chapter 7 [ dinner date

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after about an hour of verosika's friends talking and laughing one of them suggested getting dinner and then everybody else joined in unison and talks about what dinner should we get I tried to suggest burgers but then they all said they had burgers last week 'there's no pain in getting it again' I thought "hey how about we get pizza, we haven't had pizza in while" kat said (another male succubus) then all the other succubus agreed to have a pizza dinner. after that, the succubus's sneaked me out and we all got into the van with vortex as the driver, me and verosika were in the passenger's seat.

"so what song should we put y/n babe?" veroika asked me as she fiddled with her phone that is connected to the vans radio speakers, I thought for a moment "umm how about (just insert the name of your favorite song)" you asked "yeah let's put that!" verosika smiled at me and she typed in the song into her phone 'ok ngl that smile was kinda cute' I said to myself in my head.

the music started to play on the speakers and verosika and the other just started to vibe to the song and when the song got to the chorus I started to quietly sing to myself while looking out the window but I guess that I was singing loud enough for verosika to hear "y/n! you can sing?" she asked excitedly "umm no, at least not that well" I mumbled to her "oh shut up about that" she said as she grabbed face with her hand under my chin "I want to hear you sing" she said being gentle with me. I continued to sing for verosika as she played with my hair, it actually felt nice, me and her both laughed whenever I messed up.

we finally arrived at a pizza restaurant and the gang sat at the table and started ordering the pizzas. I was sitting with verosika and coco, apple and kiki, while the rest was on the other side of the table, was the other's but sitting right in front of me was ace, I'm still mad at him for catching me at the concert so I ignored him the best I can. after ordering my pizza with my favorite toppings, verosika got up and went to the bathroom leaving me alone with the other succubi's. it wasn't too horrible being with them some of them just made small talk with me such as what was work like for me and asking about my hobbies and ignored all the questions that ace asked me as a way to hint at him that I'm mad at him.

 then at one point, I felt a foot/ shoe brush against my ankles I flinched at the touch not wanting to glance to ace knowing very well that he did it. and then he did it again so I decided to glare at him but he stared at me for a moment and then winked which caused my hatred for him to grow more. then verosika finally got backed from the bathroom's "so what did I miss" she asked the gang "nothing much still waiting for our pizza" kiki said as versika sat down next to me "well at least you didn't let my baby go astray" she said in a teasing way "ugh stop calling me that I'm only half your height " I complained "I'll stop if you call me mommy" the gang snickerd at her joke, while I actually took the time to consider it since I am so sick and tired of being called a baby "will you actually stop calling me baby if I call you that?" I asked. "your just gonna have to wait and see what happens then baby" she teased again.

I took a deep breath in "mommy" I said in a blank tone and looking away from her because I was blushing.

"nuh ah " verosika said "I want you to moan it, babe," she said in a hushed voice as she put her hand on my thigh, my face heated up and I pulled my hoodie over my head and the succubus gang laughed at my actions. "you frickin promise!" I yelled through my hoodie. then I realized that verosika isn't laughing but instead comforting my small body by bringing me close to her and letting me lay on her chest.

finally, the pizza arrived and the group and I had a fun time joking about our dark our humor could be and they said some sexual jokes that made me wheeze. "so when can I get home?" I asked verosika "hmmm that depends, does your boss know where you live she asked? " I then remembered that one time where blitz tried to climb on my balcony with a camera but ended up falling into a dumpster and breaking his ankle. but at the sound of verosika's question, I knew that she would try and get me to sleep at her house.

"yeah why," I said absent-mindedly while eating my pizza "well I guess that means your sleeping at my house," she said then taking a bite from her pizza "what! oh come on you kept me long enough to get my boss pissed!" I said hoping that they would let me go "but we're not done with our plans remember? we're sopose to kidnap moxxie next" apple cheerfully said "uuuggghhhh" I groaned into my hoodie frustarted that i can't go home and i can't do anything in this situration.

"calm down babe" verosika said as she continued to play with my hair. soon after we finnished our pizza dinner vortex drove me and verosika home first. 


(954 words) so in short you spent the night at verosika's house with versika cuddling you

also im sorry that you guys had to wait for so long for another chapter the last week has been difficult for me and i just wasn't able to write

untill next time


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