Chapter Nine

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The sun was beginning to lower into the horizon by the time I had reached the top of the falls. I reached the peak of the falls when the sunlight shone on someone standing near the edge, their physique outlined by the sun's light. The wind ruffled its hair as it did mine. I couldn't bring myself to call out to him just yet as I enjoyed the breeze and the sound of the roaring water. 

The figure turned around, having heard me come to a stop a few feet behind him.

"Thanks for coming, Stefan," I said, smiling as I looked past him towards the horizon. The trees lined the horizon as the sun raced towards it. It was beautiful here.

"No problem. Are you okay?" Stefan asked, his hazel-green eyes boring into mine. Soft yet concerned.

"Yes... No... I just... can't talk to anyone anymore. Lexi was the closest I had gotten in learning about my parents. Then there's the other issue; I have been feeling so angry and confused like I'm channeling someone else's emotions." I vented, looking away as I continued forward.

Stopping with enough space between me and the edge. Letting the warmth of the sun fuel my body with energy.

"I miss her too," he said, saying the words I could not bring myself to say before standing next to me as we faced the horizon.

    "It's odd, I feel like I'm not allowed to miss her. I've only known her for less than a day, but I miss her. I miss her so much, it's surreal. Everything I had bottled up, I was able to talk to her about it so easily. It was like I was finally able to breathe," I sighed, pausing as tears slid down my cheek. "Caleb knew my mother and didn't even tell me. Now I can't help but question his interest in me. If he knew my mother, then that means he knew my father. If that's true, then how is he tied to them? What else is he keeping from me?"

    "Lexi has always been the kind of person you could open up to, and I know she would want you to move past this. As for Caleb, I can look into that for you,"

    "No, don't. I'll get to the bottom of it on my own. I just wanted some company that wasn't going to make me angry. You don't make me angry, and I needed a break from being angry." I smiled, looking over at him as I wiped my tears from my cheeks.

    He chuckled, "Good to know." He brought his arm around me as he pulled me into a hug.

    I looked up at him, feeling like something was off. There was a wave of sadness rolling off of him. "Are you okay?"

    "No. I... broke up with Elena. " He says, letting out a sigh.

    "Why? You guys were all lovey-dovey the other day. What happened?"

    "I need to keep my distance from now on. I'm going to be leaving Mystic Falls soon."

    I was beyond surprised and surprisingly... hurt. I couldn't begin to form my thoughts as I stared at him in astonishment.

    "You and your family deserve a supernatural-free life. I can't protect you guys from Damon. If I leave, that means he will follow me; therefore, also be out of your lives for good."

    "Damon is the least of your problems. You forget that I'm supernatural too. A witch of all things, and I don't even know how to use my magic without hurting anyone. Not that I have exactly tried. So if being supernatural is the reason you're leaving, it's not a very good one because then you would have to take me too."

    "Can't do that. Despite not being raised by other witches, they are the keepers of balance. Vampires are not part of that balance. We go against it. So technically, witches and vampires don't co-exist. Besides, when you do control your magic, you can fight against other vampires that may come for a visit."

Mated: Faye Gilbert | Kol Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now