Chapter Two

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Tonight was going to be hell. I wished I was staying home instead of being forced to go to the bonfire party. Elena decided to make it her mission to have me come especially since Bonnie had told Stefan that we would both be there. So ergo I'm in Elena's room while she got ready. I wore an opened blue flannel shirt over a simple white tee shirt with dark washed skinny jeans paired with black converse. I sat on her bed as I waited for her to be ready.

Growing up, she would always take me shopping and I would be the doll she got to play dress up. At first, it was amazing, getting to hang out with your sister and do all these girly stuff but eventually, I stopped loving it. I guess I 'grew up' and I wanted my own space to do what I wanted. I took up Art classes when I saw Jeremy drawing which led to eventually loving it and taking classes. Art was something Jeremy and I bonded over up until our parents died. I continued while he stopped. Mainly because I was taking art classes in high school. Not that I would have stopped if I hadn't had any classes.

"Faye, what do you think of Stefan?" Elena asked as she straightened her hair.

"I don't really have much of an opinion on him, other than he seems like a nice person," I answered her honestly. I looked at my phone as I waited.

"I thought you would have more of an opinion considering you seem to be around him a lot. Especially since you two seem to know each other well enough last night at the grill. If you like him, you can tell me." she said, her face not matching her words. She did this thing where she looks away, frowns before quickly smiling awkwardly when she was jealous or upset.

I felt my face burn as I got flustered. I don't know why I was embarrassed. This was a small town. I should have known that people would have seen us together especially when he walked me to class.

I couldn't help but sigh before responding. "I don't. He just walked me to class, that's why I said he seems nice. We didn't really chat too much," I said, getting kind of annoyed.

"Hey, it's fine. You can hang out with Stefan," she said, giving me permission. For some reason that just made me angry.

"What do you mean I can hang out with Stefan? That's not for you to decide and I don't need or want your permission, Elena." I snapped at her before standing up from her bed. Who did she think she was?

Her face contorted with guilt as she faced me, completely speechless that I had snapped at her.

"I'll see you at the party," I said walking out of her room and out of the house. I pulled out my phone on my way out of the house. I dialed up Tyler to see if he could pick me up.

"Hey Lani, are you at the party? I'm about to head on over." Ty's voice came through the receiver.

"Um, actually... I need a ride. I was wondering if you could pick me up?" I asked, feeling bad for asking last minute.

"What happened with Elena?" he asked.

"We got in an argument," I said honesty.

"Say no more. I'll be there in 10," he tells me, I could hear the amusement in his voice. My lips curved up, a gratitude smile gracing my face.

I thanked him before hanging up. I don't know why I was so angry. I mean, she had no right to tell me that I could hang out with Stefan but I could have handled that better. I wasn't the type to just lash out. There were times I got angry but I never snapped. I felt bad and I knew I was going to have to apologize later. I hated it when I got like this. It seems my emotions got intensive every month. Like any bottled up feelings, I have kept locked away just burst out. It's like some days are good then bam, angry and lashing out at people.

Mated: Faye Gilbert | Kol Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now