Chapter Eight

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It's been a few days since Vicki's death. A few days of me studying the spellbook. I was fascinated as I read through every page. There was one spell, I wanted to make since it was actually harmless and the vampires I knew could already walk in the sun. A daylight ring. It took awhile to find a lapis lazuli ring. It wasn't the prettiest but it would make for a good practice round.
I stuffed everything in my bag needed for the spell before heading downstairs. Elena and Jenna were talking on the couch when I noticed Jeremy sitting in the kitchen. Studying and doing homework. He has been doing better but I knew it was a lie. He could be better if he had been allowed to grieve and to understand the supernatural. I was still mad that Damon had compelled him and I didn't even have a say due to literally being at the brink of death. However, if I was being honest to myself I was more upset about Elena requesting that Jeremy forget everything from that night.
I sighed, opening the front door and left without a word to them. If I can get this spell done then I know I could try the one I really wanted to try. The de-compulsion spell. The spell to strip the compulsion from someone who's memories were altered. I was going to give Jeremy his choice back but I wasn't going to force it upon him.
I was going to start off by telling him about me. He was going to know everything especially since I learned that my magic was the reason Vicki was dead. No more secrets, I was done with it. No more excuses and no more running away.
I was about to open the car door when a hand appeared in front of me, closing the door. I was taken aback when I looked up to see hazel eyes.
"You've been avoiding me. Everytime something supernatural happens, you run away. You shut me out and you can't do that." he said, not looking away.
"I'm not running. I'm dealing with it, so back off" I pushed him away from the car and got inside only to be surprised when he opened the passenger side door and got in.
"Your magic is clearly going haywire and I was looking into why it was. Since you should have grown into your magic, which you clearly didn't, means that something happened. It was bound and something set it free. So no, I won't back off." he said, buckling in.
I huffed in annoyance before starting the car. "Fine, have it your way."
We drove in silence until we reached the hiking trails. I didn't bother waiting for him to catch up as I went on without him. I looked up at the sky, the sun was reaching the high point and I knew one spot where the sunlight would reflect better. Though I knew I could have done this spell in my bedroom but I didn't want to be at home. I needed to keep moving and in case everything went wrong, at least my family would be fine.
I picked up the pace once I reached the clearing. There was a huge stone with a flat surface. The sunlight reflected off the surface of the quarry. The sound of the waterfall was like hearing an animal roar.
I took a deep breath looking up at the sky, smiling as I imagined both my moms looking down at me before I took out everything I needed to do the spell. I opened the book to the page that had the spell, there was no way I could screw this up. Tons of research and haywire magic... might actually come in handy.
"What are you doing?" Caleb came up behind me.
"What does it look like?" I answered,
"Why are you trying to make a daylight ring? There's no reason unless one of your vamp pals lost theirs."
"It's the easiest looking spell in the book and I will have one of them test it out. Plus if magic is going to be a massive part of my life then I need to learn to do spells. I need to protect myself and my family."
"What are you talking about?"
I slammed the book, facing him, fed up with the constant questions. "I almost died and all anyone seems concerned about is me forgetting about it. However, I'm a freaking witch who can't be compelled and I'm supposed to pretend I'm fine when I'm not. I have all this power and I can't keep my family safe. I have too, otherwise what's the point to all this?" I paused, pushing my frustration to the side as I continued. "I'm doing things my way from now on," I glared, daring him to fight me, when he didn't, I turned back to the stone.
"Fine, we'll do things your way."
I rolled my eyes, as I needed his permission. I opened the book again and placed it on the stone. I took off the necklace and placed it north of the ring with the book to my left before placing myself on the last point. I began muttering the spell, feeling the familiar rush of freedom course through my veins as I grabbed the little dagger. However, it was like I was momentarily in a daze when I closed my eyes, cutting the tip of my finger, feeling my blood pooling at the center of my palm.
"Wait! Faye, stop!" called out Caleb, but I ignored him as I turned my palm over, dripping my blood onto the last point, forming a triangle around the ring, concluding the spell. Opening my eyes in time to hear what sounded like a shockwave when an invisible force knocked me backward.
Caleb and I let out a small scream of surprise as I landed face first into the ground. The rush that coursed through me earlier is gone. The earth shook that it sounded like it was literally roaring. I quickly stood up and walked over to the table to see my blood in the form of a triquetra, each point pointing to the items; the book, necklace, and me. In the center was the ring, when my blood suddenly absorbed into the stone. Instantly calming the roars of the wind and earth.
I don't know what any of this meant but I was excited to test out the ring. I mean it had to have worked otherwise, I would not have been knocked on my face and nature wouldn't be acting all weird.
I smiled, feeling a rush of accomplishment and like I could do anything. If this spell worked, I can definitely do anything!
"You don't know what this means right?" I heard Caleb ask me, making me look over at him. He was pulling himself to stand from the ground.
