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Eulogy is a speech when someone dies. You talk about all the good things while trying not to sob in front of a crowd of also sobbing people while going, "We are not here to be sad about you leaving, we are here to reminisce in the happy memories we had with you." and all that contradicting-ness-ness-ness.

This is not sad. 

You will be missed

We are here today to shed tears and share sorrow for one that is loved by many. They brought light in darkness, cured pain and suffering by just being in the room. Many did not know the many layers of them as I did. They hid their own suffering well, between soft layers on top, they hid their snappy and crumbling insides from the world.

But we aren't here today to discuss their flaws or their lifestyle, not to shed tears and mourn. No. We are here to remember. Here to remember the good times, the joyful times. In parks, parties, family gatherings, to school lunch time. We are here to think back on all of the sweet times, the reminisce of when we went to them, indulged them with a spread of our own flavors, our own feelings. And they listened. They sat there, they waited and listened. We would bite at them, yell, but also smush them in crushing hugs, wait out as they spilled their emotions out on the table, metaphorically I mean.

That is the end of my stage time, so I say one last thing, we will all miss them, and only hope for someone that could be half the sandwich you are. 

Yes, this is from about a personified sandwich. I have a lot of personification assignments, leave me alone. They are funny. 

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