Chapter 12: Mara

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I'd become extremely worried when Carmen didn't answer my texts or calls. I had gone to assume the worst, but then I got a text from Mason.

"She what?!" I exclaimed.

"I'm tellin' you that's what I saw!" Mason snapped. He shoved his hands into his pockets, looking away from me. "They left, and just as I went out to get them, she kissed him."

I scowled. "This doesn't help our current situation," I mumbled. "They should be focused on what we're up against."

Mason gave me a puzzled look. "What did you say?"

"Nothing. Anyway, thanks for picking me up."

He nodded. "So, you wanna go in?"

I looked up at the path in front of me. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't, Mara," he replied. "We have the same goal, don't we?"

I sighed, taking a much-dreaded step forward. "Let's go, then."

Mason followed closely behind me. "I don't think I've ever come out here before," he said. "A couple of my friends came out to tag the place a while ago, but I didn't go with them."

"It's not as fun as it sounds," I grumbled. "It's just a big empty building with plants growing in unnecessary places."

"I still don't understand why this entire part of town became abandoned, though. The rest of the buildings were taken down too..."

"There was a mass murder in the mall," I said quietly. "It was a little over twenty-five years ago. The entire shopping center was left alone because no one wanted to come back. They stopped taking care of the area, and...," I stopped in front of the abandoned mall, "now it's like this."

Mason's eyes widened. "This place is huge."

I couldn't help but smirk. "I take it you've never gone to the warehouse either?"

He shook his head. "I've only ever been to the witch's tavern downtown."

I grinned. "I didn't think you were into the paranormal stuff. I guess I can't blame you, though."

Suddenly, Mason stopped. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side. "Someone's on the roof," he whispered in my ear. "If you look up from here, you'll see it."

I did as he said and gasped. The person and I seemed to make eye contact, then they lifted their hand into the air.

I threw my arms up to cover my face, bringing up a shield of water to cover Mason and I from the fireball that had just been thrown. The force knocked me back onto the ground.

"Mara, what was that?" Mason asked frantically.

I scowled. "We're too late," I hissed. I got to my feet just in time to block another fireball.

Mason watched me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry I took you out here," I breathed. "You need to run."

"I'm not going anywhere without you," he snapped. 

"Mason," I insisted. "You need to leave." 

He stood his ground. "I don't know what's happening but I--" 

The sound of a gunshot rang out through the air. 

He collapsed onto the ground. 

"Mason!" I yelled. I moved toward him, but someone grabbed me and held me back. 

Two people in dark clothing dragged Mason away. 

"Let go of me!" I growled. I gripped the arm of whoever was holding me back. With all of my strength, I forced the water out of their body and into the ground. 

They collapsed on the floor behind me. 

I straightened unsteadily. "Too much, Mari," I mumbled to myself. "You did too much..." I hadn't realized those were the words that had been spoken to me so many times before. In my state of delirium, I completely forgot about Mason. I would never forgive myself for it, and it would torment me for years to come. Because of my failure to protect him, he would never be the same again. Because of my lack of readiness, all of our lives would be put in danger. But worst of all, my uncle would gain what he really wanted. That was enough for me to want to never use my gift again. 

I woke up in Castar's living room. 

He was sitting in front of the fireplace with his back facing me. 

When I spoke, my voice was hoarse. "Castar?" I asked. 

He turned to me, a relieved look on his face. "Thank God," he breathed. 

I moved to sit up, but someone gently pushed me back down. 

"You need to rest," Pablo said gruffly. 

I couldn't help but smile. "You always have trouble showing how you feel, don't you?"

He cleared his throat, avoiding my gaze. "Just go back to sleep." 

Suddenly, the previous events came flooding back to me. "Where's Mason?" I asked frantically. 

Castar and Pablo exchanged pained looks. 

"No," I breathed. "No, no, no, no! This can't be happening! If they've got Mason, they've probably got to Carmen's parents too! And I can't begin to imagine what Tío would do if he got his hands on Andy's little sister..." 

"Castar and I were discussing things," Pablo said quietly, "and we think that we should head out to Nevada as soon as possible." 

"Are you two out of your minds?!" I exclaimed. "You'll get yourselves killed!" 

"I've done the calculations, Mara," he insisted. "The frequencies are coming from Tío's main research facility. If we can get in there, stop the machine, and get back out, we won't have to deal with the consequences of any more disaster!" 

I scowled. "We need an actual plan." 

"Mara," Castar cut in. "We're still supposed to be in the autumn season, and yet it's thirty degrees outside. In Texas, it's nearly below zero, and Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Jersey are experiencing some of the hottest days recorded in their state's histories. The entire country is facing some of the most bizarre weather in American history. If we don't do something to stop it, Louis will move to something even bigger than national weather experimentation." 

I sighed. "And how do we plan on dealing with Andy's sister and Mason?" 

"We'll figure something out," Castar replied. "Until we do, please continue to rest."

"As I said before," Pablo added, "we plan on leaving as soon as possible. If that means today, we go today." 

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