Movie Night.

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“Oh my god Bailey, that was seriously impressive, and kind of disgusting” Rita laughs, looking over at Bailey who was standing next to the table at craft.

“Yeah, I can’t believe you did that in one take, I totally would have puked” Katie added, and Bailey just grimaced.

“It was disgusting, but I figured if I just choked it down on the first try I wouldn’t have to do it again and again.” Bailey picked up a bottle of water.

“But I am going to have to brush my teeth like five times tonight” she added, and Rita and Katie both laughed.

They had just finished shooting the truth or dare sequence for the second episode, and they were all chatting while they waited for the boys to finish their scene.

Katie and Rita were done for the day, but they had plans for a movie night with Michael later so they were waiting for him.

“So are you doing anything exciting tonight?” Katie asked Bailey.

“Probably just going out to dinner or something with Tyler.” she answered.

“Aww you’re like an old married couple already” Katie teased, and Bailey scoffed.

“And what are you two crazy single ladies getting up to tonight?”

“Oh you know, hanging out with this really cute guy.” Rita answered and Bailey laughed.

“So you’re going to watch movies on Rita’s couch with Michael?” She asked, and they all burst out laughing.

“Well thanks for calling me cute ladies, but now I feel like an even bigger jerk” Michael walked over to them with an apologetic look.

“This really hot gut that I’ve been talking to wants to get dinner tonight, so can I meet you girls later for movie night?” He asked.

“Yeah, I guess that’s okay. But he better be really hot if you’re blowing us off for him” Katie smiled at Michael, and he started laughing.

“Oh trust me he is, I’ll see you ladies at like nine-ish?”  He asked, and they both nodded as he turned and walked off.


“Okay then, should we get out of here?” Katie asked turning to Rita.

“Sure, lets just go change and then we can head over to my place.” Rita said with a half smile.

She was suddenly a little nervous to be hanging out with Katie. She had invited Michael to hang out with them because she wasn’t sure how to act when she was alone with Katie now that she has realized that she has feelings for her.

“Why do we have to change?” Katie whined, “We’re already in pajamas, and they are soooo comfy. Can’t we just go to your place like this?” She pouted up at Rita, and Rita sighed.

“Fine. But if we get caught stealing these clothes I am totally placing the blame on you.”

Katie smirked, “Deal. Besides, you look really cute in this.” She played with the hem of Rita’s shirt absentmindedly as she spoke.

“Thanks” Rita blushed slightly, but quickly shook it off as they began heading towards her car.

God what is wrong with me, Rita thought as she nervously glanced over at Katie as she was driving. Just two weeks ago I was totally comfortable taking my shirt off and walking around in my bra in front of her, and now I can’t even be alone in a car with her without feeling self-conscious of everything I do.

She silently berated herself for the remainder of the drive, but Katie didn’t notice. She was too busy reading something on her phone.


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