"You have started something when you used your blood in the spell. Why did you do that?" he continued to say but I just frowned. He was not letting me enjoy the moment of success.
"I don't know why, I just did. All I remember is the feeling, the rush and the next thing I knew I was being thrown backwards. It was not in the book so I don't know what I'm doing. I'm kind of just winging it here." I answered, grabbing the ring and placing it on my finger. Before putting the necklace back on.
"You need to stop winging it, the haywire magic is the only thing keeping your spells from failing. You need to be careful before the out of control magic consumes you and you end up killing someone or multiple someones including yourself."
"Frankly I don't care. For the first time, I actually feel like I can do anything and I won't let you take that away from me by trying to scare me into submission." I scoffed, about to grab the book when Caleb swooped in and took it before I could touch it.
"This isn't a joke, Faye! Magic is not something to play with." He scowls at me, which only made me glare at him.
"You don't get to lecture me. You gave me the book, my heritage. So what did you expect me to do? Read it and not try to actually practice magic until you are ready to even speak to me again?"
"We're talking-"
"I'm not done!" I snapped, interrupting him, "Everytime I even try to understand how you even know all of this, you run away. You never answer anything that has anything to do with you and quite frankly, I'm sick of it." I scoffed before walking away and heading back towards where I had parked the car.
"Faye..." Caleb tried to speak again but I whirled back around to face him.
"No, Caleb. You don't get it. I hate not having answers. I hate having secrets even more. The faster I get to understand who I am, the faster I can talk to my brother and aunt about me." I sighed, wishing things weren't complicated but they were.
"Okay, I'm sorry." He says, his expression softening as he relaxes his posture.
"You want me to stop winging it? Fine, done but you have to talk to me. You need to stop running away when I ask you questions especially if they are about you. Otherwise, give me back the book and stay out of my business, for good." I said, a stern edge to my voice but it wasn't threatening either.
Strangely I was calm for delivering this kind of ultimatum. Not where I was expecting this conversation to go but now I had no choice but to see it through. It was completely silent, as we stared at each other. I didn't dare look away. His hazel eyes searching, a hint of an unfamiliar emotion in his gaze.
"Okay." he sighed, extending the book towards me. I was momentarily surprised that he gave me back the book. But I also felt a little hurt for some reason. "I'll be better at not running away." he continued making me look back at him.
I smiled, nodding. "Okay."
"Alright, come on. Let's go and test the ring out." he said, walking past me towards the car.
"You're coming?" I asked, surprised, rushing to catch up to him.
"You somehow manage to always come to near death when you are with them. Of course I'm coming." He answered, opening the passenger side door for me.
I looked at him confused. I was driving, but he didn't budge or look away as he opened his mouth to speak. "I'm driving, so get in."
I bit my lip and got in the passenger side of the car, reluctantly. He walked over to the driver's side and quickly buckled up. Before extending his hand towards me. I sighed as I handed him the car keys and we were off.
~Time Skip~
We reached the house and I took a deep breath, shoving the book under my seat, getting ready to leave. Only to see that Caleb had not moved. He was staring at the house with such an intense expression it was almost scary.
"Caleb? Are you coming?" I asked him, his gaze met mine before quickly looking away.
"No. I'll wait here. Trust me, for now it's for the best." he answered, I simply nodded as I got out of the car.
"I'll be right back." I smiled, and walked towards the front of the door.
I knocked on the heavy door, and waited for what felt like a moment when the door opened up. Revealing a tall beautiful blonde woman with hazel green eyes.
Before I could say anything, she spoke up first.
"Oh my god! Melani is that you?" the woman exclaimed excitedly, a huge smile on her face, not missing a beat before I was pulled into a hug. I tensed up at the sudden embrace. I was left momentarily surprised when she let go. "How is your little girl?"
She asked me, I went to answer but she interjected. "I know, she's not little anymore. She should be turning 17 soon right?"
I was left shocked, my mind processing her words. Was Melani my mother?
Stefan's voice came from behind the woman. "Who's at the door?"
He was surprised when he saw me, standing there.
"Uh, Lexi, this is Faye. Elena's little sister. Faye, this is Lexi, my best friend."
I smiled tightly as I waved at her. We were both stunned as we stared at each other. She was looking at me with such a serious expression that it was making me nervous for some reason.
"Everything okay?" Stefan asked, looking between us, I mentally shook my head. Now was not the time to be tightlipped.
"Yeah, everything's fine, I just need a favor. Can I come in?" I asked him.
"Of course, sorry, come in," he says, stepping to the side, letting me through. He walked towards the living room, and Lexi and I followed behind him with Lexi behind me.
He turned around, crossing his arms over his chest. His expression concerned as he waited for me to say something. God, I wish Damon was here.
I took a deep breath and just jumped right in. Everything be damned.
"I need you to test this out for me," I told him, taking the ring off and offering it to Stefan. He looked at me and then the ring and back again.
I could see he was confused as he looked up at me. I bit my lip. "It's a daylight ring. I got the ring from an antique store, it's been spelled to protect a vampire from the sun. I just need to know if it worked."
"What- How?" he asked, one moment confused then his eyes widened in realization. "Oh my god. You're a witch. Does Elena know?"
Seriously, that's all he cares about?
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Of course not and you can't tell her. Promise me, Stefan."
"Faye, I can't keep this from her," he said. Before I could say anything, Lexi spoke up.
"Stefan, it's not your secret to tell," Lexi said, coming to my rescue. She came up to me, smiling gently at me.
He sighed, clearly not liking that Lexi was taking my side. I was also surprised considering she doesn't know me.
"Okay, I promise I won't tell her," he tells me, giving in. I smiled before turning to Lexi.
"Can you test the ring?" I asked her. She looked at me surprised before smiling.
"I will."
I perked up, "Really?"
"Sure, I've got nothing to lose. Worst case scenario it doesn't work." She said with a smile. "Not like I haven't lived in the dark for the past 400 years."
"400 years with no sunlight? I would go crazy." I told her, about to hand her the ring when she stopped me. "What happens if it does work?"
"Keep it. I obviously don't need it and the two vampires I know already have a working ring."
"What's the catch?"
She was surprisingly skeptical for someone willing to test to ring. "I don't know. I guess you could tell me who this Melani person is."
"Hm, done. I mean I would have told you either way." She said grinning widely. Taking the ring from my hand. Before putting the ring on her pointer finger.
I held my breath as Stefan and I watched as she walked over to the slightly opened curtain on the other end of the room.
"Here we go." She says, slowly sticking her hand into the sun. We waited, for what felt like an eternity when she suddenly opened the curtain, the sun shining on her. Which made Stefan speed over to her only to stop when she turned around. A huge smile on her face.
"It works." She smiles happily as Stefan and her hugged each other. I smiled in relief, my heart pounding in my chest. "Thank you," she said, her face so soft and a smile so sincere that I almost teared up. She was looking at me like she's known me forever and was proud.
I nodded, biting my lower lip. I turned to leave when Stefan stopped me. "I promise to keep your secret but please be careful. Being a witch, well, that comes with a lot of responsibility."
"I have someone watching out for me. So no worries," I told him, smiling.
He nodded, smiling tightly as I turned to go.
Lexi appeared in front of me, but I wasn't afraid as I looked at her. I didn't realize we were close in height. She was taller than me by maybe an inch or two.
"I haven't completed my end of the deal."
"Don't worry about it. If you are still around later, you can tell me then."
She nodded, "I'll stick around for a bit longer." she smiled before moving off to the side. I smiled back as I walked out of the house. I noticed Caleb was pacing outside the car. I looked at him confused.
When he saw me approaching, he rushed over. "Did it seriously take that long to test out a ring?"
"Damon wasn't home so I had to pretty much tell Stefan and his friend that I was a witch."
"Wait, friend? There's another vampire here?"
"Yeah, if you had come in, you would have seen that she was awesome. She convinced Stefan not to tell Elena my secret."
Caleb looked like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You like her. Why do you intend to befriend every vampire you've met?"
"Stop being so judgy. Come on, let's go."
He groaned as we got into the car, him still refusing to let me drive as we drove away. I smiled when I noticed that he was still pouting as he drove in silence.
"Can't you just be happy that the spell worked?"
"Great, it works and now we have another daywalker," he says sarcastically.
"Okay, that's enough. What the hell is your problem with vampires?"
"The question isn't with me but with you. Why don't you have a problem with them? You were almost killed by one!"
"Because I know Damon and Stefan won't hurt me. As for Lexi, there's something about her that I trust. So what's your deal?"
He sighed, "Mortal enemies, that goes way beyond our time. I was taught to hate them." he answered,
"Okay? So you've never actually befriended one. That means you just hate them because it's all you know. We will change that." I smiled, thinking of a plan.
"No, no. One of us needs to be wary of them. So no, I won't be befriending one." He says sternly.
I sighed, "Fine, We'll circle back to that. Earlier, you mentioned my magic is going haywire because I may have been bound. What did you mean?"
"Someone had to have sealed your magic when you first started showing signs of magic. So someone in your adopted family knew a witch that was able to seal said magic. However, magic from your bloodline that's been sealed off for years doesn't stay dormant. Instead it grows until it overpowers the spell in place allowing a strong emotion to break it free. In your case it was your fear, seeing a vampire feeding on your best friend." he answered so matter of factly. I was flabbergasted for a moment as I processed this newfound information. It was also probably the most I've ever heard him talk.
"Wow," I muttered as I pondered the new information. However, it clicked with the memory. I used to think it was a nightmare... The images came in flashes that I had to blink my eyes several times in order to push it away.
