Recipe for fun.

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"Hey" Katie smiled down at Rita as she climbed into her car.
"Hey. You psyched for the amazing adventure in which we are about to partake?" Rita asked her while flashing a goofy grin.
"Oh my god" Katie laughed, "You really are the biggest dork I know."
"I'm going to take that as a compliment." Rita smiled again as she pulled out of Katie's driveway.
"So where are we going?" Katie asked after a few minutes of silent driving.
"Just to Target, and then I figured we could grab some lunch and head back to my house, unless you have anywhere you need to go?"
"Nope, that sounds good to me."
They went back to riding in silence for a few more minutes, but Katie soon got bored. She began asking Rita a bunch of random questions, but she only got short uninterested answers in response.
Sighing Katie reached over and turned the radio up, an old Backstreet Boys song was playing and Katie just shook her head. She loved Rita to death, but her taste in music was just odd.
She flipped the station over to one that plays songs from this decade, and began humming along. She waited for Rita to say something, or switch the station back like she always does, but Rita remained silent.
"Okay, what's up? Why are you being so quiet this morning?" Katie asked.
"What? Oh sorry, I'm just a little tired. I was up late last night, I'll get some coffee when we get there and I'll be fine."
"What were you doing last night?" Katie asks intrigued, she knows for a fact that Rita didn't have any plans yesterday.
"Just doing some work on my laptop, nothing special. I just kinda got caught up in it and didn't realize how late it was." It wasn't really a lie, Rita had been caught up writing a new chapter for her story, it was coming along nicely, but she was having trouble deciding how their first kiss should happen. Right now it was a drunken dare, but she wasn't very happy with it.
"Oh okay." Now Katie was really intrigued, but she didn't want Rita to know. 'I have to get a look at her laptop today' Katie says to herself as they pull into the parking lot at Target.
"What do you think, do I look good?" Rita asks giggling as she puts a ridiculously big sun hat on her head.
They had been at Target for about twenty minutes now, and the coffee that Rita had bought when they first arrived had finally kicked in.
They were standing in an aisle full of weird purses and hats, which no one under the age of 65 would ever wear. But they were having fun trying them on.
"Marvelous darling" Katie replies loudly in a terribly fake British accent. They both break out in a fit of giggles.
"Okay, okay........ what else do you need to get?" Katie asks once they've both caught their breath.
"Just need some Shampoo and then I'm good to go." Rita replies.
"Okay, I think shampoo and stuff is a few aisles over. Let's go." Katie grabs Rita's hand and they head off towards the shampoo.
"What do you think, which one smells better?" Rita asks, holding two bottles of shampoo out to Katie.
"They both smell the same, you're getting this one it smells amazing." Katie says handing Rita a different bottle.
"What if I don't want to smell like an ocean breeze?" Rita says, without taking the bottle from Katie.
"Well it doesn't really matter what you want, if I have to spend another season making-out with you, I want to smell this." She grins cheekily over at Rita, who sighs and grabs the shampoo.
"Fine, you're lucky I love you."
Katie's grin turns into a full smile as she hugs Rita, "I love you too Margarita."
Rita shoots her a playful glare, and they head over to the check out.
They get back to Rita's house an hour later after stopping for lunch at a little café. Rita walks in and immediately heads to her kitchen to put away the food she bought.
Katie walks in and goes to the living room, taking a seat on the couch she turns the TV on. She watches an old episode of Game of Thrones as she waits for Rita to finish putting her stuff away.
Rita walks in and takes a seat next to Katie, "So, what do you want to do with the rest of the day?" Rita asks Katie as she sits down.
"Hmm... I'm feeling kinda crafty right now. Let's find something on Pinterest to make." Katie says and she pulls out her phone, opening up the app.
They search through Pinterest for a while, trying to decide what to make. They finally settle on chocolate raspberry cupcakes, because they have all the ingredients already and the recipe doesn't look too difficult.
They realize they were very wrong when two hours later there is flour everywhere, including in Katie's hair, and Rita has chocolate all over her shirt.
Katie is sitting on the counter as Rita puts the cupcakes into the oven.
"If these things don't taste amazing I'm gonna kill you Katie" Rita says as she walks over to where Katie is sitting.
Katie laughs, "Okay I'll admit, that was a little bit harder than I thought it would be. But you have to admit it was fun." She says with a smirk.
"Yeah it was. I especially liked the part where you managed to knock the flour out of the cupboard, and all over your head." Rita snorts as she brushes some flour out of Katie's hair.
"Well at least I didn't slip and dump a bowl of chocolate down my shirt." She leans over and runs her finger across Rita's shirt, collecting some of the chocolate, "You do taste pretty good though" she winks at Rita.
Both girls start laughing hysterically. After a few minutes they both calm down.
"Well we should probably clean this mess up" Rita says looking around the kitchen. It's actually not too bad, the girls managed to get most of the mess on themselves.
Rita washes the dishes that they used and Katie wipes down the counters. It only takes them about five minutes.
