Chapter Three

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Dear Diary,

There's something different about today. There was change and I could feel it. It was like a tangible presence weighing down on me. It wasn't a good feeling... this change in the air. It did not feel like it was a good thing. Especially since that whole weird thing that happened with Bonnie... The image of fire roaring angrily and the shadowed figures in the distance. The scenery had felt so familiar like I had been there but that didn't make any sense. That alone was terrifying, feeling like it was only going to get worse from here.

As for my state of mind, I'm surrounded by my loving family yet I had never felt so alone. I didn't understand why I couldn't shake off the sadness that seems to have attached itself firmly onto my soul. Was this how Jeremy was feeling? Elena? I couldn't really bear to ask them without letting them in on how hurt I really was. That would also mean letting them know that I'm adopted. I wasn't ready to reveal that...or accept it... yet...

This loneliness also had me feeling like there was something inside me trying to break free. As if it was telling me that I'm stronger than I know. If that made any sense... maybe I am finally starting to crack...


Today was going to be a long day. I thought as I placed my pen down after closing my journal. I put my journal in my secret compartment that I had made in my room. I grabbed my school bag and walked out of my room only to see Aunt Jenna and Elena in the hallway. I quickly smiled at them as I headed downstairs.

The kitchen was quiet and the smell of coffee filled the room. It was a nice smell, as I poured coffee into a thermos when Elena and Aunt Jenna walked into the kitchen. I smiled at them as they all got coffee when Aunt Jenna started talking about how nervous she was for her first parent/student conference with Mr. Tanner.

"Good luck! Don't let him get under your skin. He can be an ass." I told her. She smiled at my comment.

"I'll keep that in mind. School isn't for another two hours, where are you going?" she asked me, Elena looking up.

"Ty's picking me up."

My phone buzzed and I opened my phone to see that it was Tyler.

"Speak of the Devil. He's here." I told them, putting my phone in my bag after shooting him a text back.

"So early? Do we need to have a talk?" She asked me, and I looked at her confused.

"A talk?"

"You know THE talk?"

My face burned as I realized she meant the sex talk.

"Oh god! No! Mom gave me that talk 3 years ago when I took health. I'm good and it's not like that between me and Ty. He's dating Vicki." I defended, running out of the house before she could say anything else. I could hear Aunt Jenna laughing behind me as I retreated.

That's not embarrassing at all! I thought sarcastically as I headed towards Tyler.

"Got you some breakfast." He tells me as I got into his car. He grabs a paper bag from the back seat and pulls it up next to his face.

"No way! Is that-" I paused, completely forgetting about Aunt Jenna teasing me.

"Your favorite ultimate breakfast burrito? Hell yeah, it is." He says, smiling.

"Okay, what did you do?" I asked as he handed me the bag.

"Nothing. Can't I just do something nice for my best friend?" He asked me.

I looked over at him, not believing a word only for him to look over briefly before looking back at the road.

"Alright. This is my way of saying sorry in advance for not hanging out with you as much for the next couple of days."

Mated: Faye Gilbert | Kol Mikaelson Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن