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I take a deep breath. In and out.

First off, I want to say how much I love you, my darling little girl. I'm sure you hate me and rightfully so, but please, hear me out.

Your mother was a death eater. I don't know exactly how she got to being a supporter of the Dark Lord, but it happened sometime.

Back then, she was a different person. She was kind and fair, but sometime after we got married she changed.

For the time I knew her before then she seemed to resent the death eaters and all they stand for, despite being one. I didn't think it was entirely her choice, though I'm not sure whose it was.

However, something changed. I knew she had a difficult upbringing, but something was off.

She was rude and cruel. She kept secrets. She was involved in something she wouldn't tell me about. I found out later it was a plot to help the Dark Lord.

She was involved in trying to murder Harry Potter and successfully killing James and Lily.

That was when you had just turned one.

When I found out about her involvement, that was the last straw.

I loved you more than you could know, but I couldn't take you with me. You were only a baby.

It must have been difficult to grow up in a house with just her, but it would be much more dangerous for you to come with me.

I am leaving this letter with my good friend Narcissa. I wanted to wait until you were older to read this.

I am going on a mission. The Dark Lord is still alive, I know it. I need to track him down.

I hope to one day see you again.

I'm sorry for leaving you all alone.

Your Father, Amory

"Can I...?" Draco asks gesturing to the paper.

I nod and absentmindedly hand it to him.

I am in shock.

My father didn't just leave because he didn't care about me and couldn't stand my mother.

He was trying to help.

I want to meet him. It doesn't seem fair that I don't remember knowing my father.

Draco hands me back the letter. He wipes away a tear trickling down my cheek that I didn't know was there.

That was when I lost it. I wrap my arms around him, and start sobbing into his chest. Hesitantly, he holds me back.

I don't know why I'm crying, I feel relieved. I was convinced it was my fault my dad left. I thought he couldn't handle my mom and didn't care enough about me to bring me along.

I've never known a parent to care about me.

"Are you okay?" Draco asks.

"Yes. I feel great."

He hugged me tighter.

"I am kind of tired though."

"C'mon then love, let's go to sleep."

We lay down on his bed, and this time Draco stroked my hair until I drifted off to sleep.


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