Chapter 22: Carmen

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The last thing I remembered was pressing my hands to the machine. When I woke up, I was in a garden.

"I think it is time I told you who I am," a voice said.

I sat up, once again seeing the beautiful woman of the flames.

She stretched her hand toward me, pulling me to my feet. "I believe I have stalled long enough." She let out a long sigh. "I was afraid, Carmen. I knew that once I revealed everything, your true power would awaken. I did not know if you—or rather I—were ready. I see now that you have come a long way." She took both of my hands in hers.

I squinted as she began to glow brightly. When the light faded, she was no longer flames. She was flesh and bones.

"My name is Cyra," she said. "Thousands of years ago, I was the queen of a vast kingdom. When I died, I was offered a spot in the Council of the Greats. They are ten souls that sort and manage soul fragments. I accepted, but was only there for a short time."

I frowned. "If it's so important, why did you leave?"

She smiled. "Because I found you. I saw myself in you, and I knew I had to be the one to support you. I wanted you to reach your full potential. That is why...I want to see you succeed." She cupped my face in her hands, gently pressing her forehead against mine. "Close your eyes. When you wake up, you will be in danger. Your friends have been captured, and you are the only one who can save them. If anything happens, please do not hesitate to call me. Remember, your strength does not lie in your negative emotions. Believe in that you want to protect the people you love, and you will always win." She smiled gently. "Now, you must go. I will be watching."

My eyes snapped open.

A sinister laugh boomed through the air. "Finally," a man's voice said happily, "I didn't think you would wake up! Once I learned that you'd destroyed my hard work, I couldn't help myself. I just had to see you for myself..."

Still a bit groggy, I forced myself to sit up. The man I saw in front of me was a spitting image of Pablo. I knew at once that this was Louis Tanaka.

He was behind a glass wall, standing at a podium. When he grinned, his eyes were bright with insanity. "I see the recognition in your eyes! This is so exciting!"

I pushed myself to my feet. However, my body froze at the sound of rustling chains. I swallowed hard, my breath quickening.

His grin widened. "Just as I'd hoped...You're entirely terrified! Mariella, isn't this splendid? I didn't believe anyone could bring me more joy than you do."

"Let her go," Mara's voice growled. "And don't you dare call me that name."

My eyes widened.  I turned to my left and saw Mara, Pablo, and Aaron strapped to chairs. On the other side, Andy, Mason, and Castar were also strapped up. "No," I breathed. "This is all my fault!"

"No, it isn't," Andy said gently. "We weren't as careful as we should've been."

"Quiet!" Louis snapped. He pointed a remote control at Andy, causing the chair to shock him.

"Andy!" I yelled. I tried to move forward, but the shackles around my wrists wouldn't let me. 

He shut his eyes tightly, pressing his lips together. "I'm...fine, Carmen..."

"If you try to free them or yourself," Louis sneered, "I will electrocute them."

I clenched my fists. "Let them go," I growled.

He grinned once again. "That won't happen. You took my precious children away from me! It's your fault that my Mariella doesn't love me anymore! So now, I'll torture you until you give in!" He pressed his remote again, but this time it shocked everyone.

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