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I sat next to Laxus at one of the small tables, stirring my drink with the straw while listening to the old man announcing who would be participating in the Grand Magic Games. I had already been in the games multiple times, but we still lost every year. Snow was curled up on my lap as well, purring softly as she slept.

This year's team would be Natsu, Gray, Wendy, Erza, and Lucy. I was kind of bummed that I wouldn't be on the team, but I knew that the current team would be just as amazing without my help.

"(Y/n), Laxus, Master wishes to talk with us in his office." Mira informed us, a smile on her face. I nodded my head, standing up from the old chair, snow jumping off my lap, and following the two into the office. When we arrived, there already were two other people in there. Mystogan and Gajeel. I barely gave the iron dragon slayer a glance, nodding at Mystogan and averting my attention to the Master.

"So, I bet you are all wondering why I called you in here." He began, hands clasped on top of his desk. There were mumbles of agreement throughout the small room in response. "Well, you 5 will enter the games as Fairytail Team B." He announced. I blinked on confusion, vaguely remembering that there use to be only 1 team allowed per guild. "I know what you must be thinking, but I read the rules over and they changed them so more than one team may participate." He grinned.

"What's in it for us?" Laxus spoke up, crossing his arms. Oh Laxus, always in it for the prize.

"Well, how about this, whichever team wins gets to order the losing team around for a whole day."

Oh ho, now that got everybody's attention.


I sat on the train beside Laxus, Snow curled up against my leg beside me, giggling at the slight green tint to his face while he leaned against the window.

"(Y/n) quit laughing at me. It's not funny." He grumbled sourly. I covered my mouth, shaking my head.

"Sorry, you just look really silly Laxus." I teased quietly. He simply groaned in response, closing his eyes.

With a soft sigh, I raised my hand and placed it upon his forehead, a soft green glow emitting from my palms. Almost instantly, Laxus's body relaxed in response, his eyes opening in calm shock.

"You can do healing magic too? What the hell?"

I nodded my head, smiling.

"Of course I can. It comes with the wind magic. Plus, Wendy taught me."

"And you didn't think to use it before we started moving you brat?" He glared at me to which I laughed again.

"I just like to see your expressions."

"You little-!"


I got off the train, stretching my arms above my head. I turned around to see the rest of my team behind me, bags in hand. Snow jumped up onto my shoulder, laying down as she always does.

"Well, I'm off! I'll see you guys at the hotel later." I waved at them and ran off down the street, following a certain Fire Dragon Slayer's scent.

Awhile later, I ended up on the outside of a crowd of people, listening as they cheered on a fight of some kind. I shook my head in disappointment.

"Typical Natsu."

I used my small body as an advantage, pushing through the people and into the clearing in the middle. Natsu was on the ground, glaring up at a blond male angrily. Happy also seemed to be in a argument of some kind with another exceed.

'Males are so quick to determine the strongest. It's sad'. Snow sighed, myself nodding in agreement. I bent down, grabbing the back of Natsu's shirt and yanking him to his feet. He looked down at me, blinking in surprise.

"Oh hey (Y/n), what's up?" He smiled. I sighed, patting his shoulder.

"Natsu, please stop getting into fights with other Guilds. Especially if you're losing."

"I wasn't losing!"

"It sure seems like you were with you on the ground and all."


I giggled at his pouting expression, covering my mouth with my hand. Natsu's cheeks became a soft red tint at the sound, his eyes softening.

I looked towards the two wizards Natsu was arguing with, taking in their appearance. One was a blond haired cocky looking male and the other was a raven haired emotionless male. Both were looking at the two of us in interest (More like just you).

"Oh, it's you guys." I sighed. "Out of all the people you could have gotten into a fight with, it was Sting and Rogue."

A muscular arm wrapped around my shoulder, knocking snow off in the process and pulling me away from Natsu, right up against a hard chest.

"(Y/n), it's nice to see you again! Have you considered our offer of joining Sabertooth? It's never too late you know~" Sting leaned down to my height, his famous egotistical smirk on his face. I grabbed his face with my hand, pushing him away.

"Yes I have thought about it, and my answer is still no. If I had to be around you all the time, I'd probably go crazy." I huffed. I felt a small squeeze against my leg and I looked down to see Frosch attached to it.

"(N/N)-Chan!" They squealed happily. I picked them up, nuzzling my cheek against theirs.

"How's my little froggy doing? Is Sabertooth treating you okay?" I cooed, my motherly side coming out to play. Frosch nodded, smiling.

Rogue walked up to us, a soft look in his eyes.

"(Y/n) it's nice to see you again." He greeted.

"(Y/n) you know these people?!" Natsu yelled out. I laughed, nodding my head.

"Yes Natsu, I do. I've known them since we were kids, after you guys disappeared and I started doing quests all over Magnolia. I've also been in the Grand Magic Games plenty of times." I informed the pink headed male.

"And you wouldn't have lost all those times if you had just joined my guild." Sting chimed in, earning an elbow to his chest from me. I gave Frosch back to Rogue, checking the time to see it was getting late and that I needed to get to the hotel.

"Natsu it's time to go. You're going to be late getting to the hotel if you don't go now." I reminded him. Natsu quickly nodded and ran off with Happy by his side. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Are you not participating this year (Y/n)?" Rogue questioned. I looked over to him, sending him a playful smirk.

"You'll see. I'll catch you guys later!" I slipped out of Sting's hold and ran off to my own hotel, waving back at them.

They watched as you left, their hearts fluttering the same way it does every time they talk to you.

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