Chapter 26: Carmen

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It felt like I was floating aimlessly through water. I wasn't drowning, I was just...existing. A voice was calling out to me, but I couldn't make out who it was. Questions drifted through my mind. How long had it been since I'd collapsed? Was I still with everyone? Was I even alive?

"Carmen!" Cyra's voice yelled.

I gasped, sitting bolt upright. I was once again in the garden.

"My goodness," she breathed. "Have you not heard my calls? You were drifting for so long, I was unsure you would be able to find your way out."

I frowned. "Drifting?"

"I will explain it some other time. For now, we must mend your mind."

"I'm not sure I'm following," I said, puzzled. "My mind needs to be mended?"

"Your consciousness, rather," she replied. "You have taken much strain from the auras you have encountered today. If you do not take the time to heal yourself, you will fracture your soul. Small tears will heal, but cracks cannot be fixed." She lifted my hand to my heart. "Please allow me to aid you in your healing process."

"I'm not even sure where to start," I admitted. "Could me?"

She nodded. "When you are ready, take a deep breath in and out."

I did as she said, following her instructions carefully as she continued to explain.

"Close your eyes, then visualize that you are reaching inside of yourself. Do you see the tears?"

"Mhm," I hummed in response.

"Good," she said. "Finally, visualize yourself pasting the tears back together. Any way you see it is fine."

Slowly, the small tears began to mend. Once they'd finished, I opened my eyes again.

Cyra smiled. "Very good. Your power should be more stable now. However, that does not mean you can go light everything that makes you the slightest bit upset on fire."

I grinned sheepishly. "I can't make any promises."

She chuckled. "You are as stubborn as ever, I see. You must go now. Your friends are in need of your guidance." She helped me to my feet. "All jokes aside, please try and keep a cool head. You cannot afford any more tears today."

I nodded. "I'll do my best." The next thing I knew, I was back in the hallway.

"Carmen," Andy breathed.

I stood shakily. "What are you all standing around for? Every minute that passes is another we could've spent trying to find Castar and Pablo."

Mason frowned. "Aaron and I haven't been able to focus on their scents since you passed out."

I squinted down the hall. "I can faintly see Pablo's thread going that way. We should follow it." I took a step forward, immediately stumbling.

"You're not ready," Andy murmured, catching me.

"I'm fine," I insisted. "Just a little...dizzy. Yeah, just dizzy. That's all."

"We're not going anywhere until you're well enough to walk," Mara insisted.

I scowled. "No. I told you, I'm fine. They're down that hall." I forced myself to stay upright, clinging to Andy for support. "We need to go. This is the final stretch. I...I can feel it." I led the group down the hall to a set of metal doors.

Mara pressed her hand to the leftmost door. After a moment, she let out a sigh of relief. "He's here," she breathed. "Pablo's here! Caster is too!"

"How do we open it?" Mason asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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