"The question that I'm looking into is, what family of witches did it. So that we know to stay away from them."
"We?" I asked, confused.
"Whatever family did this, can't be trusted. They only look out for themselves. So the fact that they bound your magic, can only mean that killing you wasn't an option."
"Wait, kill me? Why would they kill me?"
"Your bloodline has access to a lot of magic and that magic isn't part of nature. Witches rely on magic that comes from nature and they believe that everything that doesn't come from nature is evil and try to get rid of it."
"That's very close-minded." I frowned, yet still glad that something prevented them from killing me.
"Yeah, I think so too." he chuckles as we continue on the road.
"Wait, why was killing me not an option?" I asked.
"You're a Trinity witch and not surprising, they were once one of the powerful covens in existence. The Lady of the Trinity Coven married into a pack which only served to make any outsiders fear a war with them."
"A pack? What does that mean? Why would a war break out?" I asked, flipping through the pages of the spellbook. I waited for an answer only I never got one.
I looked over to see Caleb, his jaw clenched as if was mentally arguing with himself.
"We're here." is all he said, making me look out the window to see we were parked in front of my house. He got out which only made me frantically get out, running after him.
"Hey, Caleb. Wai-." I tried to call out when Caleb whirled around, his hands gripping my arms as he stared at me with such intensity that all I could do was stare at him in shock.
"I know I promised to not run away but please let this one go for now." he pleaded, his hazel boring into my brown eyes. There was a pain in his eyes and I didn't know why.
I nodded slightly at him but I didn't get the chance to say anything when he let go and turned to walk away as I stood watching him leave. What just happened? Why was he sad?
*Time Skip*
I was eating a bowl of pasta that I had made, and watching a movie when there was a knock on my bedroom door.
"Come in!" I shouted, pausing the movie.
The door opened to reveal Damon, which only added to my confusion. Normally he just waltzes in out of nowhere.
"Damon, what are you doing here?"
"I need a favor," he says, closing the door behind him. I shoved another bite of pasta when he plopped onto my bed, taking the bowl out of my hands.
"What kind of favor?" I asked, watching him eat my food.
"A favor that involves you getting out of pj's and putting on clothes for a party at the grill."
"What, no way," I told him, taking back my pasta only for it to disappear out of my hands again.
"Come on. Please?" He asked. My bowl back in his hands.
"Why?" I frowned.
"It's for Stefan. It's his birthday today."
I looked at him surprised as Stefan didn't mention it was his birthday today when I saw him earlier. Damon smirked at me, knowing he won.
"Ugh, fine!" I said, getting up out of bed and grabbing on some semi comfy clothes, and heading to the bathroom. I changed out of my comfy fluffy pjs and changed into a black loose bandeau tube top paired and skinny jeans. I headed back to the room, and grabbed my bag only to feel something drape over my shoulders. I looked over to see that Damon had put a grey short-sleeved cardigan. I looked at him, raising my eyebrow at him.
"Don't give me that look. You look too hot, can't have the boys going after you."
I laughed, he sounded like such a big brother. "Not like they stand a chance with you nearby."
"True. Still wearing it though." He says, before handing me my boots.
I rolled my eyes as I put my arms through the sleeves. I smiled up at him as I pulled on black boots before stretching and grabbing my bag.
Damon smiled before opening the door.
"I'll meet you outside." is all he said before he disappeared. I rolled my eyes as I headed downstairs to see Jeremy and Aunt Jenna in the kitchen.
"Heading out! I'll be back later!" I called out, grabbing my keys when Aunt Jenna's voice called back.
"Alright, be safe!" She stuck her head out, shooting me a smile.
I smiled back and headed out. I walked towards my car when I saw Damon leaning against my car.
"Sorry, no car. Much too slow." He says, standing up straighter. I stood straighter, realizing what he meant.
"No. No way!"
"Come on, it's fun!"
"Damon.." I tried to whine but he stared me down.
"Get on my back or I'm carrying you," he said in a serious voice.
"Damn it! Fine, you owe me food and a drink!" I huffed, slinging the strap of my bag over my shoulder crossbody like before placing my hands on Damon's shoulders. I wrapped my arms securely around his neck.
"Close your eyes." He said, and I quickly closed my eyes, hugging him even tighter when I felt a sudden gust of wind hit my cheeks. It was like a gentle gust caressing my face for what felt like a brief moment as it was over just as quickly. I slowly opened my eyes, peeking to see that we were in an alleyway.
I let go and landed on my feet, smiling. Other than the slight dizziness I felt like I was hit with good adrenaline running through my body!
"That was epic! Honestly, wish I could see it through your eyes though. I bet it's even more exhilarating." I grinned, making Damon roll his eyes before pushing me in front of him,
"Right? Being a vampire is great."
"Maybe so. Honestly, I don't think I could ever become one willingly." I told him, looking over at him, "Besides, I never asked, but why did you want me to come to the grill for Stefan's birthday. He and I aren't close, you know."
"I need you to keep him distracted while I execute my plan."
"Do I even want to know what this plan is?" I asked, entering the grill, but he just smiled. I took that as a no. "This plan better not have any dead bodies," I muttered, knowing he could hear me as I walked past him.
Before I could look over at Damon who had gone quiet, a voice pulled my attention forward.
"Faye! You're back." my boss yelled happily as he walked up to me, I smiled as Damon left me to go to the bar. "Your job is waiting for you whenever you decide to come back." he said, patting my shoulder as he left. But not before telling one of the workers my usual and that it was on the house.
"Rob it's fine, I'm good." I smiled.
"Alright, well I've got to go, the wife is waiting for me back home. Have fun at the party."
I smiled before walking towards Damon when I saw Caroline looking cross fallen. My smile left my face as I walked over to her.
"Hey, you okay?"
She just shook her head, before smiling and giving me a hug.
"What's wrong?"
"I can't seem to get the crystal back from Bonnie. She won't give it back to me! I need it back." she tells me, before sighing, leaving me in the dust as she walked away.
What's so important about a crystal?
I looked around to see Damon talking to Lexi and I felt myself immediately get excited as I rushed over.
"Lexi!" I exclaimed happily as I rushed in hugging her.
"Hey, Faye. I haven't forgotten our deal. Let's play some pool." She said matching my excitement before shooting Damon a pointed look as she walked away towards the back.
"You know her?"
"Yeah, I came by the house earlier. She's great, and helped me test out a daylight ring. You should have told me Lexi was going to be here. I would've not hesitated in coming to this party. I'll talk to you later." I told him, smiling to myself, failing to notice the grim expression Damon had as I rushed after Lexi who was now setting up the pool table.
I was having a grand time with Lexi as we played a full round of pool while chatting up a storm. I felt comfortable enough to tell her anything from finding out I was a witch to having a supernatural crash course from Caleb. I don't know why I felt like I could tell her anything, especially about Caleb. It was like venting to a big sister and I was enjoying it since I haven't been able to be this open with my own sister. Or my family in general.
It was my turn when she looked up as I was focused on hitting the ball to make my win.
"Your protective friend won't stop staring at me," she said, making me look up to see Caleb in the shadows, eyeing us from afar.
"Yeah... That's Caleb."
"Seriously, that's Caleb? He's hot, like hot, hot. You guys a thing?"
"Funny, not the first to ask. But no, we aren't," I told her,
"So what's the deal then?" She asked me, her tone shifting from teasing to serious.
"What do you mean?"
"He obviously likes you to be this overprotective, and you, well, look like you're fighting against yourself not to like him. So why?"
I let her words sink in, taking in a deep breath.
"We won't work. As for fighting myself not to like him, I can't really explain it. The only way I can explain it to myself is that I can't like him. I cannot feel what I feel when I don't understand what it means. There's something greater at play and I just have to wait it out." 
"So you are going to miss a chance at a possibility of love because you want to wait till the end? What if it's too late? What if you meet the person you are meant for and it's too late because you're dying?"
I stared at her, shocked and speechless.
"Faye, I'm saying this because I care and I know your mom would care. She wouldn't want you to wait around for the perfect person. Learn to love and know what it's like to be happy with someone." she says, placing her hand on my arms.
I smiled, still not knowing what to say.
"Alright, enough with the heavy. Just think about it, okay?"
I nodded, as I took a deep breath to center myself. I knew she meant well but I still couldn't help the feeling that came over when I thought of being in a relationship. The dread that filled every fiber of my being. Like I was betraying someone I never even met.
"Go get your guard dog before he comes over here ready to strike." 
I couldn't stop the laughter that escaped my mouth before excusing myself to go talk to him.
He looked away as I walked over before looking back up at me when I finally reached him. I didn't say anything as I reached out my hand, hoping he would take it.
"Not going over there."
"Don't be a child, and just trust me," I told him, which after a couple of moments he finally relented as he took my hand. Making me smile even bigger as I guided him towards Lexi.
"Lexi, meet Caleb, Caleb this is Lexi."
Lexi smiled as she stretched out her hand in greeting but he just looked at it, gripping my hand in the process.
"So, I need a break from pool. So Caleb, you will be playing against Lexi in my place until Stefan arrives." I told him, pulling my hand free as I handed him the pool stick. He was not happy with me and it was obvious as he took the stick from my hand and stayed on the opposite end of the table. Away from Lexi with me standing in the middle of the table watching the whole interaction. Lexi kept spiking up the conversation and I shot Caleb a glare when he wouldn't even acknowledge her. He rolled his eyes at me before answering her questions. I smirked as he put in the effort. I saw Stefan standing around and walked over to him, leaving Lexi and Caleb on their own.
"Stefan!" I greeted him, he smiled as I approached him.
"What's going on over there?"
