Chapter Five

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I was a bit confused as I looked around. I remember flopping onto my bed last night but anything before that was a bit of a blur. I pulled myself up from the bed and noticed that I was late.

I quickly grabbed my cheer outfit and ran into the bathroom. Trying to get ready as fast as I could. I wasn't about to listen to a lecture on being punctual by Caroline. At least not this early.

I grabbed my bag and shoved a pair of extra clothes before running downstairs. In my rushed state, I had almost ran into Elena as she was coming upstairs, startling her instead as I came to a sudden stop in front of her.

"You scared me. Come on, you're late." She tells me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the house.

"I know. I overslept. Thanks for waiting for me. Caroline will have bitten my head off for not getting to the game in time." I told her as we got in the car. She laughed, agreeing with me.

"I like this look for you." She says referring to my cheerleading outfit, her tone gentle as she squeezed my hand. I smiled, squeezing her hand back.

"Thanks. Though I'm not sure if this is what I want to be doing." I muttered.

"You probably won't know until well after high school." She says with a smile.

I nodded, looking out the window. The silence was comfortable as we continued to the school until Elena broke the silence to talk about how she was quitting the cheer team. However, I could barely focus.

There was this feeling in my chest that something was wrong. And the closer we got to the school, the more it began to hurt.

I was so focused on the pain that I didn't even notice that we had arrived. Elena's hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts, causing the feeling in my chest to go away and me feeling extremely confused.

"Are you okay? You kind of spaced out there." She asked me, her voice laced with concern.

I shook my head to clear my mind, and quickly smiled. "Yea, sorry. I guess I'm just nervous." I lied, not sure what to answer as I got out of the car.

The school parking lot was filled up. It was packed with the whole town getting ready for the game.

"That's normal. You will be fine! Just breath and forget the audience." Elena encouraged me as she gently squeezed my arm as we walked towards Stefan and Caroline.

"Oooh! Look at you. You look hot in your jersey." Elena compliments Stefan who was walking over to us.

"What happened? No more Cheerleader?" I heard him ask her while I looked around to see if I spotted Caroline.

"I quit. I'm a quitter." She says bluntly.

"No hey. You're not a quitter. You suffered a great loss. You're not the same person." Stefan tells her and I looked over when he said that. "Either of you. You should be looking ahead. Starting over. Okay?" He added when we made eye contact.

I smiled before looking back out, only to spot Caleb, he was standing next to an older man, who was wearing casual attire with sandy brown hair. Caleb was wearing a basic deep green and what looked like blue circle tie-dyed t-shirt paired with jeans and sneakers. I didn't notice before how lean he was...

I quickly looked away before he noticed. I don't know why, but seeing him, surprised me and made me feel self-conscious.

"Faye, stay with Stefan. I'm going to go get my camera for a picture. I'll be right back." Elena calls out.

"Hurry, I need to go meet Caroline soon," I told her and she waved me off as she walked away. I smiled as I looked around, feeling strange.

"Hey, are you okay?" Stefan asked me, stepping into my line of sight.

Mated: Faye Gilbert | Kol Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now