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"My dear, we will meet again someday."


My first memory was simply walking. I was cold, extremely cold. My body felt sticky and drenched. But that was the least of my worries.

By the time I had finally reached any sort of civilization, my only instinct was to find something to eat. Anything would do. I closed in on the first food smelling location I found, which so happened to be a garbage can. Not that I knew any better.

I didn't acknowledge the multiple sets of disgusted gazes piercing right into me as I dove in and started filling my belly with anything edible. Yes, I was that hungry.

After eating the left overs of a half eaten apple, I sat back on my knees, wiping my stained mouth with the back of my hand. My eyes widened as the sun suddenly disappeared from the ground around me. With a slow turn, my own red gaze clashed with dark teal. A man stood over me, hands in his pockets.

He has a scar across his right eye in the shape of a lightening bolt. He was far taller than me, his body adorning a large black coat with fur lining the edges, a violet button up shirt, and black jeans. His hair was a golden/yellow shade, most of it slicked back and pointed with the exception of a small tuft hanging down onto his forehead. I took notice of the pair of headphones that looped around his neck with one spike on each end. Overall, he looked like a rather moody individual as he glared down at me.

It felt like forever before any sign of movement happened between us both. He lifted his hand, and for a moment I thought he was going to strike me.

But to my surprise, he extended it to me instead, palm facing upwards. My eyes widened, and the previous impression I had of him was flushed out of my mind.

"Come with me, I'll help you." His voice was rough, but strangely calming, like I was familiar with this style of speaking. I reached out towards his hand, but stopped upon finally noticing the dark red splotches covering the majority of my skin.

He watched as I carefully examined my attire, coming to the conclusion that it was the first time I had seen what I actually looked like. With a shake of his head, he slipped off his jacket and draped it over my head, hiding my much smaller self from view. He bent down, placing both hands on my shoulders.

"You're tough for such a scrawny brat. Who cares what others think. Now let's go, I'll show you something way better to eat than a rat's meal." He swiftly picked me up and began walking in another direction. It was then I became aware at just how small I was. I could easily fit into the curve of his arm, his jacket acting more like a blanket than anything. We walked for quite awhile, and I was glad that it wasn't me doing all the work this time. Soon, we arrived in another city all together. I marvelled at how much cleaner this one looked.

"My name is Laxus Dreyar by the way. You better remember it." He didn't even spare a glance down at me as he spoke, his sights focused on the street in front of us.

"M-My name is (Y/n) (L/n)." I stuttered, my voice a little scratchy due to me not using it for so long. He nodded once, reaching out his other hand and placing it against the door that somehow appeared in front of us. Clearly, I wasn't good at paying attention since we arrived at a rather sizeable building without myself noticing. I heard the yelling before the door even opened, but when it did, all I saw was the dark brown colour of a wooden table before I flinched and squeezed my eyes shut, hiding my head in my arms.

I heard a loud crash, and after a moment of feeling no pain, I peeked my eyes open. Laxus had his arm out, a broken pile of wood laying on the ground with smoke coming off it, parts of it blackened and charred.

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