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Everybody in Fairy Tail was the happiest they could ever be. We were all reunited with each other, and currently most of the guild members were already drunk from the alcohol that was passed around in celebration.

I was standing beside Laxus, listening to Natsu as he told the story about what happened. Apparently a dark guild had attacked them during the trials and shortly after, a black and blue dragon showed up and tried to destroy the island. If it wasn't for First Master Mavis, they probably would be dead right now.

For some reason, when Natsu was talking about the dragon, my heart sped up slightly. I didn't know why my body reacted that way though.

"So (Y/n)," Erza turned to me which I tilted my head to indicate I was listening, "I heard from Bisca that you were the biggest financial contributor to the guild while we were away. I thought you didn't have any magic."

I grew a little nervous at that, all of their eyes on me expectantly. I kept my expression firm to not give away that I was uneasy at their stares.

"While you guys were gone, my magic had developed. I have been training it ever since and I started doing some quests to support the guild since we were so short membered." I explained. Macao came out of nowhere, red faced and smelling like alcohol as he slung an arm around my shoulder.

"Some quests? Don't be modest (Y/n)! You did at least 10 a day. I have no idea how you accomplished such a thing either. But there's a reason we made you an S-Class mage you know." He grinned, taking another swing of his drink before stumbling off to go bug somebody else. I sighed through my nose, glaring irritably in his direction.

"You're an S-Class wizard (Y/n)?!" Wendy gasped. I crossed my arms, closing my eyes and nodding.

"Yes I am. I didn't want to say anything since I didn't get the title in any official way. They just kind of decided on it." I peeked open an eye as a loud slam came from in front of me. Natsu had an excited grin on his face, his palms beginning to emit smoke.

"How about you fight me and we'll see!" He pointed at his chest with his thumb. I uncrossed my arms and placed my hands on my hips, knowing Natsu wouldn't stop asking if I said no.

"Fine, let's go outside." I turned to walk to the doors but stopped as Laxus grabbed my arm.

"Are you sure? Natsu is pretty strong. He's been practicing his magic since he was a kid." He looked a little worried, and I understood why. I placed a hand over his, nodding my head.

"I'll be fine. Natsu, let's go." I pulled away from the blond and walked outside, the fire dragon slayer following closely behind. Snow ran up beside me, her tail swishing as she fell into step beside me. Happy flew over, examining Snow with wide eyes.

"Wow (Y/n)! When did you get a cat?" He landed beside Snow, reaching out to touch her fur. All of a sudden, a pure white tail whacked the blue exceed across the face.

"I am not just a cat! Don't touch me." She hissed, her blue eyes glaring menacingly at Happy who looked both scared and confused.

"That's my exceed, Snow. Please treat her nicely Happy." I mumbled, stopping in a clearing a little ways away from the guildhall. The rest of the guild members must have heard about the fight and were beginning to gather around the clearing. The Tenrou island members were standing in a group on the left, and the rest that I spent the 7 years with were on the right. Natsu stood across from me, the challenging grin still on his face.

"Don't go overboard this time (Y/n)! Don't send anybody to the hospital like last time!" Wakaba laughed. I shook my head, crossing my arms.

"Thanks old man, appreciate it." I mumbled sourly, my eyes still on Natsu as he got into a fighting stance.

"And...Start!" Mira cheered, raising a hand. Natsu cupped his hands over his mouth, a magic circle forming in front of them as he readied his famous Fire Dragon Roar.

The blast of flames came hurtling towards me and the Tenrou group looked a little panicked that I didn't move an inch. To them, it must have looked scary to see the cyclone of fire engulfing me completely.

Suddenly, the flames began to get smaller and smaller, eventually revealing me. I sucked up the last of the flames, breathing out a small sigh. A few seconds of shocked silence went by before screams of confusion rang out from my right. Natsu was wide eyed at what he just witnessed, giving me the perfect opportunity to attack him.

I crouched down and picked up a handful of dirt, shoving it into my mouth. I felt more and more power flow into me until I was close to bursting with energy. I leapt into the air, cupping my hands in front of my mouth like Natsu had done.

"Fire Earth Dragon Roar!" A blast of fire and earth came from the magic circle that formed, hurtling quickly down at the awestruck male. He quickly tried to consume the fire, but the chunks of rock and dirt crashed into him, kicking up dust and wind.

I landed back on the ground in a crouch, studying the mound of earth. The pile blew in every direction as Natsu broke out of it and ran up to me.

"(Y/n)! You're a dragon slayer too?!" He shook me violently, an excited gleam in his eyes. The others gathered around, throwing question after question at me.

"Yes! Yes, I guess I am a Dragon Slayer. Which type, I am not sure. It depends on the element I consume. Stop shaking me Natsu." I pushed his hands away and stood up, brushing the dirt off my clothing.

I held a hand out to him, a small smile on my face. He took the hint and grabbed it, returning the smile.

"Next time we get the chance, let's have a real battle Natsu. I want to kick your ass while you're using your full power."

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