Visitors pt. 1

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“Oh my god it was so much fun Shane. We went Mini-golfing and we spent the entire afternoon just laughing and having a good time, and oh my god you were right I am so in love with this girl” I said excitedly as soon as Shane walked into my room.

“Wow girl, take a breath.” Shane said smiling as he walks over to my bed.

“Okay, so I’m guessing everything went well yesterday.” Shane asks.

“It was so much fun, I mean we always have fun when we hang out but it was different yesterday, it was better.”


“Hey Katie what’s got you so happy?” Rita asks sitting down next to Katie, glancing at the phone in her hands.

“Nothing really, just in a good mood I guess.” Katie smiles up at her and locks her phone, slipping it into her jeans pocket.

Rita looks at the pocket Katie had just slipped her phone into for a few seconds, but then she looks back up and smiles at Katie.

“So are you ready for this scene?” She asks.

“I don’t know, I cried just reading this scene. How the hell am I supposed to keep it together?” Katie asks.

“Just think about something happy if you feel like you’re about to cry, that usually helps me.” Rita offers with a supportive grin.

“Or you can just look over at Gregg’s face, because that always makes me laugh.” Rita winks and both girls start laughing.

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Katie says in between fits of laughter.

An hour later Katie is sitting in her trailer wiping the slightly messed up make-up off of her face. She hears a knock and looks up as Rita walks in.

“Hey, just wanted to check if you were okay before I head out.” Rita said, looking at Katie with a mixture of sympathy and caring.

Katie has a small smile on her face, which only makes the sadness in her eyes stand out more. “I’m good, I’m just glad I made it all the way through the scene before I started crying.”

“Yeah, well I’m not sure if I should be offended that my acting skills made you cry. I couldn’t have been that bad.” Rita jokes and Katie laughs lightly.

“You were amazing, I don’t know how you manage to put soo much emotion into every word, but you are seriously like the most talented person I’ve ever met.”

Rita blushes at Katie’s words and gives the shorter girl a tight hug before saying goodbye and heading out of the trailer.

Katie exits the trailer a few minutes later and walks over to Michaels trailer. She walks in and sees Michael going over his lines.

“Hey, can I talk to you for a sec, or are you busy right now?” Katie asks.

“Oh no come on in, I was just killing some time until my scene with Skylar. What’s up? How did your afternoon with Rita go yesterday?” Michael asks, gesturing for Katie to join him on the couch.

“It was great, thanks again for distracting Gregg.” Katie smiles

“Oh no problem, we actually had a good time at the gym. So what’s next in this ingenious plan of yours, that you’re stealing from someone on the internet.”

Katie rolls her eyes at Michael’s tone, “The next step is to do a lot of sweet things for her, and just generally show her how amazing I could be as a girlfriend. Without being too obvious incase this whole plan blows up in my face.”

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