"I'm trying to get my best friend to warm up to Lexi, your best friend."
"I like Lexi and I'm hoping he will too."
"Happy Birthday by the way. I'm guessing the reason you didn't say anything before was because you don't like to make a big deal out of it?"
"Thank you. Um yeah pretty much, did Lexi tell you?"
I shook my head, "nope, Damon did. Come on, let's go play pool. I'll kick your ass." I grinned, not noticing the look that crossed his face as I walked back to Lexi and Caleb. Hoping Caleb eased up on Lexi.
However, when I got over to them, they both looked at me, slightly making me feel uncomfortable and there was this weird tension in the air between them. Stefan came up next to me shortly after, before Lexi excused herself to get some drinks. I was about to go after her but noticed how Caleb was lost in thought.
"I'll set up the game." Stefan tells me, I nodded as I walked over to Caleb.
"No need for the lecture. You're right, she's fine. If anything I might even trust her more than your other... friends." he whispers at me, handing me the pool stick.
"That's great and you said you couldn't befriend a-"
"Not befriending, just tolerating." he said, smirking, I shook my head at him, smiling as I got ready to play against Stefan but before I could say anything, a waiter brought up a tray of food. Followed by Lexi shortly after.
"Who wants shots!?" she says, handing me, Caleb and Stefan a shot. I was surprisingly having a great time.
I was about to down my shot when it was taken from me. "Sorry, sorry my bad. Bad example, I'll take that." Lexi says, taking back the shot.
I frowned at her, as she downed the shot before I could protest. Caleb and Stefan were setting up the game as I looked over at them. I was happy that he was playing nice. I don't really understand what he meant with the whole mortal enemies thing but I was happy nonetheless.
"Can you guys make sure no one sees us back here?" Lexi called out to them, as she sat down next to me.
I looked over at her confused. Only to see a smile as she turned to face me. I looked around to see Stefan and Caleb move, Caleb standing in front of me as if blocking me from view, and Stefan was talking to him from across the pool so it didn't look weird.
"I don't like to owe debts. So it's time to tell you about Melani. Or better yet, show you. All I need you to do is open your mind to me."
"What? What does that mean?"
"Just close your eyes, breathe and clear your mind." she said, her expression soft. I nodded as I took a deep breath before closing my eyes. "Focus on your breathing," I heard her say, feeling the air leave and enter my lungs. 
"That's it, now open your eyes but stay focused on your breathing."
I did as I was told, opening my eyes to see hers. A ring of gold surrounded her pupil. I was so focused on both her eyes and my breathing that the image that popped into my mind startled me, but I managed to regain focus.
I saw Lexi smiling at a baby girl in the arms of a familiar young woman. I recognized her, she was the woman I saw when I was dying.
"This is Melani, she was a great friend and a powerful witch. We had a tradition of meeting up once every year. However, we got even closer when she announced her pregnancy 2 years before this day. I was there alongside her husband. He didn't like me but he tolerated me because of her. If it made her happy he wasn't going to do anything to make her unhappy. He's like Stefan except with a bigger stick up his ass." she said, laughing only for Stefan to fake a cough and Caleb and I laughed.
I was shown different memories, it was actually incredible. I had no idea vampires could do this. I was shown a man standing behind Melani. The way he was just staring at her and the baby in her arms made me realize that that was my father. He was kind of rugged with stubble beard, and his bright hazel eyes were so soft that it almost looked foreign on his face. I got the impression he was this highly respected individual that showing affections wasn't mandated unless he was alone with his wife and kids. With mom and me.
"Joseph, like I mentioned, was kind of rough around the edges. He's a great guy, I never knew what he did for a living. He seemed to manage people since one always freaked out when they saw me. Always telling them to stand down and walk away. Like a leader of a group of people. Melani would just smile as she continued to entertain you. You would get so fussy if your dad wasn't within your sight."
"It was easy to see that you were definitely a daddy's girl. Then there's me, your favorite aunt. I was able to calm you down if you got too fussy."
"So we were close?"
"Well as close as an almost 2 year old could be to a vamp. I mean seriously, you could literally fry my brain if you didn't like something which you've done on multiple occasions fyi."
I smiled when she chuckled, I don't even remember any of it, seeing Melani and Joseph through her memories filled me with such joy yet also sadness. I'll never know them, my biological parents. Seeing them through Lexi's was great but I would never have an actual memory of them.
"So I always had magic?" I found myself asking.
"Yeah, I was surprised but your mom wasn't. Something about coming from two powerful bloodlines, was bound to give the wielder more power than an average witch. Just be careful and practice and whatever you do, don't let it get to your head."
I nodded, wondering what she meant by two powerful bloodlines. I'll have to ask some other time.
"So whatever you need, I'll always be around if you need me. I'll make the same tradition I did with your mom with you. I'll visit once a year. Let's make it your birthday." she continued, smiling softly, making me nod.
