Pray To God

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Luke sat in his room. On his face you could see the boy was miserable. He was pale, his hair a full mess, his eyes like worn out, slowly fading. His grey sweater was hanging from the fragile frame and the skinny jeans weren't fit enough, they seemed a size bigger than he needed. 

He looked miserable because that's exactly what he was. Luke haven't heard or saw Michael for more than a week. Not a letter, not a reason. Nothing. Luke started losing hope, thinking that the bleached boy never actually cared. He tugged at his hair on that thought. Of course he cared. He saved him, for Christs sake! 

Luke heard a laugh and quickly looked through his window. He saw his best friend Calum, with a curly haired boy. They were laughing and holding hands. Lukes heart sunk. It was suppost to be him and Michael. They were suppost to be like that. Not like this, not miserable and getting further away. Luke leaned on his wall, his fingers passing the letters. And then he remembered that Michael tried the same thing he did. Michael wanted to die. Lukes blue eyes widen. He fell on his knees. 

His fingers got tangled as he whispered words. Only thing that fell on his mind at the moment was to Pray To God.


I'm ready to give up on everything. I'll do everything. I just don't know myself without Michael anymore. I am so afraid. Please, don't let him die. Please. Please. I'm ready to do everything. I'm gonna help people, I'm gonna volunteer, I'm gonna do everything, just give him back to me.'' the blonde begged God. Tears were sliding down the pale face. ''Please. Please. Give me my Mikey back. I want to hold him and tell him it will be okay. And kiss him and hug him.'' the boy cried out. ''Please.'' he whispered

But Luke will never be okay again.


a) Another part and epilouge.

b) I might have to have an operation. A bone on my foot gone wrong and they'll have to get the bone out. I'm pretty scared.

To muke-clemmings69 cause I love her alot. She reads all of my stories and she's the awesomest. (start writting something!)

20 Reasons To Live [mgc + lrh]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang