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The rest of the week went by fairly quickly, nothing eventful happened. It was Friday afternoon and Katie was on her way to Rita’s house to hang out. She had just finished writing the song with Carter that Karma would sing to Amy in the first episode. They had finished it really quickly, just about an hour or so. She had made plans with Rita the day before and she said she would head over when she was done with Carter, so now here she was pulling into Rita’s driveway.

She knocked on the door and waited, after thirty seconds she knocked again.

After standing there for about two minutes she decided to call Rita, since she obviously couldn’t hear Katie knocking. Katie did have a spare key but she didn’t like to just walk in, you never know what Rita could be doing inside her own home.

The phone rang for a while before Rita finally answered,

“Hey Katie, what’s up?”

“I finished writing with Carter and now I’m outside your house, will you come open the door?”

“You’re done already? I thought you said it would take a few hours?”

“I thought it was going to, but the song just came really easily”

“Oh, well I’m not actually home right now. I had a scene this morning that ran late, I would have told you but I thought I would get home before you finished with Carter. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, you didn’t know. I should have called you before I left, and I definitely should have noticed that your car wasn’t here when I pulled up.”

“Well you still have that spare key right? Just go on in, I should be there in like thirty minutes.”

“Yeah I still have the key. I’ll see you soon.”

“Alright, bye Katie.


Katie hung up the phone and fished through her purse for the key to Rita’s place.

Once she found it she opened the door and went inside. She went to the kitchen and sat her purse down on the countertop, and then she should stood there awkwardly, not quite sure what to do with herself.

She had been to Rita’s place plenty of times, but she had never been here by herself, and she didn’t really know what to do.

She thought about for a few seconds before finally deciding on just watching TV until Rita got home.

She walked into the living and went to sit on the couch, but changed her mind and headed off down the hallway to Rita’s room.

She flopped down onto Rita’s incredibly comfy bed and flicked on the TV in there instead.

She lay there for about ten minutes watching TV, and then she noticed Rita’s laptop sitting on the dresser.

She hopped up off the bed and grabbed the laptop; this is exactly what she needed, time alone to figure out just what Rita has been up to lately.

She opened up the laptop and turned it on as she made her way back to the bed. As she sat down she realized the laptop wasn’t turning on.

Cursing under her breath she began scanning the room for a charger because the laptop was dead.

Ten minutes later she finally found the damn charger wrapped up neatly inside the laptop case in her closet. Damn Rita and her organizational skills.

She plugs the laptop in and turns it on. She curses again as she notices the time on the screen, Rita would be back in less than ten minutes.

She opens up her documents folder and sighs as she see’s quite a few, she doesn’t have time to check all of them.

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