"I'd like that. Can you tell me more about my parents later? We should go back to celebrating Stefan." I asked, smiling over at Stefan, who playfully glared back at me.
We both smiled as I got ready to get up, giving her arm a squeeze as I did so only to stop. My smile faltered when a new image came into my mind. I was walking away, and Lexi was speaking to Caleb when he came up to her.
"Just drop the act, I know what you are and I'll be damn if I'm going to let you be near Faye so you could hurt her."
She stood her ground, standing even taller as she stared him down. Her voice was firm. "I would never hurt Melani's daughter."
"You knew Melani?" he asked, surprised.
"Of course, and I know Faye's her daughter. So I'm not going to hurt her and if Stefan doesn't want me to kick his ass, he won't either."
I looked up, to see Caleb staring at me, confused but I felt like I've just been slapped in the face and that made me angry. He knew my mother...
"Elena!" I heard Lexi say, and I looked around to see her coming up to us.
"I'm going to get more shots." Lexi announced, before rushing off, but not before signaling that we should give Elena and Stefan some space. Which I did as I walked away towards an exit. I needed some air.
However, someone grabbed my arm pulling me sideways and I looked up to see that it was Damon.
"You need to stay inside." He says, his tone serious. I pulled free, getting annoyed.
"I need some air Damon. I'll be back inside in a bit." I told him, taking his drink and gulping it down. The taste of bourbon filled my mouth, it was a sharp taste that was also smooth as it went down my throat. Not bad.
But as I tried to move around and head towards the exit I pulled back once again. Making it really hard not to snap. 
"I mean it, stay here."
"I said, I'll be a minute!" I snapped, pulling my arm free, glaring before leaving out the back door without another word.
I stepped outside and leaned against the wall, there was a pillar sticking out of the wall next to the door that I leaned against it. The air brushing against my warm cheeks.
I sighed, tears pooling at my eyes threatening to fall. I hated the feeling that settled in my heart. Replaying the memory, Lexi showed me of my parents smiling over the baby girl. Over me. How was it possible to miss someone I never knew? It didn't make sense.
The sound of the door opening startled me, making me wipe my eyes clear only for me to jump out of my skin when Caleb suddenly rounded the corner.
"I've been looking everywhere for you. You need to at least let me know where you go so I don't think you've become someone's dinner."
"You seriously need to relax. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but Lexi, Stefan and Damon aren't going to hurt me!"
"Besides, you can trust Lexi since you and her obviously knew my biological mother and you never bothered to tell me." I huffed, letting out a sigh.
He looked surprised as he stared at me. I rolled my eyes when he didn't say anything.
"How do you even know my mother?" I asked, only to notice that he wasn't paying attention as he looked over to the side. I frown, annoyed that I was being ignored when I heard a gun being fired. I tried to look around the corner when I was suddenly pinned against the wall. I looked up surprised to see Caleb, his expression scared me. There was a mix of concern and worry that I couldn't bring myself to speak until I heard more gunshots. Panic began to course through me as I tried to shove him off so I could see what was happening when I was pushed back, which only made me angry.
I tried to speak only to for his hand to cover my mouth. I glared at him, only to see Stefan and Elena from the corner of my eyes, Elena looked horrified as Stefan also covered her mouth as they both were staring at something. Stefan's expression was so intense and full of hurt and anger.
An overwhelming sense of sadness hit me, the need to cry getting stronger and stronger by the second and I didn't know why. I looked up to see concern on Caleb's face as he slowly pulled his hand away. What was going on?
He looked at me like he was waiting for me to break. No words were exchanged as I tried to get a handle on myself. Why was I suddenly feeling the urge to cry like I had lost something big?
"Take me home, please." I asked him, He nodded as he led the way to his car.
*    *    *
It was late when I arrived home, it was like I was on autopilot. It was like I could feel someone was in pain and there was so much anger that it was beginning to feel like I was the one that was angry. I was trying so hard to understand the feelings but I knew they weren't mine. They couldn't be, this kind of anger was like something I have never felt before. I was not this angry.
I opened the door to my room, I was about to plop on my bed when I saw a ring on my bedside table. My eyes widened when I saw that it was the ring I had given Lexi. What was it doing here? I saw a note next to it. I picked it up to see familiar writing on the piece of paper.
I'm sorry. Two words...Two words, heavy with meaning and I just knew. I knew who wrote it and what it meant. The anger that I had felt, flooded through the gates I thought I had closed, engulfing me in such a fury that the note burst into flames. Turning into ash, falling to the floor.
I was dazed as I stared at the flames, almost memorized at the sheer beauty of destruction. When reality set back in, pulling me back from the haze, causing the fire to disappear. As I stood in the middle of my room, gasping for air like I was punched in the gut.
Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!
I plopped onto my bed, crying and frustrated as I ran my hand through my hair, pulling it away from my face. I was fighting against everything and I was losing. I was losing...
All this secrecy was starting to make me lose every last bit of my sanity. Caleb can't be my person, he can't be the only one who I can confide in or know my secrets. Not when he is obviously hiding everything that's important from me.
*    *    *
Dear Diary,
It's been a few days since Lexi's death. The closest person I had to my past. I only knew her for a day and it was enough for me to tell her everything I was feeling. Now I didn't have anyone. I haven't been able to talk to anyone. I've completely avoided Caleb and Damon. I just couldn't look at either of them. Not that Damon has made time to come and face me.
I've also come to the realization that I couldn't hold back what I am to my family, not anymore. They needed to know. I needed them to know. Even if I haven't figured out how to do the spell that can return Jeremy his memories. I needed my family to know. Having this kind of secret was killing me, mentally.
I don't know what the outcome might be when I finally do but I couldn't hold back anymore. Now is just a matter of when and how I tell them. Jenna and Jeremy...
A knock brought me back to reality, my hand stopped mid-sentence. As I looked up to see Jeremy standing at my door.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Hey, yeah. What's up?" I asked, closing my journal.
He narrowed his eyes at me, before walking in and taking a seat next to me.
"I know you aren't okay. You have bags under your eyes like you haven't been sleeping."
"Jer-" I tried to cut him off when he also interrupted me.
"No, Faye. You are my sister and I love you. But there is clearly something bothering you. Talk to me," He says, with such sincerity that tears pooled in my eyes, a lump forming in my throat that I knew I wanted to cry.
"Bu-but what if I'm not your sister?" I asked, tears rolling down my cheeks as I looked up at him.
He looked at me with a mix of confusion and shock on his face.
"I'm adopted, Jer. Mom and dad... adopted me when I was baby." I told him, wiping my tears as I looked at my hands.
I felt so isolated and this was not how I was planning on telling him that I was adopted. I sighed, I was gonna see if we could go to the lake house and just talk and reminisce about our past and even breach the topic of how I was also a witch. Maybe practice a spell that I could show off to prove it. I let out an unconscious laugh, at how badly I was doing this.
He got up, and I just sat there in shock. Feeling my heart sink at watching him walk towards the door. I couldn't even bring myself to stop him, however, I was even more surprised when he closed the door and turned back to face me.
"Jeremy?" I asked, cautiously standing up as he walked over to me.
Before I could react, I was pulled into a hug. A hug so tight, that it filled me with an overwhelming sense of serenity and acceptance that I started to cry even more.
"You'll always be my sister, I don't care if you're adopted, you have and will always be my sister." He says before letting me go.
"How long have you known about this?" he asked, when I didn't say anything,
"A little over a year. Mom didn't get the chance to tell me too much other than the fact that my biological family died in a fire. I don't remember too much from that day," I told him, sitting back down.
"When mom and dad died..." he trailed off, a wave of sadness rolling off of him. I didn't see the usual pain that was there when we talked about our parents. I sighed, it must have been a part of the compulsion.
"When they died, I was devastated. It made me feel like I'm not worthy of being loved by parents since my mom and dad died. Sure I didn't know them, but it's like a part of me knew them, and I do grieve them to some degree. It makes no sense. How can I miss someone I didn't really know?" I trailed off, forgetting I was actually talking to Jeremy before continuing. "For all I knew, they are bad people who operated a slave organization."
My mind went back to when Lexi told me about my parents. He seemed to manage people. Did they manage a slave ring?
"That's crazy, there's no way but if you want, we can look them up. Do you know their names?" Jeremy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, making me realize what I had said.
"Just their first names, Melani and Joseph but I don't want to look into them. Not until I can figure something else out. Something I can't tell you yet. I promise you I will but not today." I told him, honestly.
Before Jeremy could say anything, there was a knock on the door before it opened. Revealing Elena. I frowned, annoyed to see her.
"We'll talk later, Jer." I said, abruptly. Grabbing my backpack that contained the book, my phone and keys, pushing past Elena without a word to her.
I headed downstairs, yelling out to Jenna that I was leaving. I didn't wait for a response as I left, closing the front door behind me.
I was still peeved about her having Damon compel Jeremy's memories and even tried to have mine erased as well, only I couldn't be... not anymore. I drove aimlessly around, trying to figure out what to do next.
I sighed, as I pulled over to the side of the road before pulling out my phone, I dialed the one person I felt like I could talk to. The phone line rang a few times before it stopped.
"Hey, can you meet me at the top of the falls?" I asked, waiting patiently.
"Sure, I'll be right there."

A/N: I probably rewrote this chapter so many times and I'm still not satisfied with it. But it will do for now. Thanks so much for the support and love. Reading your comments continue to motivate me to keep on writing. So I hope this chapter isn't too cringey.  Love you all and I hope you are all being safe out there. ❤️

Mated: Faye Gilbert | Kol Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now