Bonus Story Chapter

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I'm having major writer's block right now so I'm posting this bonus chapter. Hope you enjoy 😌😌


One day after Mason's abduction

"One of the new recruits is going on a rampage in the dorms!" a doctor exclaimed.

Eli leaned over to Rosaria. "Who do you think it might be?"

She shrugged. "None of them seemed hostile when I made my rounds earlier." A small frown reformed her features. "But...I should ask if they need my assistance."

The doctors and scientists talked frantically, trying to decide who would go.

"I can accompany whoever will check on the situation," Rosaria said.

The group seemed to go silent.

"Come with me," said a doctor.

She followed closely behind as they made their way to the dorms. They could hear the commotion even before they reach their destination.

The dorms were large rooms with many bunk beds.

In the center of the second to last room, stood a boy. He was surrounded by the unconscious bodies of his roommates. At that particular moment, he was punching another boy's face in.

The doctor took a cautious step forward.

The boy's head snapped up in his direction. He dropped the other boy and stood. "Who are you?" he asked gruffly.

"That doesn't matter," the doctor snapped. "You're being moved from these dorms into the confinement space. If you don't come quietly, I'll have to use force."

The boy laughed. "You can try." At this, he lunged at the doctor.

Rosaria sighed. "If only these things wouldn't happen..." Almost lazily, she held out her hand, causing a wall of ice to spring up from the ground.

The doctor stumbled back, then scrambled away down the hall.

"How troublesome," Rosaria mumbled, releasing the wall of ice.

The boy grinned. "You seem like a worthy opponent. Why don't we see if I'm right?"

She sighed once more. "I'm not sure that's a wise decision." She stared at the ground. "You can feel it, can't you? I'm levels upon levels above you..."

His grin widened. "That's the point!" He launched himself toward her, aiming to throw a forceful punch.

She stepped to the side, easily avoiding his strike. "You're like a bull, unable to switch directions once you've charged."

He let out a frustrated growl. "Don't compare me to an animal!" He threw another punch, this time managing to land the hit.

Rosaria stumbled slightly but regained her balance quickly. She held out her hand, a staff made of ice forming from her fingertips. "Don't make me get serious," she snapped, her voice rising above its usual reserved volume. "I won't be so lenient with you, then."

He went in for a kick, only to be blocked by the staff. He threw punch after punch, each time getting blocked.

This exchange continued for a small while until Rosaria decided to stop.

She pointed her staff at his chest. "This is pointless," she muttered. "Please let me take you to the confinement rooms peacefully."

He grinned, grabbing the staff with both of his hands. "I don't think that's going to happen." He yanked it away with all of his strength, snapping it in two. Seeing that it caught Rosaria off guard, he used it as an opening to lunge at her again.

At this, all that was left of her patients crumbled. On any other day, she wouldn't have cracked this early. However, they'd run at least twenty tests on her that day, causing her to 'explode' much quicker.

Her blue eyes began to glow furiously, and the entire floor became slick with ice.

The boy fell to the ground. Slowly, ice began to cover his body.

"Surrender now or I will end you right here," she snarled.

He laughed. "Sure," he sneered. "If anything you'll—"

In one swift motion, she kicked him in the face. Her glare was even colder than the ice covering the room. "I believe I've made myself very clear."

He spat blood onto the ground in front of him. "Kill me then," he taunted. "You won't do it. I know you won't."

Despite herself, she was already starting to calm down. "You're right," she huffed. "I won't kill you. However, you managed to make me lose my temper. For that, I'll give you a reward." She released the ice around the room, only leaving handcuffs around the boy's wrist. "This is your reward," she explained. "You're alive and no longer in danger of freezing to death. You're smart, right? I'm sure you know better than to act up again."

He scowled. "Whatever. I could totally take you if I really wanted to..."

She smiled slightly. "Sure. Now, then, let's go. Oh, by the you mind telling me your name?"

"Mason," he mumbled.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mason. My name is Rosaria." She glanced at him. "Don't worry about remembering it, though. I hope we'll never have to meet again in these terms..."

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