Visitors pt. 2

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Rita woke up incredibly early the next day. She hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, so she decided around five to just get up and do something productive.

She had spent the entire night worrying about her parents meeting Katie, she wasn’t worried that they wouldn’t like her, who in their right minds could hate Katie, but she was worried that her parents would notice that she had feelings for Katie or that they would just embarrass her in front of Katie. She had already messed up two days ago when Katie was helping her clean for her parent’s arrival, she had slipped up and almost let Katie know about her feelings. If she did that again in front of her parents they will totally know something was going on, or even worse Katie might figure it out as well.

She had tried everything to convince her parents that they didn’t need to meet Katie, but they had insisted.

She sat down at her desk and decided to put this nervous energy to use, and write some more of her story. She was planning on finishing it soon so she really wanted these last few chapters to be good.

She opened up a blank page, and with thoughts of Katie still on her brain she got to work.

            I carefully knocked on Karma’s door with two coffees in my hands. Her mom opened the door and smiled when she saw it was me.

“Hey Mrs. Ashcroft, is it alright if I go see Karma?” I ask.

“Of course dear, you know you never need to ask to hang with Karma. You’re practically family.” She says with a smile that I can’t help but return.

“Thanks.” I walk past her and up to Karma’s room. The door is slightly ajar so I just nudge it open with my foot and walk in quietly.

Karma is sitting on her bed with her back to the door, she has headphones in and it looks like she is writing in her songbook. I walk over to her and hold the Starbucks cup in front of her face getting her attention. She looks up at me and smiles; she takes her headphones out and grabs the coffee from my hand.

“Thanks. I didn’t know you were coming over today, did I forget some plans or something.” She asks while sipping her drink.

“Nope, I was just bored so I figured I’d stop by and see what you were up to.”

“Well thanks for the coffee, I totally needed this today.”

I was about to ask her what she meant when her mom walked into the room.

“Hey honey, dinner is almost ready and your aunt will be here soon.” She says

“Ugh, do I have to come down for dinner, you know I don’t like her mom. She’s always so rude and judgmental.” Karma whines.

“Karma, we are having a family dinner you have to be there.” Her mom says a little sternly, and then she turns to me with a smile.

“You are welcome to join us Amy, you’re practically family anyway.”

She turns and leaves and I turn back to Karma who already has her pout on and is looking at me hopefully.

“Please stay, I wont be able to get through this dinner without you.”

I smile at her and nod my head in agreement, how could anybody say no to that?

Karma squeals and pulls me into a hug. She mumbles something about going to tell her mom that I am staying and then she runs out of the room.

I take out my phone and think about calling Shane for some advice; the next step in his plan was to show Karma that I get along with her family, and here’s the perfect opportunity.

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