Katie hops back up on the counter and Rita walks over to her.
"Rita, your dripping chocolate onto the floor, don't get any on the counter I just cleaned it." Katie says with a little smirk as Rita gets closer to her.
Rita looks down at the mess on her shirt and realizes Katie is right. Without really thinking about it she just reaches down and pulls the shirt off.
Katie stares at her for a few seconds, but shakes it off. It's nothing she hasn't seen already thanks to the show.
Rita steps over to the counter and places her hands on either side of Katie. "There, now I won't mess up the nice clean counter." Rita grins.
Katie looks down at her, "You still have some chocolate on your collar bone. Honestly, how did you even manage that?" Katie giggles, "You should go take a shower or something"
Rita grins up at Katie and picks up the shirt that she had placed on the counter.
"Don't you dare Ri......." Katie is cut off as Rita throws the shirt at her face, laughing.
Katie pulls the shirt off her face, and Rita bursts out in a new fit of laughter at the sight of Katie with chocolate on her face.
"Asshole" Katie mutters as she wipes some chocolate off of her forehead. Rita is still standing really close to her, so Katie wipes her hand across her stomach, leaving a nice line of chocolate across her abs.
"Oh it's on" Rita smirks, and she grabs Katie, lifting her up off the counter, and pulling her into a hug, smearing chocolate all over the both of them.
Katie squeals as Rita puts her down. She reaches over into the cupboard and pulls out the bag of flour, taking a handful she throws it at Rita's face.
Rita lunges at her and she squeals again, taking off she runs to the other side of the kitchen and out into the hallway.
Rita catches her as she runs past the front door, and tackles her to the ground. They both start laughing again as they take each other in.
The front door opens suddenly and Michael walks in. He pauses as he looks down and sees Rita, in a bra and a pair of jeans, on top of Katie, and both girls ae covered in chocolate and flour.
"What's going on here?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.
Both girls blush, as Rita moves off of Katie and stands up. She reaches down and pulls Katie up as well.
"Oh you know, just baking cupcakes" Katie smiles over at Michael once she's back on her feet.
"Interesting baking technique" Michael laughs, and both girls blush again as they start laughing as well.
"So what are you doing here Michael?" Rita asks.
"I was actually looking for Katie. I tried calling a couple of times but you didn't answer, so I called Paul because I thought you were hanging with him today, and he said I would probably find you here."
Katie looks down at the ground, "Oh, my phones on silent sorry. What do you need?"
"I need to talk to you" He glances over at Rita, and she gets the memo.
"I'm gonna go take a shower, there's drinks and stuff in the fridge, and the cupcakes should be done soon if you want one." She says to Michael before heading off down the hallway to her bathroom.
"So what do you need to talk to me about?" Katie asks once she hears the bathroom door close.
"Well I was just gonna pass on a message from Carter, but after the conversation I had with Paul, and the 'baking' session I just interrupted. I have a few questions."
Katie sighs and walks back into the kitchen. She pulls the cupcakes out of the oven, and then sits back on the counter where she had been earlier.
"Okay, what are your questions" She asks Michael who had followed her into the kitchen.
"What happened with you and Paul, he sounded upset when he picked up the phone, and really pissed when he suggested you were with Rita."
"We had a fight yesterday. He caught an early flight, and wanted to hang out, but I already had plans with Ryan so I told him no. Then he got all pissed and said I don't make time for him anymore, and that I hang out with Rita too much."
"So your solution was to come and 'bake' with Rita" Michael asks skeptically.
"Okay first of all, stop saying "Bake" like that. We were baking, there's the cupcakes right there. We were just messing around while we waited for them to cook"
"Why didn't Rita have a shirt on?" Michael interrupts her
Katie ignores him however and continues, "and second, Paul and I have been having issues for a while. We are growing apart and I think our fight yesterday made us both realize that. So yeah, I came to my best friend's house to take my mind off things. I didn't do anything wrong."
Katie finishes a little defensively, "Alright, I'm not saying you did. I was just asking, but I do think you should talk to Paul. If you think your relationship has run it's course then you should tell him that."
"I know, I'm just not ready to have that conversation right now."
"Okay" Michaels face softens, "Now I've got to try one of those cupcakes they smell amazing"
"Help yourself" Rita says as walks into the kitchen.
"I think I'm going to go take a shower, mind if I borrow some clothes?" Katie asks Rita.
"No, help yourself. You know where they are."
"Thanks" Katie says and she walks out of the kitchen and into Rita's room.
She goes into her closet and pulls out a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie. She's about to leave the room when she notices Rita's laptop sitting on her bed.
With everything that had happened she almost forgot why she wanted to come over to Rita's in the first place.
Glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one was walking towards the room, she grabs Rita's laptop and logs on. She opens her documents folder and quickly locates the locked file.
Using the technique Ryan showed her yesterday she tries to open up the folder. After a few attempts she is about to give up and try again another day, she doesn't want Rita to walk in and catch her.
She decides to try one more time, and as she clicks on the file, it opens.

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