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-6 years later-

-Age: 18-

It's been 7 years since the other half of Fairy Tail had disappeared. For the majority of that time, I have been doing as many quests as I could in order to pay the Twlight Ogre guild. The other members contributed as much as they could, but we were down significantly in numbers.

Alzack and Bisca got married and had a baby girl named Asuka.

Macao is the current Guildmaster with Wakaba as his advisor.

And me?

Well, I was made the only S-Class Wizard in Fairy Tail. We didn't hold a trial, but everybody pretty much agreed on it anyway.

I was now 18 years old. My partner and best friend is Snow, my Exceed.

Anyway, that's enough recap.

"Faster! We're late!" I held tightly onto Snow as she sprinted through Magnolia at high speed, weaving and jumping over people and stands as we made our way to the guild.

Today was Pay Day, but during my mission I had gotten a little sidetracked with some thieves. They weren't particularly strong, but there was enough of them to make me late for the meeting with Twilight Ogre. By now, they were most likely in the Guildhall wreaking havoc once they realized I wasn't there. The thought made me seethe.

Snow bounded up the hill and to the Guildhall. I could already hear the chaos going on inside. We crashed through the doors and Snow jumped into the air, landing in between Romeo and the other wizards. I jumped off her back, clenching my fists by my sides. Thibault, the leader of the group, smirked widely, balancing his bat on his shoulder.

"Ah, you're late (Y/n). I was wondering where you were." He beckoned the rest of his group back towards him and I could see they had already trashed the place and beat up some of the members.

"Are you that impatient? You know that I'm always the one to give you the Jewels. We had an agreement that you would stay away from the rest of Fairy Tail!" I hissed. The taller man tapped his chin to fein a thinking expression.

"Really? I don't recall such a thing." The others behind him snickered mockingly. "Anyway, now that you're here, pay up." He held out his hand to me. I took the bag of Jewels out of my bag and roughly placed it in his awaiting palm. He looked through it for a moment before glancing up at me.

"Oh yes I forgot to mention. Rent is now double." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Double? What for?" I questioned, holding back my anger by repeatedly clenching and unclenching my fists.

"You were short a few Jewels last time. Master doesn't forgive people who rip him off." His smirk grew ever wider and more sickening.

"Short?! I counted all of them myself before giving them to you! If anything, you're the one who took them." I snarled, stepping closer to him. Our noses were inches away from each other, our eyes locked in an intense glare-down.

"(Y/n) calm down. If you fight them, there's a chance you'll get us kicked out of the only guildhall we have." Snow spoke softly, her tail brushing against my shoulder. I let myself relax, stepping back and reaching into my bag where I kept my food and travel money. I handed it to him and lowered my head to which he smiled in victory to.

"Please give those back!" A new voice called out. Suddenly Romeo appeared in front of me, staring down the group. My eyes widened a bit as I stared at the back of his head. "That's the only money (Y/n)-Chan has! Without it, she can't eat or take the train to do missions!"

Thibault passed the two bags to one of his comrades before placing his hands on his hips.

"That isn't my problem kid. If you have something to say, how about to come and talk to our Guildmaster. I'm sure he'd love to play around with you." He snickered. Romeo trembled on the spot but stood strong. That moment all those years ago flashed through my mind where he was doing the same thing and I was standing back, watching him do it.

"I said give it back! It's not yours!" Romeo demanded once more, purple flames flickering in both his palms. Thibault places a hand on the handle of his bat, pulling it out and swinging it down at the boy. I grabbed Romeo and pulled him into my chest, turning around and shielding the boy with my body. I grunted in pain at the harsh swing that connected with my back, forcing me to my knees. Romeo pulled away, his eyes wide and swelling with tears at the pained look on my face.


Thibault raised his bat again, a crazed look on his face. Before he could bring it down, the door swung open and he was kicked over our heads and to the ground.

"We're back!"

I froze in shock and disbelief at the familiar voice. Romeo looked over my shoulder, tears now falling down his cheeks. I saw Thibault being dragged out of the guild by his friends, but I barely paid that any attention. My mind was more occupied with what came out of Romeo's mouth next.

"Natsu!" He gasped. I couldn't look. I didn't want to. I didn't know why I was so scared, but as I sat there, the probable wound on my back but a dull ache, I couldn't move an inch. Romeo slipped out of my arms and ran behind me, the other guild members erupting into gasps of shock and happiness.

Snow bent down, nuzzling her snout against my forehead.

"What's wrong (Y/n)? Is your back okay? It's bleeding." Snow cooed softly inside my head. I clenched my eyes shut, shaking my head. I could hear them behind me. All of them. My body was shaking badly; my breath getting stuck in my throat.

"(Y/n)." My eyes snapped open at the voice. The voice was so painfully familiar, filling my body with nostalgia and sadness. The building got deadly silent and I could feel all eyes were on the two of us. Snow sensed that the man was no harm and backed away from me. I could feel the body heat of the person behind me as they bent down. "(Y/n), please look at me. I know it's you."

I let out a deep exhale and slowly turned around. Everything came to a standstill as I met the blue eyes of Laxus. I felt something trail down my cheek, and then another down the opposite one. He held out his arms, a soft, sad smile on his bandaged up face.

I launched myself into his arms, grabbing desperately on to him. His arms wrapped around me gently, his warmth enveloping my body completely. Before I knew it, I was bawling my eyes out, my face buried deep in his chest.

Everybody else watched the interaction with tears in their own eyes, especially the ones that were left behind in the Guild who watched the girl bottle up her feelings.

This moment, being in Laxus's arms, made me realize how lonely I had really felt all these years. As much as I loved the others, nothing could ever replace the warmth and happiness I felt when I was with Laxus.

Laxus had one hand on the back of my head, the other wrapped around my back. He whispered calming words to me as I sobbed into his chest, the soft smile still present on his face as well as the small tears that ran down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry (Y/n). I'm sorry I wasn't there to watch you grow up."

(I'm crying 😭)

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