chapters like this. You like?

I'll dedicate everyone to people who inspire me. This time, darkclownn

20 Reasons To Live [mgc + lrh]Where stories live. Discover now