─ 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡

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NONE OF THEM SPOKE A WORD, not even a murmur of a sound. The recollection of the event was laid heavy and deep on them all. Each and every one of them sat still as they comprehend the words Azalea and Tommy spoke. Techno's face darkened at the details Azalea spoke of when describing what all they had seen and been through. Yes, he expressed no verbal rage or aggression but the way he shifted in his seat, how his eyes glazed over in an indescribable emotion, and finally the way his hands itched at the mention of the blood. But in certain parts he would get distracted by the chip in the table or the dust that blanketed the wood.

Tubbo on the other hand was wide eyed, fear glossing over his eyes like he had been hit by a horse. He was beyond speechless as Tommy sent him small glances to check if he was okay.

"Was it schlatt?" Tubbo questioned, glancing between them all

"Obviously," Techno stated, "who else would do that?"

Azalea nodded, "it was horrible..."

"Schlatts horrible," Techno commented, "and so is government, see this is what happens when you one person is in charge, they become corrupt and cause destruction,"

Tommy glared at Techno to which he only responded with a shrug. Tubbo put a hand on Tommy's shoulder and shook his head, clearly discouraging Tommy from whatever he was going to retort with. Azalea sighed and looked over them all, sat around a table talking about what had happened with Wilbur and the cell.

"The writing said nine days, nine days till what though is what we should be focused on, right?" Tubbo mentioned, trying to keep the topic alive and reminding them of the situation at hand

"And what of Wilbur?" Azalea pointed out, "How do we help him?"

"We can't, not right now," Techno said,

"What do you mean not right now? We should help him now!" Tommy slammed his hand on the table and it shook for a moment as Techno eyed him

"But you understand we can't, right? Tommy you are not some invincible hero who gets a happy ending, you can't save people whenever you deem,"

Tommy stood up, anger fuming off of him, "why can't we? Wilbur is trapped in that cell, bleeding to death, why can't we save him?!"

"How would you? How would you save him Tommy, hm? You haven't thought of that have you?"

Tommy fell quiet, and Tubbo and Azalea both managed to bring him back to his seat. His eyes glasses over with both anger and hurt. In Azalea's mind they were both right, how did Tommy expect to save Wilbur? But at the same time how could Techno just throw Wilbur aside like he was some object? He was supposed to be his brother for god's sake.

"We are not fighting at this time, understood? There are much bigger issues than arguing over who gets to play hero in this tale," Azalea scolded, glaring at both Tommy and Techno, "now if you both do not mind I say we discuss what to do one issue at a time. The guards obviously know we are in the capital somewhere and Schlatt obviously knows we are here too. So what do we do about it and how do we get Wilbur out of there?"

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄Where stories live. Discover now