Chapter 9: Carmen

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As many problems as I was currently having, I didn't think it could get worse. I was, as always, completely wrong. 

I walked into school on Monday with everyone's eyes on me. It didn't occur to me why they were looking, and it most definitely didn't occur to me what the outcome of this situation could be. As always, I headed toward my locker. People would glance at me, then turn and whisper to whoever was next to them. The final straw was just as I got to my locker and a girl came up to me. 

She was angry, a deep scowl on her face. 

"Can I help you...?" I asked. 

"Back off," she snapped. 

I frowned. "What?"

She scoffed. "I can't believe that you're trying to act all innocent. Everyone knows that you hooked up with Andy!" 

My eyes widened and my heartbeat began to speed up. "Where did you hear that?!" I exclaimed. 

The girl rolled her eyes. "There are so many girls more qualified than you. Ugh, and more prettier than you too." 

Now I was mad. "Excuse me? I don't think that was very necessary. And you still didn't answer my question. Who told you that I got with Andy? I barely even know him!" 

She laughed. "You don't need to know someone to have s--" 

"That's enough!" I snapped. I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming on. "I don't even care who told you anymore...I just want you to know that Andy and I never did that. We're not even friends." I felt that adding the fact that we weren't on speaking terms either might have taken things too far. 

The girl narrowed her eyes at me. "Whatever. Just stay away from him, got it? If you're out of the picture, then I'll be able to ask him out." She turned to walk away. 

"As if he'd even talk to a girl with your attitude," I mumbled. 

At this, the girl turned back around. "What did you just say?" she growled. 

I slapped my hand over my mouth. That comment was supposed to stay inside of my head! Curse my big mouth...

The girl stepped closer to me, making sure to flaunt the fact that she was a good three or four inches taller than me. "So you go and say something about me then act all scared? That's pathetic. Why would Andy--let alone any guy in general--ever want you? You're just disgusting! In fact, maybe you should just stop trying. No one could ever like you that way." 

Despite my efforts to push it away, anger bubbled in me. It was unlike any emotion I'd ever had, deep and dark and...ugly. My hands curled into fists. "You know," I sneered, "talking down on someone because they managed to get the guy you like is pretty 'pathetic.' I suggest you check yourself before you go bad-mouthing people." 

Her face flushed red. "Why you!" She swung her fist at me. 

I was calm--maybe a bit too calm--as I caught her punch. "Do I really have to repeat myself?" I asked tiredly. I dropped her hand, then closed my locker. "I suggest you don't try to start a fight with me. Trust me, you'll regret it." With that, I walked away. After that, no one really bothered me. 

I was on my way to lunch when I heard Steven's voice ring through the hall. 

"Just relax, man!" he said, seemingly holding back laughter. 

"Relax?!" Andy's angry voice exclaimed. 

I peeked around the corner of the hallway, then crept closer to the scene. 

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